"No, I'm just giving you a bigger stage to display your talents." Liu Xu shook his head, pointed at Molecule Beast and said, "Chaos is not the ultimate goal, my goal is the world tree?"

"World Tree? Yggdrasil 7D6?" Molecule Beast was taken aback, his head flickered, showing that he was operating at an overload, "Crazy, you are crazy... Do you know what the World Tree stands for? The World Tree is the nominal god of the Digital World, and there are Royal Knights loyal to it. Do you know how powerful the Royal Knights are? They...they..."

"You don't need to remind me how strong they are, you just need to break the 'wall of fire' according to your ideas, and leave the rest to me; of course, when I go to the real world, there are also worlds that need you Help, there is a Digimon of Emperor Limo, that is also a difficult opponent..." Liu Xu did not hide, and confessed his thoughts to Molecule Beast. For Molecular Beasts who pursue chaos, Liu Xu's thoughts Although it is crazy, but it is in line with his appetite, "How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me?"

He is very confident, because Liu Xu is very clear about Molecule Beast's thoughts, so there is no suspense about taking him down, and no matter how powerful Molecule Beast is, it is a fact that he has no fighting ability. The male ape beast can imprison him, so why not the blood-sucking monster? ?

He naturally understood such a simple truth, so Molecule Beast nodded fiercely.

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Chapter 920 Male Ape Beast, You Are Courting Death

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"Why did he come back?"

Suddenly, the camera captured the figure of Ceratosaurus, and Molecular Beast was very puzzled.

"Who? Male Ape Beast!" Liu Xu immediately guessed who made Molecular Beast feel troublesome.

"It's the idiot Male Ape Beast, isn't he going to deal with the children?" Molecule Beast's contact with Liu Xu is confidential, and there is no unexpected mistake on the way, "Could it be that the Male Ape Beast noticed that he was online Up to something tricky?"

Thinking about this in his mind, Molecule Beast didn't pause at all.

Interfering with the "Firewall" will rule the entire digital world, but its defenses are tight.

Guardians protect the firewall.

Although one of the kings of darkness, the Clown King, completely disappeared the guards, the defense system of the firewall is still in operation.

But that's okay, Molecule Beast is capable of reaching its goals.

He had successfully hacked into the system once, back when the Guardians were still active.

However, after all, the firewall is not so easy to break through.

Alarms echoed in the Molemon's ears, asking how he should handle the actions of the Apemon.

Molecule Beast took advantage of the break in work and entered a line of commands: "Destroy all invading enemies."



"Hey!" the male ape beast screamed furiously.

A laser cannonball flew out of the pyramid and blew his car to pieces, along with his glory, his joy.

"Fuck his [-]th generation molecular beast, what does he want to do? Beat me? Funny! I'll deal with him! This time I'll do it myself! I'll beat him to pieces last time, this time he'll become Real scrap iron!" The male ape beast issued an order to all the slave troops controlled by the black cable, "Let's go! Go!"

The battle was brutal.

The troops of the male ape beast suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining vitality could only march forward on the corpse.

At the same time, some tiles on the surface of the pyramid also began to fall off, and a small number of laser cannons were destroyed.

In the small room in the pyramid, Molecule Beast finally connected to the "firewall" system.

He was overjoyed and couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "Okay!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu said, "The male ape beast is attacking quickly."

But Molecule Beast didn't answer him, because connecting the system is not the final goal, he also needs to control the flames that make up the firewall.

"Hehe, just wait and see, you idiots." Molecule Beast's eyes turned red.

outside the pyramid.

"In this case, we will launch a kamikaze special attack!" the male ape beast commanded his subordinates.

Of course, the male ape beast just let his men go down to die.

The Digimon were controlled by the black cable, without their own thoughts, and launched a final charge to the pyramid according to the male apemon.

"What's that?" Liu Xu frowned, and a huge figure flashed by caught his attention. It was a guy covered in bandages all over his body.

The yellow sand was flying with the wind, and what was gradually approaching was a Digimon with a weird shape that looked like a mummy.

He is said to be weird because it would be fine if he only had the appearance of a mummy, but he even wore a blue pirate turban on his head and a submachine gun on his back impressively, which looked extremely trendy.

"Mummy beast!" Liu Xu has already recognized the opponent's identity, an undead Digimon wrapped in bandages like an Egyptian mummy, "The special skill is the 'snake-shaped bandage' that stretches the bandages on both arms like snakes and binds the enemy tightly." , The special move is to summon the undead to make the enemy die insanely, 'Necrophobia', it is a dangerous existence."

The mummy beast nicknamed "Necromancer" summons and manipulates the soul (residual data) of the exterminated Digimon, and the Digimon who was just killed by the missile attack staggered and stood up again.

