Liu Xusheng's arm strength was almost the same as Sophia's, so whenever there was a frontal attack, it was difficult for Pricia to catch the attack, and Pricia even hurt her shoulder because of it.

That was when she blocked the attack horizontally and couldn't completely block the iron sword. After the iron sword pressed her giant sword, the iron sword cut her shoulder.

Of course, Priscia, who realized that Liu Xu's attack strength was extraordinary, chose to dodge tactics.

The so-called evasion tactics are to use the characteristics of one's own high-speed movement to avoid attacks, and then dodge to the position where the opponent's defense is the lowest to attack.

Liu Xu and Priscia each had their own advantages, but these advantages were not enough for either side to win, so the two fell into a fierce battle.

With a violent jump, Liu Xu slashed at Priscia from the front.

After avoiding the attack, Priscia appeared behind Liu Xu.

Priscia was about to cut off Liu Xu's waist with a sword, but Liu Xu who turned over and jumped had already appeared behind Priscia.

However, Liu Xu immediately stopped the attack he was about to launch, and then quickly dodged back. Thousands of sword marks appeared where he was originally, and the dust was flying.

After standing firmly, Liu Xu stared at Yinili who was standing on the branch.

In order to kill Liu Xu with the greatest potential, Yinili even took off her combat uniform, so at this time, Yinili was wearing nothing.

The tall figure coupled with that cold face made Liu Xu swallow his saliva.

After attacking continuously for more than ten minutes, Priscia's breathing was already a little anxious, and she stared at Liu Xu when she was not in a hurry to attack.

The reason why Priscia and Yinili didn't attack is very simple, that is, both of them are looking for a way to kill with one blow.

As for Liu Xu, he had no intention of killing Yinili or Priscia at all, he also wanted to bring them into the harem, so he didn't think about how to kill each other, but quietly admired Yinili's vitality A perfect female body.

Since Yinili was standing on a tree branch, Liu Xu could clearly see her below. He really wanted to defeat Yinili, and then accepted her.

But if that step is really reached, Yinili will definitely choose to awaken.

In Liu Xu's view, it doesn't matter if it's a human or a monster, but what he dislikes the most is that after becoming an awakened person, he has to eat the internal organs of living things, especially human internal organs.

If you can feed off your internal organs, awakening is not a big deal.

Because there are many beauties in the blood race, but they drink blood, so they feel superior to others by nature.

Only Liu Xu, a freak, is not interested in flesh and blood as a dead body, and only wants to have sex with girls.

Just like that, the three of them stood there quietly.

Looking at Liu Xu coldly, Yinili said, "Prisia, go find Sophia."

"Why?" Priscia frowned.

"You can take Sophia's head in a few strokes, and you'll come back later."

"I won't let you do what you want!" Liu Xu said viciously.

After jumping to the ground, Yinili, whose snow peak was shaking a few times, said softly: "This male awakened person cares about Sophia very much, so if you bring Sophia's head here, he will be in a mess, and then he will be in chaos." Good to kill him."

"Yinili, you made a mistake." After a pause, Priscia said: "He is not an awakener."

After Priscia reminded her, Yinili finally realized it.

The body of the awakened person will generally undergo a very large transformation, and may even become more animal-like.And Liu Xu's current state is that he has liberated 50% of his demon power, and his pupils, appearance, and arms have changed, and he has not awakened at all.

Realizing this, Yinili not only gasped.

According to Yinili's estimation, there are not many people who can tie with Priscia who has liberated 10% of her demon power. Definitely not an opponent.

Unless, Yinili also chooses to awaken!

For Yinili, awakening is an extremely terrifying thing.

Awakening means that she can't even be half a human, and will completely become a monster, a monster that feeds on human internal organs, which she absolutely does not want to happen.

Therefore, without awakening, even if the demon power is released to nearly 70%, Yinili can't defeat Liu Xu.

The reason is very simple, the other party can release the demon power recklessly and show the posture of an awakened person!

Yinili just wanted to ask Prissia to hunt Sophia, but after realizing that Liu Xu was so powerful before becoming an awakened person, Yinili dismissed the idea.

The best way now is to hunt Liu Xu before he becomes an awakened one. If he became so angry because of Sophia's death that he became an awakened one, it would be very difficult to hunt him down.

After all, compared with warriors, awakened people have made a qualitative leap in all aspects!

Adjusting her breathing, Yinili said, "Prisia, how much demon power have you liberated at most?"

"As it is now."

After hearing that, Yinili frowned.

Priscia has hardly participated in actual combat, and the demon power has only been released by 10% at most, so if Priscia is forcibly released to 50%, Priscia may not be able to control the storm-like demon power. When Priscia woke up, things became serious.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, Yinili shouted: "Kill him as soon as possible!"

Yinili and Priscia wanted to kill Liu Xu, but he had no intention of killing Yinili and Priscia at all, and the starting point of the two parties was completely different.

After Yinili, the captain, gave the order, Priscia immediately ran towards Liu Xu, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Liu Xu had been admiring Yinili's proud body curves before, and by the way, he was thinking about the sweet plot of having sex with Yinili, so when Priscia suddenly appeared in front of him and cut off hard, Liu Xu suddenly There is no reaction.

After reacting, Liu Xu immediately raised his iron sword.

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Chapter 1064 Sister Di, I Love You

Even if Priscia exerted all her strength, after absorbing Sophia's strength, Liu Xu easily blocked the attack and kicked Priscia in the abdomen.

