If Priscia is still an awakened person and has not lost her memory, it would be very dangerous for Claire as a human to stay with Priscia.

"Brother! Sister, she's awake!"

Hearing Claire's cry, Liu Xu ran upstairs as if being pricked by a needle.

As soon as he opened the door, Liu Xu saw the terrified Priscia huddled in the corner, trembling.

Her pitiful eyes seemed to be hurt at any time, and there were even tears in her eyes.

Just by looking at that look, Liu Xu knew that Priscia had lost her memory.

So he walked over immediately, and said with a smile: "Prisia, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. This is my sister Claire next to you, and I'm her brother Liu Xu, you can also call me in the future elder brother."

Walking in front of Priscia, Liu Xu, who was still a little worried, applied.

It took a full half a minute before Priscia stretched out her snow-white arm, gently held Liu Xu's hand, and murmured, "Brother."

Hearing Priscia's soft voice, Liu Xu, who was kneeling on the ground with one foot, hugged her into his arms and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you well in the future."

Smelling Liu Xu's breath, Priscia swallowed and said, "Brother, your body smells so good, I'm so hungry."

Before Liu Xu could react, he felt a pain in his shoulder.

Grabbing Priscia's arm and pushing it back violently, Liu Xu saw that his shoulder was bitten with very deep tooth marks, but no blood came out yet.

Looking at Priscia who was swallowing saliva with horror in her eyes, Liu Xu realized that she wanted to eat people, and was so startled that she broke out in a cold sweat.

Liu Xu thinks that Priscia looks more beautiful after awakening, especially the long dark brown hair that looks like an oriental beauty, and her exquisite body, but the most unacceptable thing for Liu Xu is that Priscia has become Became a man-eating demon.

For all fighters, it is not terrible to be an awakened person, what is terrible is that the awakened person must feed on human beings.

Many fighters hope to become stronger and stronger, but they don't want to become awakened ones.

Because soldiers basically regard themselves as human beings, so of course they don't want to become human-eating monsters.

Therefore, Liu Xu didn't know what to do for a while, especially when he looked at Priscia who was so pitiful and kept swallowing.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Go down first and tell them that no one can come up without my order."

"Who are you asking not to come up?" Roya was already standing at the door, with his hands folded on his chest, "Obviously, compared with yours, Priscia's recipe seems to be different."

Speaking of this, Roallo pulled out the huge sword, pointed the tip at Priscia, and snorted, "Then, she should be wiped out."

"I have a way to restrain her."

"Tell me."

"Sleep with her."


"Sleep with her."


Luo Yalu's face was blushing and he was puzzled.

Staring at Luo Yalu, Liu Xu explained: "In Kaijiali's space, I have gained the ability to devour. Every woman who is swallowed by me will lose her power within a day or two. So, if I My estimate is correct, when I devour Priscia's power, Priscia should not want to eat people within a day or two."

"Then you mean you have to sleep with Priscia every two days?"

"No way, to save her."

"Sounds really hard enough."

When Luo Yalu said this, Sophia also walked in.

Knowing that Liu Xu wanted to sleep with Priscia in order to delay Priscia's desire to eat people, Sophia felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything, because she could see that he still cared about Priscia. .

Liu Xu was afraid of being bitten by Priscia, and even more afraid that she would not listen to him, so Liu Xu asked Sophia, who was stronger, to stay and let Rojalu take Claire down.

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ps: I recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players"!

Chapter 1087 Absorbing the Power of Priscia

Later, Liu Xu asked Sophia to grab Priscia's shoulders to ensure that Priscia would not bite people everywhere.

Biting is actually nothing, but Sophia can't stand the thought of the cute Priscia biting a human's chest and then eating the bloody internal organs.

So, rather than turning Priscia into a demon-like existence, Sophia hopes that Priscia can live like a human being.

Priscia has lost her memory, so as long as she can't eat human internal organs, she is actually similar to a human.

Liu Xu took off all his clothes in front of Sophia, but he didn't have any bad thoughts in his heart, and he didn't know if it was because Liu Xu wanted to save Priscia instead of getting Puli. West Asia.

When Priscia awakened before, her battle suit was torn, so she is naked now.

"Brother, I'm so hungry."

Hearing this, Liu Xu said, "Sophia, put Prissia's hands on her. Remember, she might want to bite your hands, so you have to be careful."

"Is it okay to force?"

"Have you thought of a better way?"

Being asked such a rhetorical question, Sophia didn't know what to say.

