Before Liu Xu stepped forward to strike up a conversation, the fairy said with a leisurely smile: "I live above the sky of Lihen, in the sea of ​​sorrow, and I am Fangchun Mountain Sending Fragrance Cave too illusory to police the fairy fairy, who specializes in the wind of the world. Love Moon Debt, the woman who is in charge of the world resents men and is infatuated. Because of the recent wind. The environment is not far away, there is nothing else, only the volume of "Shuangxiu Secret Art", do you want to try it with me?"

Liu Xu's head was dizzy when he heard it, and he seemed to be possessed for a while, so he followed Xiangu to a place, and saw a stone tablet built horizontally in front of him, and wrote "Taixu Illusion".

In Xiangu's wing room, she secretly taught Yi about the cloud and rain, and the strange and ingenious skills in it are all extraordinary.

After teaching, Xiangu took the initiative to take off her clothes and started to fight Liu Xu.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was just to teach myself how to have sex. What's so difficult about it?

With a low growl, Liu Xu tried out what Xiangu taught him in actual combat, and tried it all over her.

When the clouds subsided and the rain rested, Xiangu stretched out her hand to push Liu Xu, and he rolled off the bunk, rolled, rolled and fell into the mortal world...

Liu Xu was shocked, as if his soul had returned to his place. He knew it must be caused by the Lancer e virus, but Liu Xu had to say: I like it.

Liu Xu bowed his head and closed his mouth on Xingzi's lips again. Through the contact of their mouths, a circulatory system was formed in their bodies.

The powerful and pure power in the body began to flow from the place where the two were united, and the close relationship between the two became a bridge of link.

Under the sky, in the lake, the rhythm of men and women, it seems that enchanting dancers are dancing in this gloomy night, and the moon has also hidden in the thick clouds, and there is only the melody of two people dancing together in the world .

At this time, Liu Xu seemed to be a satiated beast. He felt that the digitalized blood of Wukong beast absorbed by Molecular Beast had completely merged into his body, and there was no barrier.

It turns out that the dual cultivation secret technique also has this effect. Liu Xu closed his eyes and began to think carefully.

The external force absorbed is naturally not comparable to the power obtained by self-cultivation. Even if it can be fierce for a while, it will eventually damage the body. Those Digimon that have absorbed too much data, even if they can be proud of the sky for a while, most of them end up with chaotic systems and loss of wisdom. , become a mad beast.

The dual-cultivation secret technique just made up for this shortcoming, and Liu Xu can safely and boldly absorb the blood of Digimon in the future.

Digimon's blood is not real blood, but just a form of data, and the blood-sucking monster itself has the ability to decipher the core data in the blood, and it is the best combination with the double repair secret technique.

Xingzi also got great benefits. Of course, the weaker side benefited the most from the double practice. Just now, she had a double practice with Liu Xu, and her physical fitness has improved by as much as ten times.

Think about it, Liu Xu endured a lot of physical pain, which strengthened his physique ten times, but Xingzi completed the improvement of his physique just by patting comfortably, and his physical function has made a qualitative leap. Compared with the two, Liu Xu feels that he is It was really hard.

The double-cultivation secret technique can be advanced, attacked, retreated or defended, and is divided into: picking and tonic method and dual-cultivation skills.

As the name suggests, the method of picking and nourishing is used on opponents whose strength is higher than one's own, and can absorb the opponent's energy, while the dual cultivation method is to coexist harmoniously and make progress together.

If Xingzi had used the nourishing method just now, she would no longer be full of spring and infinitely satisfied, but pale and weak.

Knowing that the sudden desire to have sex was not due to any hidden dangers in his body, but because he had activated his hidden skills, Liu Xu finally felt relieved, and with the contented Xingzi, he turned into a swarm of bats that covered the sky and moved towards his body. Dark Castle flew away.

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Chapter 926 Training Tailu Beast

Liu Xu took Xingzi back to the castle of the vampire monster. After leaving the desert, because he was not in such a hurry as looking for the molecular beast, he finally had time to take a good look at the world.

The world of Digimon has beautiful scenery, including forests with exotic plants, endless yellow deserts, mountains, lakes, and vast oceans.

If it weren't for the fact that all the residents are Digimon, Digomon would almost think that this is a replica of Earth, of course it is the ancient version of Earth Lord.

On the way back, Liu Xu also KO'd some Digimons by the way, but they were all low-level Digimons like red dragons and green dragons, which didn't help his evolution.

