Before Jane could react, she cried out in pain.

Meanwhile, Denisa is still fighting Duff.

Denisa can't get close to Duff, and Duff can't hurt Denisa, so the two of them are locked in an exhausting battle.

In order to avoid the stone pillars or stone needles, Denisa's physical strength is constantly being consumed.Even if she is a warrior, her movements will be slow due to physical exertion.

As for Duff, after awakening, he is similar to a rock monster, and he basically stands still, but keeps spitting out stone pillars and needles with his mouth open, so his physical exertion will obviously be much less.

Of course, every time Duff vomits a stone pillar, he consumes demon power, so if he continues to attack, Duff's demon power should gradually decrease, which will lead to a decrease in attack power and intensity.

Watching the tug-of-war, Li Fulu smiled very sweetly, and kept kicking her two bare feet.

Li Fulu didn't know that Liu Xu could change the recipe of the awakened, so she didn't take Liu Xu seriously at all.

Moreover, she thinks that if Liu Xu kills Zhen, she just needs to make Liu Xu her partner!

Win over the strong and kill the weak, this is Li Fulu's current plan.


"Don't struggle, it will be over soon."

Jane doesn't think Liu Xu is a good person, so she is still struggling.

Looking at the bracelet that seemed to have cracks, he knew that if he didn't hurry up, Jane would probably break free, and Liu Xu would have to waste a lot of time if he wanted to continue dating Jane.

After all, Jane is the current NO.9, and her strength after awakening should not be underestimated.

Finally, at the moment when Jane was about to fully awaken, the condition was fulfilled.

Panting, Jane, who was sweating all over, stared ahead in some confusion.

Holding Zhen tightly, Liu Xu said, "I have changed your recipe."

Jane doesn't believe Liu Xu's words, because she can still feel hungry.

Do not!


Jane just wants to eat ordinary food now, such as potatoes or bread, and doesn't want to eat human offal at all.

Just now, all Jane could think of were humans walking around, and it was as if she saw the delicious offal in the cavity of the human body.

This change clearly shows that Jane's recipe has indeed been changed!

Panting, Jane turned her head and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Liu Xu."

"Your ability is very strange." After a pause, Jane said, "Please come out."

"Crossing rivers and destroying bridges is not a good habit!" After saying that, Liu Xu withdrew.

ps: Recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players". During the period of the new book, all kinds of data are very important. Please help recommend and collect it, thank you!

Chapter 1106 The Purpose of Liv Road

At this time, the body of a female Qiao Xiao suddenly fell from the gap.

After falling steadily to the ground, Li Fulu frowned and stared at the two awakened ones.

Li Fulu wanted to find a very powerful awakened person. The two awakened persons in front of her were very powerful, especially the male awakened person who couldn't exude any demonic power, so she very much hoped that the two of them could become her companions. .

But at this moment, Li Fulu found it very difficult.

Because, the power of this male awakened person is extraordinary.

If he wanted to, he could even kill Duff in an instant.

Only then did Liu Xu notice Li Fulu who looked like a little lolita.

Looking at Li Fulu who was confused, Liu Xu who was still hugging Zhen said: "I know your purpose of constantly awakening soldiers."


"You want to make your team stronger and stronger, so that you can deal with the Silver King Isli who already has many awakened people."

Giggling and clapping her hands, Liv said, "Oh, you already know all of this, can you see through my thoughts?"

To be honest, after watching the anime version of "Big Sword", Liu Xu also remembered the information about Li Fulu.

Because in the anime version, in addition to awakening and saving Duff, Li Fulu also told Claire Zhen and others the purpose and told them the whereabouts of the silver king Isli.

Of course, at that time, the reason why Claire went to the north to look for Isli was not because Isli was recruiting the awakened, but because Priscia who killed Denisa was with Isli.

However, because of Liu Xu's arrival, the plot has completely changed.

Laughing, Liu Xu, who felt Zhen's heart beating, said: "Live Road, I created an alliance called the Rising Sun Alliance, and now is the time when talents are needed. If you are willing to join, I can protect you and Da Husband will not die."

Hearing this, Li Fulu smiled like a naive child, and said: "Oh, I thought you were very bad at telling jokes, but I didn't expect it to be so funny. Let me tell you this, if you If the three of you can join my camp, I can assure you that I will not harm you. I originally wanted to live in peace with Isli, but he has been wooing the Awakened, which makes me more and more uneasy, so I have to Start to win over the awakened ones. Well, I have stated my purpose myself, so what is your decision?"

Before Liu Xu could speak, Zhen said angrily: "You killed my team member! I will definitely kill you!"

Seeing that Zhen wanted to fly over, Liu Xu hugged her forcefully.

Although Jane is the No.9 warrior who has awakened, compared with the first generation No.1 Livlu who is also awakened, Jane is really too weak.

If Jane is allowed to rush over, it is obvious that she will be sent to die.

It is absolutely impossible for Liu Xu to join Liv Road, so he said: "My purpose is also very simple, that is, I hope you can join my camp and become a member of the Rising Sun Alliance."

Maintaining a slight smile, Liv said: "I give you two choices, the first is to become my partner, and the second is to die here."