From that silent expression, it is impossible to tell what he is thinking, and the Mummy Beast took out the usual gun "Obelisk (Obelisk)" and fired at the pyramid indiscriminately.

The energy attack flew straight towards the pyramid, leaving flickering lights in its wake.

"Oh! Soldiers, attack from there." The male ape saw that the obelisk's attack had left a big hole in the side wall of the pyramid, and couldn't help clapping its hands.

"Male ape beast, you are courting death!" Liu Xu snorted coldly and left the room.

The alarm was ringing, but Molecule Beast ignored it. His attention was all on the security system of the firewall, and Molecule Beast almost exhausted all its resources to deal with it.

If this continues, even if the system can be breached, the firewall can only be opened for a moment.


The mechanical monster spat out a dirty word.

"Try this!"

Molecular Beast pushed a button.

Success or failure is here.

In the pyramid, countless bats flew out, turning the blue sky that could have been seen into a dense black patch, just like dark clouds.

"Look, something is flying out?"

"what is that?"


"The bat...is the bat..."

Some Digimon have extremely sharp eyes, and countless bats are densely packed together, like a huge dark cloud.

"Who is it?" The male ape trembled, obviously frightened by the sudden change, "How dare you fight against me?"

After he took off his sunglasses, he realized that there was a cloud above his head, and the sky was already dark.

The male ape was wearing black sunglasses at that time, through the black sunglasses, he couldn't notice the situation in the sky at all.

"Vampire monster? Why don't you stay in the dark corner of your castle and come to my territory?" The male ape shouted angrily at the black bats in the sky.

"Hehe, I want to see my old friend, so I came to see you." From the crowd of bats, a chuckle came out.

"We're not friends! I know, you're responsible for the Molecule Beast, vampire monster, oh!" the male ape shouted, and a green sphere condensed in the palm of his hand.

The core of the green sphere condenses a huge dark energy luminous body.

"Dark Necrosphere!" Liu Xu's eyes froze.

"Whoosh!" The male ape beast made a strong right arm, and instantly threw the dark necromancer ball out, "Go to hell!"

The dark necromancer ball flew obliquely into the sky with a curved route, and smashed into the bat group.

The bat that resisted was instantly vaporized.

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Chapter 921

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

Hearing a loud "bang", I saw that the dark necromantic ball hit the bat group, and at the moment of the explosion, a green light, from the top to the bottom of the bat group, formed a green beam of light ten meters long. Devour the swarm of bats.

The powerful power instantly evaporated thousands of bats and Liu Xu among the bats.


Liu Xu felt the sudden explosion. Although it hit his body, he was intact. This is just an ordinary dark necromancer ball. With his strength, does he still need to hide?

However, the beating really hurts!

Liu Xu, who was flying high in the sky and stood still, said viciously to the male ape: "You want to defeat me because you have no power to evolve and transform? You are just dreaming!"

Although it didn't kill him, he still felt the pain.

The swarm of bats scattered, revealing Liu Xu's body, standing in the air, ferocious and evil.

"Blood-sucking monsters, we have never violated the waters of wells and rivers. What do you mean by doing this?" The male ape stood on the ground and asked loudly.

Liu Xu looked at the red fur of the male ape, and the thick arms could clearly see the stitches, as if he was sewn with needles. It looked like a toy.

"It's nothing interesting. It's just that my hands are itchy. I want to fight with you." Liu Xu said lightly. Although his voice was a little low, it kept echoing in the male ape's ears.

Liu Xu slowly flew down from the sky, the male ape looked cautious.

The nasty guy in front of him can be regarded as a conspiracy theory guy, and at the same time a very powerful Digimon. .

"What are you looking for me for?" The male ape took two steps back, seeing that his subordinates were afraid to attack the pyramid because they were afraid of the blood-sucking beast, only the mummy was still attacking, which made his face turn green.

"This damn guy, if he hadn't evolved for a longer period of time than me, I would have killed him long ago." The male ape thought arrogantly in his heart, and he was proud, with arrogance and dignity.

Although he knew he couldn't beat him, he still wanted to fight.

"Hand over the Molecular Beast." In Liu Xu's eyes, the light of conspiracy burst out.

"What do you want Molecular Beast to do?" The male ape beast was full of vigilance.

The Molecular Beast is an important tool for him to lay out the digital world, if it is snatched by the Vampire Monster, it would be a real loss to him.

"What do I want him to do, do I still need to ask you?" Liu Xu squinted his eyes, looked at the male ape, and at the same time began to emit powerful energy fluctuations, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

The male ape beast was taken aback, but his personality was also very arrogant, and he said angrily: "I really thought I was afraid of you! Mummy beast, kill him..."

As soon as the words fell, a snow-white figure rushed over, and a short submachine gun in his hand fired fiercely at him.

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