Grasping Liu Xu's arm, Denisa jumped up again and landed where she had been before.

It took Dinessa less than two seconds to make the shot and rescue Liu Xu, a speed that made the robbers unable to react.

After successfully bringing Liu Xu out of the encirclement, Denisa said, "Don't be complacent, I didn't come here to save you on purpose, I'm just interested in you."

After reacting, the robbers all jumped up in anger, and even rushed over at the leader's order.

Grasping Liu Xu's arm, Denisa jumped up suddenly, and the two of them stood on the trunk of a towering old tree.

Looking at the staring robbers on the ground a hundred meters away, Denisa leaned against the old tree and said slowly: "From the time I met you until now, I still don't understand your identity. Oh, yes, I Ask a very polite question first. Boy, what's your name?"

Hearing this question, Liu Xu felt something was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't speak for a while.

After coughing dryly, Liu Xu said, "My name is Liu Xu, I remember I said it when I introduced myself before."

"This name is really weird." It's normal for Dinessa to feel strange, because Liu Xu's name is Chinese, while Dinessa's name is European and American.

After a while, Denisa said: "Since you know about the male great sword, you must also know the characteristics of the great sword, silver pupils, golden hair, and a shameful scar on the moon's mouth that will never disappear in this lifetime. But Well, your hair is black, your pupils are dark brown, and you don't have any scars on your body. So at first glance, you don't fit the characteristics of a male sword. However, my sense of evil spirit tells me that you are half human Half demon."

Half human, half demon?

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched with difficulty and said, "Why do I feel that you are getting more and more entangled?"

"I just want to find out why you don't have the characteristics of a male great sword, but you have the same physique as a male great sword." After a pause, Denisa said: "Unlock 10% demon power, let me see if your pupils can Discoloration."

"will not."

"Can't even unlock the demon power?"

"How about you be my master?"

"Soldiers in the organization don't accept apprentices." Crossing her hands before and after Yuexiong, Denisa squinted at the robbers who were already leading the horses, and said: "According to my guess, they will go to ransack the town soon. According to my guess, although you can kill a single monster, you can't do anything against so many robbers. So, my conclusion is that if you can't unlock the monster power, then you can't protect what you want protector."

"Actually, I don't want to be your apprentice, anyway, as long as you teach me how to release the demon power."

Smiling, Denisa said: "If you haven't met a monster or warrior with strong sensitivity, you are actually an ordinary person. But there are countless monsters all over this continent, and there are warriors in 47 regions. Some awakened ones. So, you are destined not to be able to live like an ordinary person. Liu Xu, tell me, if you can become stronger, what do you want to do?"

"Protect the people you want to protect."

Seeing Liu Xu's straightforward answer, Dinisha smiled even sweeter, and asked back: "Don't you want to bully others when you have power?"


When Denisa frowned, Liu Xu added: "Bully those who should be bullied, help those who should be helped, and use your own strength to defend the justice in your heart until the day you can no longer wield weapons."

When it comes to shouting slogans to show determination, Liu Xu is definitely one set.

Looking at the slightly swaying leaves above, Denisa said: "As far as warriors are concerned, if you release 10% of your demon power, the color of your pupils will change; when you release 30%, your face shape will change; when you release 50%, your body will also change. If it exceeds 80%, it will never change back."

"I know this, but I don't know how to release the demon power."

"It seems that you do know a lot about warriors." Smiling, Denisa continued: "In the first life and the second life, there is no one I want to know, you are the first .Although you are young, you know a lot about warriors, even the earliest male warriors. Now you even know about releasing demon power. But you don’t know how to release demon power. You still don’t know how to release demon power. What a mystery."

"Hurry up and teach me to release the demon power." Liu Xu was extremely uncomfortable with the feeling of not having any power in his body now.

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Chapter 1010 This is a face-seeing world

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"If you really learn how to release the demon power, you will be even more dangerous. Even if you are not awakened, there is a demon energy flowing in your body. Once you release the demon power frequently, you will be captured by demons or soldiers, and you will be killed instead. about you."

"The big sword should only hunt monsters and awakened ones, and I don't belong to these two."

"The era of male fighters has long ended, and because male fighters have a very short stable period, they become awakened by accident. So if the organization knows your existence, they will recognize you as a male fighter who is about to awaken. Then, There are two possibilities, one is that you were killed by ordered soldiers, and the other is that you were brought back to the organization for in vivo research. Perhaps, there is another possibility that you were killed by a monster with a very strong sensory ability as a male sword .”

After listening, Liu Xu really felt that he was very hard!

Regardless of whether he is awakened or not, he may be hunted down or researched by the so-called organization, and even more likely to be attacked by demons.

It's like watching some martial arts movies, the male protagonist is not tolerated by the righteous way and the evil way, and has to be the enemy of the good and the evil.

In this way, Liu Xu, who has the blood of the nine infants in his body, must increase his combat power in the shortest possible time to deal with the possible big swords or monsters, but after thinking about it again, he is now a dead person (dead body). It doesn't seem like a big deal to die once, isn't it possible to reincarnate as a lich or something?

A lich is a powerful undead creature with powerful power and a special life form. It has the ability to peek at beautiful women and take a bath (spiritual body travels without obstacles). Apart from... being ugly, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. can still talk about being ugly!

Nima, this is a world that depends on faces.

Uh, by the way, isn't Denisa just a big sword?

"Dinisha, you are the great sword, why don't you report my affairs to the organization, or take me back directly?"

Exhaling heavily, Denisa said, "Because at least you are still human, and I know you have someone you want to protect."

Seeing that the robbers had already mounted their horses and rushed towards the town, Denisa said: "After becoming warriors, we all have to undergo extremely strict and cruel training. Training is not only to improve our combat effectiveness, but also to strengthen our body and mind. Become far stronger than humans. Only with a strong heart can you cope with the murderous desire and hunger brought by the release of demon power."