After absorbing their data, there was no desire to have sex.

At the same time, the little devil is also rushing to the devil's castle.

Waving its bat-like black wings, the little devil beast covered its mouth and yawned. Its amber eyes were bright and agile, and the skull pattern on its forehead was not scary, but rather cute.

In fact, in the process of evolving from Digomon to Little Demon Beast, he encountered some problems.

At that time, it was being chased by a ferocious unknown Digimon, and that Digimon was staring at it with its bloody mouth wide open, and while chasing it effortlessly, it sighed: "I haven't eaten it for many years." Pork, labor and management don’t even remember the taste..."

At that time, Digemon's mood was very complicated, but before it came up to recognize its relatives, the other party directly slapped it down with its paw, crushing its fat body flat.

At that time, Digomon was like a seed burst...evolved!

At that time, the ferocious Digimon opened its mouth wide and watched it evolve from a fat little pig into a bat-shaped evil beast. Tears of sadness flowed from its big eyes, and it sobbed: "Bat... ...What's delicious! Aww... labor and capital want to eat meat!"

The little evil beast breathed a sigh of relief, flapped its wings and flew away.

Having spent a long period of infancy in the birthplace of Digimon, the little devil beast unconsciously tends to be young, and thus began its journey of fooling around, with the goal of becoming the "King of Darkness"!

This goal is so ambitious that in the future, the little devil beast who will grow up to be the right-hand man of the vampire beast, every time he recalls the naive one, he can't help crying silently at the moon... As for why he shed tears at the moon ?That's naturally because it has become a creature that can't see the light. Innocent spread his hands...

God knows why it wanted to grow into a bada beast, but it mutated and became a villain midway.

It's a pity that at this time, as the right-hand man of the vampire monster, it has been overwhelmed and there is no turning back.

For Digimon, evolution is a painful and long process. It not only needs to constantly hone oneself, but also needs the right timing in many cases.

It doesn't mean that you can evolve if you want to. After the little devil beast has been a little devil beast for a hundred years, he finally realized it.

Looking at the demon castle that has appeared on the horizon, the little demon beast has a feeling that the past is like a cloud of smoke!

At the gate of the Vampire Warcraft Castle, Liu Xu pushed open the gate, looking at the wide black gate exactly as he remembered in the anime.


The door was gradually pushed open by Liu Xu, and a group of bats flew out with flapping wings.

You must change the villa. Who wants to go home and see a lot of bats jumping out when the door is just opened!

In the cold hall of the castle, there stood a white kitten with its back facing him. It was a kitten that had evolved from Pupmon and became Tailmon.

Tilumon turned around when he heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

When she saw Liu Xu, Dilu Beast's eyes flickered, it was because she was subconsciously afraid.

"King of Vampire Beast, you are back!" Dilu Beast ran towards Liu Xu, but halfway through, her face changed abruptly, "Ah..."

At the same time, Dilu Beast stopped because she remembered something, an important thing.

I used to remind myself all the time, but when I suddenly saw Liu Xu, Dilu Beast forgot again. It's really...too bad...

"Devil's Blood Whip!" Liu Xu heard that Dilu Beast called him the King of Vampire Beasts instead of his own master, so he couldn't help shouting, stretched out his hand to grab it, and pulled out the long whip made of blood congealed from the void. , the wrist turned, and the long whip seemed to have eyes, and it was directly drawn towards Dilu Beast.

The long whip swung a circle in the air, and the head of the whip was like a poisonous snake spewing out letters, and it devoured the Dilu beast as fast as lightning.


Dilu beast screamed in fright. Last time, when Liu Xu was whipping her, Dilu beast could barely see the shadow of the whip. When the whip fell on him, it gritted its teeth and persevered, but this time, Dilu beast The whip was no longer visible at all, only Liu Xu waved his hand, and he received a whip on his body.

After Dilu Beast was beaten, there was a "slap" whip sound in the air.

The strength of the blood-sucking monster has become stronger, Dilu Beast thought sadly in his heart.


The whip whipped continuously, and Dilu Beast was whipped to death. Her big innocent eyes were full of sadness and self-pity, but deep in the pupils, there was also a sharp edge hidden.

"It seems that you really owe me a lesson!" Liu Xu had another feeling at this time, because when the devil's blood whip fell on Dilu Beast, she made a rippling cry of pain , falling in the ears, it turned out to be so enigmatic and pleasant to hear.