Seeing Sophia's expression was a bit ugly, Liu Xu said: "There is no way. If I talk to Prissia first, I will probably be bitten and riddled with holes. Think about that scene, It’s just that I tried my best to please Priscia, and then kissed Priscia, but if she wanted to eat the internal organs, she would bite my mouth open.”

After Liu Xu explained this, Sophia figured it out, and then she put Priscia flat on the bed with great strength.

Perhaps because of amnesia, Priscia basically didn't struggle, but stared at Liu Xu in horror, and kept calling her brother, or she was very, very hungry.

While shouting, Priscia would stare at Sophia who was bending over.

If it wasn't for Sophia's pressure, Priscia might have already bit it.

After separating Priscia's legs, Liu Xu acted...


Hearing Priscia's voice, Luo Yalu said very depressed: "Hey, let me tell you two, I never thought that there would be such a scene. If Liu Xu's approach is feasible, then I will see my companion awaken in the future Don't you want to catch your companion and let Liu Xu go to Japan?"

"Be civilized." Denisa said.

"I think I'm already very civilized, at least I didn't say fuck it?"

"You've already said it."

"Hey!" With a long sigh, Roallo said: "The incubation period for Denisa's awakening is very long, because you basically don't use demon power. But Yinili's high-speed sword can only be used after releasing demon power, and I often have to liberate demon power. So Speaking of which, Yinili and I will become awakened one day sooner or later. Could it be that we two have to do that kind of thing with Liu Xu in order to survive?"

"It seems..." Yinili said with a blank face: "It seems that you like that kind of thing very much. Didn't you have a good time watching it just now, do you still miss them?"

When Yinili said this, Roalou's face turned red like a tomato, and she even snorted: "Although I am a warrior, I am still a woman in essence, and it is normal to want to join."

"By the way, Rojalu." Looking at Rojalu, Denisa asked, "When you wanted to join them, did you feel like a human being?"

Luo Yalu thought that Denisa was trying to tease her, but it was obvious that Denisa had a serious expression on her face, so Luo Yalu said: "At that moment... it seemed... it seemed to be, anyway, I can't tell. It was... that time Didn't think much of it, just wanted to join them. Oops! I don't know what it's like to be human anyway. You should ask Sophia."

"I don't know whether Sophia and Liu Xu made up their minds to be human after that."

Looking at Denisa, Yinili asked, "What are you thinking?"

"No." Responding, Denisa sat in front of the wooden table, and quietly looked at Claire who was lying on the wooden table, staring at her without blinking.

Room on the second floor.


Seeing Priscia with tears in her eyes, Liu Xu comforted her: "Brother gave you an injection, you are sick, just bear with it and you will be fine."

Even so, Priscia still looked terrified.

"Is she in pain?" Sophia looked a little nervous, as if she was helping the tyrant.

"Did it hurt at that time?"

After thinking for a while, Sophia said: "It seems a little bit, but I forgot, I don't know if it's because the back is too comfortable."

Hearing this, Liu Xu laughed out loud and said, "Because I got so much happiness, I forgot about the pain!"

"Hurry up and make Prissia happy, I think she will die of pain."


The sound spread outside, and Roja was not calm anymore, and hurried to the bathroom. Compared with Roja, Denisa Yinili was much calmer.

Of course, they are also women, and they will feel strange when they hear that voice, but at least it is not as exaggerated as Rojalu.

With the efforts of Liu Xu and the cooperation of Priscia, a huge energy surged in all directions like an explosion, which forced Sophia to cover her eyes with her hands, and even took two steps back unconsciously.

The light was very dazzling, so it passed through the gap in the door to the first floor, which stunned Denisa and Yinili.

When the light surged, Priscia's panting became more intense, and even accompanied by a cry that seemed to be in pain.

Of course, Liu Xu knew that Priscia was not in pain, but because Priscia's power was flowing into Liu Xu's body through her body.

But because Priscia's power is too strong, Liu Xu can't stand it.

Priscia is good at perceiving demonic power and agility beyond Rojalu, so the power Liu Xu absorbs is mainly from these two aspects.

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ps: I recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players"!

Chapter 1088 Are you hungry?

Liu Xu inherited Denisa's blood, and his perception of demon power is already very strong. Now that he has absorbed Priscia's power, he will go to a higher level.

Of course, what excited Liu Xu the most was that his agility had finally improved.

Being able to sense monster power and move at high speed, coupled with Sophia's strength, Liu Xu's overall ability at this time has almost doubled.

Even if he doesn't wake up, or even use his demon power, he can easily defeat Sophia and Luo Yalu, and even Yinili's high-speed sword is no match for Liu Xu.

As for Denisa, Liu Xu didn't know the limits of her power at all.

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