"Don't tell me this now, I just want to save them, so just tell me the way!"

"You still don't understand what I mean?"

After turning his mind rapidly, Liu Xu immediately bent down and shouted: "Thank you, I will definitely work hard."

"I will teach you, not for anything else, but because you want to protect others." After a pause, Denisa added: "However, it will not happen overnight to freely release the demon power, so in the next period of time, you will You have to stay with me. As for the split time, it depends on your potential. Let me tell you first, I am not taking you as an apprentice, I am just teaching you something. If you meet other fighters, it is up to you whether you live or die. None of my business."

"Then what should I call you?" After a pause, Liu Xu said, "It's not very polite to call you by your name directly. How about I call you sister Dinessa?"

"It's up to you, as long as you feel comfortable, you can call hello. Now I will take you back to the town, and then it's up to you whether I can save them. Anyway, we soldiers can't kill humans, so at most I just watch from the sidelines." play."

"Many thanks!"

Grabbing Liu Xu's shoulder, Denisa led him and jumped to the ground, then her figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.

In less than a minute, Denisa brought Liu Xu back to the small town of Pisford.

After letting Liu Xu do what she wanted to do, Dinisha jumped and stood on the top of a tall building, and then sat aside and looked at Liu Xu who was still standing there motionless.

According to Liu Xu's estimation, the robbers would arrive in about five minutes, and he might be able to make everyone escape within five minutes.But in that case, the small town that everyone depends on for survival is likely to be burned down.And ah, the robbers are all on horseback, and the townspeople who don't run too far are likely to be chased and killed.

That being the case, why not fight with them!

After making up his mind, Liu Xu shouted while running, telling all the living people to come out quickly.

In about eight minutes, the gang of robbers appeared at the entrance of the town.

After entering the town, the bandit leader noticed Denisa sitting on the roof, and he laughed loudly: "Even if you save that kid! You can't save other people! Kill everyone who comes down! Fuck the women of the town in front of you!"

Although she frowned, Denisa still smiled faintly and ignored the arrogant leader.

With the roar of the leader, all the robbers raised their torches and rushed forward, trying to burn all the nearby houses.

At this time, Liu Xu was walking out of the house not far away, waved to the robbers, and made a very handsome scissors hand.

Seeing Liu Xu, the leader yelled like a chrysanthemum was exploded: "Fuck him to death first!"

After shouting, the leader raised his head again and shouted: "If you help him again! I will make you die ugly!"

Hearing this, Denisa said calmly: "This battlefield belongs to you and them, and I will not participate, but I think you will lose this time, and the loss will be ugly."

"Wait later and watch me chop off his hands and feet!"

Hearing the leader's extremely unpleasant words, Liu Xu's eyes became a little cold, and he even wanted to chop off the damn leader's hands and feet, but before that, Liu Xu had to deal with these fourteen subordinates first. .

No matter who it is, Liu Xu will find the right person and repay that person for his care...

After they approached, Liu Xu quickly retreated into the house and closed the door.

"Don't set fire!" the leader shouted, "I want to live!"

After the big man kicked open the door, the robbers poured in.

Seeing that Liu Xu was already standing at the turn of the stairs leading to the second floor, they ran away angrily.

After gesturing to the townspeople surrounding the stairs on the second floor to let them hide, Liu Xu raised his long wooden stick and stared coldly at the robbers.

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Chapter 1011

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To be honest, every bandit here hated Liu Xu very much. The main reason was, of course, that he had been saved by the big sword, so now they were like hungry wolves who saw the little elk and wanted to eat Liu Xu alive.

However, these low IQ robbers had no idea that they were walking into the trap set by Liu Xu.

The stairs were very narrow, and at most three people could walk side by side, but some of these robbers were sideways, so the five robbers squeezed up together and brandished their swords to attack Liu Xu.

After resisting a few times casually, Liu Xu was deliberately beaten off by them, and then ran to the second floor pretending to be very scared.

Seeing this, the robbers became even more unscrupulous.

As soon as Liu Xu ran up to the second floor, more than a dozen townspeople who had prepared earlier poured down buckets of diesel fuel. The robber's skin was immediately burned to the point where the diesel fuel splashed on it. The faces were all ruined, so they just kept barking and backing away like crazy.

But, the stairs were already narrow, and the robbers panicked and pushed each other. As a result, no one retreated safely to the first floor, and all of them were disfigured by the hot diesel.

"You come!"

After receiving the torch from the restaurant owner, Liu Xu threw it down.

With more miserable wailing, all fourteen robbers became people of fire, and the wooden stairs also caught fire.

However, there are stairs leading to the first floor on the second floor and the other side, so everyone went down to the first floor one after another, still holding hoes or rakes and staring at the robber who was being roasted, intending to use some possible Kill all the robbers who will escape.

"You will be in charge of a few of them, and I will deal with the leader outside."

After the grateful townspeople nodded, Liu Xu picked up a thick rope and walked out.

Hearing the screams before, the bandit leader really wanted to run in to see what happened, but he was afraid of being tricked, so he waited outside.

Seeing Liu Xu walking out, the bandit leader's face became ugly, but he still bravely shouted: "Get my brothers out!"

Liu Xu put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Sorry, the dishes are not cooked yet, you can eat them after they are cooked."

"Bastard!" The bandit leader immediately pulled out his saber.

Staring at the saber with stitching marks on its surface, Liu Xu knew that his guess was correct. This bandit was the bastard who bullied Claire and Denisa in "The Great Sword".

But to Liu Xu's relief, both Claire and Denisa were spared from the humiliation of the robbers because of his time travel.

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