Seeing Li Fulu smiling so calmly, Liu Xu, who had already made up his mind, said, "Let me first tell you about the secrets of the Rising Sun Alliance. My original intention was to break into the organization and destroy the entire organization. All fighters who obey me , I will save their lives. Anyone who disobeys and defends the organization wholeheartedly, I will kill them."

Before Livlu could speak, Jane struggled violently and shouted, "You bastard! You actually wanted to plot against the organization! I knew you were not a good guy!"

"You fighters are like cups on the coffee table. I don't want to see more cups of cups, so I have to end the cruelty of organizing soldiers."

"What about the demons? If there are no fighters! The demons will kill all humans!"

Before Liu Xu could speak, Li Fulu giggled and said, "Oh, naive Awakened, you don't even know how the monsters come from, do you? Do you think the monsters popped out of rocks?"

"What do you mean?" Jane asked.

"If you become my partners, I will tell you."

"Actually, I have almost guessed it, but I still hope to say it from your own mouth." Liu Xu said.

"You don't want to be my companion?" Li Fulu's eyes had turned cold, and his smile disappeared like a flash in the pan.

At this moment, Duff's scream suddenly came from the upper floor.

Before Livlu could react, hundreds of cracks suddenly appeared in the hole with a diameter of about two meters, and then Duff's bulky rocky body smashed the hole to pieces with a bang, and countless stones boomed Long fell, and Duff's body also fell, and the purple blood was still falling like a rain curtain.

While Livlu was stunned, Duff had already hit the ground heavily.

Li Fulu had just focused on Liu Xuzhen and ignored Duff.

If Livlu knew that Denisa would take the opportunity to unlock 15% of the demon power and cut off Duff's two hands, Livlu would definitely save Duff.

Seeing that Duff only lost two hands, and his life was not in danger, Li Fulu's turbulent aura decreased a lot, and he raised his head with a slight smile.

Looking at Denisa who was standing on the edge of the big hole and panting slightly, Li Fulu said, "Come down and talk about cooperation."

With one jump, Denisa stepped on Dafu Yuexiong, and then landed in front of Liu Xu.

Noticing the magic circle, Denisa knew that Liu Xu had changed Jane's recipe, so Denisa, who had listed Jane as a companion, turned around and looked at Livlu and Duff who was crying like a child .

Denisa was about to speak, but she raised her head abruptly.

When Denisa raised her head, Livru also raised her head.

ps: Recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players". During the period of the new book, all kinds of data are very important. Please help recommend and collect it, thank you!

Chapter 1107 The Horror of the Abyssal Ones

At this moment, an awakened person who looked like a lizard suddenly jumped down. After opening his mouth, a long blade grew rapidly, and stabbed Duff on the side of the neck in an instant.

"Do not……"

Before Livlu shouted, the long blade suddenly slid towards Duff's neck, directly cutting off Duff's rock-hard neck!

At the same time, Liv Road, who was screaming hysterically, quickly awakened, and the entire cave began to shake, cracks began to appear around and at the top, and the black flat matter that flowed in all directions centered on Liv Road quickly filled Kailai even inserted the Lizard Awakened who broke in suddenly and wanted to escape into a mutton skewer in an instant.

At the same time, these black flat objects also attacked Denisa Liu Xu and Jane.

However, at the critical moment, Liu Xu had already hugged Denisa and asked Jane to release the awakened state.

So when the black flat object attacked Liu Xu, Liu Xu had already gathered the dark six wings to protect himself and the two of them.

Liv Road's hiding place is in the middle of a high mountain. There are two caves in total. The upper one is directly connected to the outside, which can attract soldiers.

The cave below is dedicated to imprisoning fighters, using continuous attacks to awaken the fighters, and selecting awakened ones who can compete with Duff as companions.

However, Livlu's awakened body is extremely large in size. The black flat object looks soft, but its attack is extraordinary, and it can even smash everything like rocks.

So when Duff was killed in front of her eyes, she was almost crazy and attacked the rock wall recklessly, causing the rock to start to collapse. The awakened person who suddenly broke in was more like a piece of tofu and was crushed by Li in just half a minute. Fulu was torn to pieces, and pieces of meat and internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

And because Li Fulu's mind was in a state of confusion at this time, the whole mountain was shaking, as if it had encountered an eight-magnitude earthquake!

Hearing Livlu's hysterical shouts, Liu Xu even felt that the end of the world was coming, and he even felt that the whole world was shaking.

However, being able to hold Jane who is naked in his left hand and Denisa who is still calm in his right hand, even if it is the end of the world, Liu Xu doesn't think it is too scary.

Feeling that the vibration was getting stronger, Denisa said: "The male awakened person should be very important to Livlu, otherwise Livlu would not be able to release the demon power without restraint. If the calculation is correct, the mountain will soon be destroyed. It's about to fall apart. Until then, we have to find a way to get out!"

"Are those from the abyss so scary?" Jane asked hastily.

"It can easily tear the awakened person into pieces, leaving the awakened person defenseless. Do you think the abyssal person is terrible?"

When Denisa asked such a rhetorical question, Jane nodded silently and did not speak.

After closing his eyes, Liu Xu sensed the flow of demonic power in Li Fulu.

What made Liu Xu gasp was that the area occupied by Livlu's awakened body was almost as large as a high school class, and those flat, noodle-like objects could be stretched and contracted arbitrarily.

To put it a bit exaggerated, Livlu at this time is like a super giant octopus!

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