
The flower fairy beast took light steps, stepped on the air step by step, and walked over from the air.

"If surrender is a dead end, then the only option is to fight hard!" Tai Yi roared vigorously.

He looks determined.

People who often watch Taiyi's football games know that even if they are behind by two or three goals, Taiyi's expression is always full of belief in winning, and in the end they can always overtake the score in a thrilling manner.

Taiyi is the kind of person who shows all his emotions and anger.

The children decide to believe in Taichi.

"Let's evolve!" Kokoro shouted.

Although the opponent is a perfect body, it is five against one after all, and there is always hope of winning, and the orc Garuru, like the flower fairy beast, is a perfect body.

"Bearmon evolves! Lionmon!"

"Gabmon evolves! Orc Garuru!"

"Beetlemon evolves! Bidomon!"

"Goma beast evolves! Sea lion beast!"

There are also tyrannosaurs that have evolved, everyone has evolved into a mature stage, and there is even a full-bodied orc Garuru who evolved into a full body during the battle with Liu Xu.


The flower fairies are in the sky, and they are on the ground.

air to ground.

Although Orc Garuru is powerful, he is a melee Digimon, while mature Digimons can attack in the air, but their power is too weak.

As soon as the battle started, the children ran away with their heads in their arms under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Huaxian Pao.

"Quick! Everyone go to the cave!"

The children all rushed through the water curtain of the waterfall and rushed into the cave behind. Their instinctive desire to survive made them hesitate.

According to Liu Xu's instructions, Huaxian Beast didn't push too hard, but just right, and finally Taiyi got the badge of courage.

"It's not easy being a bad guy!" Liu Xu wiped off his sweat, "This is just the first step."

Next, his plan is to let Taiyi take the wrong evolutionary route. If Taiyi becomes a bad person, then everyone will be his own.

I worked so hard for Jiaerjiang!

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Chapter 955

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"Molecule Beast, what's going on with Steel Wukong Beast?" Liu Xu still attaches great importance to Baal Beast, after all, it is a potential beast that can evolve into the Seven Great Demon King Digimon.

Molecular Beast summoned Steel Gokumon and his army of Digimons, who were stationed in a village at this time, and all Digimons were assembled and were listening to him singing.

"..." Liu Xu's forehead was throbbing with veins.

Su Na and Mei Mei couldn't help "giggling" and laughed coquettishly, the nervousness of seeing their companions being attacked by the flower fairy beast just now disappeared.

The demon girl wanted to laugh too, but she forced herself to hold back, while the mermaid kept a calm demeanor, and didn't find the point of the joke at all.



Liu Xu called Xingzi and asked her to take Su Na and Mei Mei to play outside.

"No!" Su Na shook her head.

"Be good, be obedient." Liu Xu smiled and patted her head.

"Then I'm going to play in the desert." Su Na thought for a while, the expedition to the pyramid castle has been completed, and some places are even more familiar than Liu Xu, after all, he has never visited comprehensively.

"No problem." Liu Xu looked at Meimei, "What about you?"

"I'm going to see the Sphinx." Meimei's destination was more specific.

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Xu muttered in a low voice. Although there are pyramids in the Digimon world, there may not be a sphinx, but it doesn't matter. If there is no one, just build one immediately.

"Mermaid Beast, take them there." Liu Xu sent away the two cute girls, and then asked Molecule Beast to turn on the communicator. He took a deep breath and said loudly: "Wukong Beast, I asked you to attack the Bagura Army. Beast army, capture the Baal beast, what are you doing now?"

"I'm having a concert!" Steel Wukong Beast was singing vigorously, when Liu Xu's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Concert? Open your sister!" Liu Xu said angrily, "Hurry up and do business for me."

"I'm just doing business! These guys are all the reconnaissance troops of the Bagura Army. They were captured by me. In order to thank me for rescuing them from the evil Bagura Army's rule, the villagers volunteered to be my soldiers." Fans strongly demand that I hold a concert, and if I don’t, I won’t be allowed to leave..."


This time, even the demon girl beast with super restraining power couldn't help it, and the steel Wukong beast is really good at it.

"You are probably the most shameless Digimon in the Digimon world!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes. If Steel Goku wasn't in front of him, he would definitely beat Steel Goku so hard that he didn't even recognize himself in the mirror. not come out.

No wonder Tang Seng wanted to put a magic spell on the monkey, it would be impossible not to wear it!

I just don't know if there is such a thing in the Digimon world?

Liu Xu looked unkindly and said, "I seem to have told you that your song is completely full of ears..."

Iron Wukong snorted coldly, stiffened its neck and said, "If you have the ability, you can sing a song. It's just a song without practice. It's not a divine song. You can lie to ghosts!"