Raising her knee suddenly, Priscia pushed Liu Xu's foot away.

Priscia was about to attack again, but Liu Xu fell a hundred meters away after a few somersaults.

At this moment, Liu Xu was very excited. Liberating 50% of the demon power made him experience the feeling of being a strong man again. He even felt that the blood of Nine Infants and Dinisha in his body were boiling.

With a somewhat ferocious face, he even wanted to continue to release the demon power, and suppress Priscia and Yinili with even stronger power.

However, Liu Xu is still awake, he knows that once awakened, it will be difficult to turn back.

Seeing that Priscia couldn't beat Liu Xu, Yinili stepped aside to Priscia and said, "Attack together, you are responsible for cutting off his back, and I am responsible for the front and sides."


After answering, Priscia turned into a phantom again.

Predicting that Priscia would stay directly behind, Liu Xu prepared to avoid it, but he also predicted that the high-speed sword used by Yinili would block the front, left, and right directions, so he jumped immediately without daring to stay too long. rise.

After jumping more than ten meters, Liu Xu fell to the front, and Priscia and Yinili both appeared in the position where Liu Xugang was.

Without stopping any longer, Priscia pushed towards Liu Xu again.

However, the attacks of Priscia and Yinili were still predicted by Liu Xu.

Realizing that Liu Xu determined the attack position through the perception of the demon power, Yinili said: "Prisia, suppress the demon power, and don't use the demon power when attacking."


"His perception of demon power is on par with yours. Once you use your demon power, he can predict your attack."

After hearing this, Priscia immediately suppressed the demon power, and the color of her pupils immediately became normal.

As for Yinili, even if her attack is predicted, it’s not a big deal, because using a high-speed sword requires the use of demon power. If she doesn’t release the demon power, she will be predicted to attack, and she will be predicted if she releases the demon power. It’s better to release the demon power, at least Attack speed and strength will be increased.


Even if the demon power is not released, Priscia's running speed will not weaken, because her own agility is very high, so she still approaches Liu Xu like a phantom.

Once Priscia suppressed the demon power, Liu Xu couldn't determine Priscia's location, which made Liu Xu half blind.In addition, Yinili's hand becomes longer in an instant and she uses a high-speed sword.Liu Xu's original home position was deprived at this moment, so when he blocked the high-speed sword, Priscia suddenly appeared on his right.

After Priscia stopped and attacked, Liu Xu noticed Priscia.


With Liu Xu's scolding, a bloody gash was cut on his right arm.

If he hadn't avoided it in time, his entire arm would have been chopped off by Priscia.

Before Liu Xu could stand still, the ghostly Priscia appeared behind Liu Xu.

Feeling a pain in his back, Liu Xu knew he was being attacked by Priscia again.

Denisa once said that if you learn to perceive demon power, you will only be afraid of two kinds of enemies.

One is that the demon power is too strong, even if it is predicted, there is no way to defend or attack; the other is to suppress the demon power as if it is useless.

Priscia falls into the latter category.

Therefore, Liu Xu, who had no way of predicting Priscia's attack, suffered from it, and after he released 50% of his demon power, his agility still couldn't compare with Priscia's, not to mention Yinili's suppression he!

After fighting several times, Liu Xu found that he seemed to have become weaker all at once.

Even though he realized that it was because Priscia had suppressed the demon power, Liu Xu had no choice but to back up again and again, and after suffering multiple injuries, Liu Xu released the demon power to 60%!

Just as Priscia and Yinili were about to attack, a burst of purple demonic energy suddenly surged, forcing them to retreat.

After liberating 60% of the demon power, Liu Xu breathed heavily. He always felt that Yuexiong's mouth was very depressed, and the demon power kept leaking out, as if his body couldn't bear it anymore. The impulse of demon power!

Thinking that Liu Xu wanted to wake up, Yinili shouted: "Prisia! Cut off his head before he wakes up!"

Priscia rushed forward without saying anything, and Yinili's arms had grown rapidly, and her high-speed sword was used so superbly that even the dust on the ground was flying!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu murmured: "This is power. Power makes me a little hungry. It hints that I should continue to release the demon power, but I won't awaken it!"

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, Priscia had appeared behind him, slashing at his neck with a sword.

At the same time, Yinili's high-speed sword is approaching from the front!

Liu Xu was addicted to the taste of power, and his defense power dropped to the extreme in an instant, so even if he suddenly woke up, it would be impossible to avoid the attack!

Just when Liu Xu thought that his head was about to be chopped off, and his predecessor might be cut to pieces by a high-speed sword, Dinisha suddenly appeared directly above, and slashed on Priscia's giant sword with one blow, forcing Priscia to Had to let go.

After Priscia's giant sword fell to the ground with a clang, Denisa who fell to the ground immediately swung the giant sword, blocked Yinili's high-speed sword, and kicked Liu Xu away.

"Sister Di, I love you!" Although Liu Xu was kicked away by Di Nisha, he laughed loudly in the air.

Seeing that it was Denisa, Yinili's face became very ugly, but she did not stop using the high-speed sword.

Yinili has made her arms longer, so her right arm is invisible to the naked eye, and the giant sword is still in the scabbard, but the real giant sword is actually attacking Denisa.

As for Denisa, her greatsword did not appear to be unsheathed either, but was also swung by her immobile arm.

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