Last time, Puppymon's voice was that of Lolita, but now that she has evolved into Dilumon, her voice is fresh and natural with a sense of maturity.

On Dilu Beast's pure white jiao.kitten body, there were traces of crimson.

Liu Xu's power is well controlled, Di Lu beast only hurts but not hurts.

This is also because Liu Xu has fully adapted to his body after fighting Wukong Beast, and he is no longer bloody like last time.

Dilu Beast was mercilessly beaten by Liu Xu with the devil's blood whip. While feeling sad for herself, a flame of anger burned in her heart. She held back her tears and swore in her heart that one day she would defeat the vampire monster. Become a powerful Digimon, but in fact, at this time, Dilumon still hopes that he can survive...

"I'll say it again for the last time. I'll call me master in the future." Liu Xu couldn't help breaking up and twitched hard, feeling inexplicably comfortable.

"I know... I know, Master..." Dilu Beast said weakly with his head lowered.

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Chapter 927

"What a cute kitten!" Xingzi dared to speak when she saw that Liu Xu had received the devil's blood whip.

"Her name is Di Lu Beast." Liu Xu introduced.

With that said, he strode towards Dilu Beast.

Seeing the vampire monster coming towards her, Dilu Beast wanted to hide, but she didn't dare.

Liu Xu bent down and reached out to touch Dilu Beast. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

"Are you afraid of me?" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"No, no...Master..." Dilu Beast subconsciously refused to admit it, but after blurting out the words, he quickly called Master Liu Xu.

"I'm not afraid? I'm not afraid. Why are you so nervous about talking? Don't worry, I'm interested in a cat." Liu Xu smiled, reached out and pulled Xingzi in front of him, and put his hand in through the gap in her shirt , grabbed the pair of headlights in front of Xingzi Yuexiong, and smashed them hard, "When you become like this one day, I will be interested in you, hehe..."

Xingzi's pretty face flushed slightly, but she didn't resist Liu Xu's movements. Instead, she raised Yuexiong to make him feel more comfortable.

Liu Xu nodded in satisfaction. After grabbing Xingzi Yuexiong forcefully, he pulled his hand out of her Yuexiong's mouth and removed the yellow iron ring from Dilumon's tail. ,what is this?"

"Master, I don't know either." Dilu Beast has been deeply impressed by the matter of calling the vampire monster as the master twice now, "When I was born, this iron ring was on my tail. .”

Although Di Lumon didn't know what it was, she could vaguely feel that this iron ring was very important to her.

I remember that when I was still a cat and a beast, I met a red dragon that wanted to eat me. In the end, I activated a light force from the golden iron ring, which made me evolve into a puppy. The ring became a collar, and after evolving into Tailumon, the collar became an iron ring again.

So this Iron Ring Dilu Beast knows that it must not be lost, if it is lost, the consequences will be very serious.

"That's right, then show it to me, maybe I will recognize you." Liu Xu's voice was very flat, and there was no expression on his face that revealed his inner thoughts.

"This...Master, although I don't know what this iron ring is, I feel that I can evolve with it, so..." Dilu Beast didn't want to give the iron ring to the vampire monster.

"I just took a look, and I don't want you. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Liu Xu didn't speak in a pleasant manner, but had a cold face, with a fierce gleam in his eyes, "Show me what made you so angry." Is it difficult? If so..."

"No, it's not... It's just that without this iron ring, I can't help the master better, but since the master wants to see it, I will give it to you now..." Dilu Beast was startled, and saw Liu Xu With the cruel and evil madness in his eyes, knowing that he couldn't dispel his interest in the iron ring, he could only obediently take off the iron ring and hand it to him.

Playing with the sacred tail ring in his hand, Liu Xu smiled and said to Xingzi: "In view of your good performance, I want to give you a gift."

As he spoke, Liu Xu flicked his hand, and the sacred tail ring drew a golden trajectory in the air, and landed lightly in Xingzi's hand, which was hurriedly caught by her hand.

"Ah, master, you said you wouldn't rob me..."

Dilu Beast didn't expect Liu Xu to give Xingzi the sacred tail ring, and subconsciously rushed over to snatch it.

"That's right, I didn't want it, I wanted apricots!" Liu Xu moved, and appeared in front of Dilu Beast like a ghost, and punched out.

"Not easy to aim!"

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