"Sing and sing, you think my king is bragging! Cough..." Liu Xu straightened his voice, opened his throat and sang: "I think I have to leave. When I was about to leave, I saw a specialty store, that is The skate shoes I want, my skate shoes are the most fashionable and fashionable, on the way home I can't help it, rub, rub, rub on this smooth floor..."

Steel Wukong was originally disdainful, but when Liu Xu sang the song "My Skate Shoes", he was completely stunned. Although he has no musical talent, his ability to imitate is absolutely super strong. After saying it once, he sang along.

"It's a beautiful moment in my life, I'm going to finish my favorite dance, in this beautiful moonlight, on this beautiful street, I tell myself it's real, it's not a dream, one step, two steps, one step, two steps, Step by step like minions, devil's steps, touch, touch, touch, touch on this smooth ground like devil's steps, devil's steps..."

As Steel Goku sang "My Skate Shoes", the whole sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and the Digimons below were completely messed up, but Steel Goku didn't care about them, but sang on its own Then, the sound became louder and louder, and the electronic signal was greatly disturbed. Molecule Beast hastily mobilized more satellites to look over it, but there were still many snowflakes on the screen.




Thunder and lightning as thick as a water tank continued to strike, and the whole village was shrouded in the attack of lightning, as if it was a world of lightning.

The steel Wukong beast holds a microphone in its hand, is emotionally excited, roars to the sky, and shows its madness.

The song is over.

The whole village has been destroyed, and some of the Digimon on his side have also been lost. The rest of the Digimon looked at the Iron Goku with fearful eyes. , found that there was an additional skill of Mie Shen Lei Yin.

Ultimate Skill: God Destroying Lei Yin, using Divine Comedy as an attack method, the more shocking the Divine Comedy, the stronger the attack power (Note: Different Divine Comedies have different ways of expression.)

"My Skate Shoes" is a lightning attack. As for why it is lightning, Liu Xu thought about it for a long time, and finally figured it out. Touch the lightning!

"Boss, I am completely convinced today, please accept my knee!" Iron Wukong knelt on the ground forcefully, because of too much force, his knee smashed two pits into the stage.

Digimons stronger than him may not necessarily be able to subdue Steel Gokumon, but Liu Xu's Divine Comedy really completely conquered his Ma Qiaoao's ambition.

Liu Xu looked at the steel Wukong beast kneeling and offering its knees, and suddenly thought of Tatsumi, wondering if he and Brand are living a happy life with chrysanthemums and flowers...

On the other side, let's say that Tai and his party are struggling in the vast desert at this time after escaping from the pursuit of the water-discharging flower fairy beast.

Billowing yellow sand danced around the children with the wind, and the scorching sun scorched the ground hot.

Each of them was filthy, the sweat from their bodies was dried by the sun, leaving white and salty stains on their clothes and sticky dirt on their skin.

The water vapor in the air trembled slightly under the scorching golden crow, and the distant scenery also moved accordingly.

The children were tired and thirsty, their bodies stink, their shoes seemed to be melted by the ground, and the scenery in front of them began to blur.

A few days have passed since the battle with the Flower Fairy Beast. After they rushed through the hole with the Rolling Ball Beasts, the big stone reappeared immediately, blocking the passage.

The Flower Fairy Cannon of the Flower Fairy Beast could destroy the entire Rolling Ball Village, but it didn't break the stone wall and rush over.

According to Koshiro's explanation, this may be because the hole is actually a portal.

Everyone is already in another place far away from the village.

Chapter 956 Ancient Roman Colosseum

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"Isn't the flower fairy beast a beautiful Digimon?"

The children had great doubts in their hearts. After escaping from the chase of the flower fairy beast, they finally had time to discuss this issue.

"Yeah, why did she attack us?"

"It must be controlled by a vampire monster."

Even if they were thinking about it, they would never have imagined that Liu Xu turned the flower fairy beast into his own woman. How could they, three-dimensional brats, know such an evil thing, and it would be obvious to other nerds at a glance. This is the gap!

"How much longer do we have to go?"

"Until we find a place where flower fairy beasts can't find us."

"Is there such a place?"

"Everyone is a little discouraged."

Seeing their lack of fighting spirit, Tai thought, he had to find a way to cheer them up.

Turning around, Taiyi said: "Everyone come here! Look, remember, we still have this at least."

Taiyi proudly held up the badge of courage he got in the Rolling Ball Village. He felt as if he was the first to buy the latest IPAD2.

The sun in the sky also seemed to sprinkle congratulatory light on him, but the eyes of the other children were gloomy.

Some people wonder if this gadget can help them defeat the flower fairy beast, some people are jealous of Taiyi, and some people feel very disappointed because they know that without the badge for further evolution, they will hold back the entire team.

But Tai hadn't noticed yet.

Taichi just felt that everyone must be very tired, he was a little overconfident and naive.

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