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Chapter 1137

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Liu Xu looked at the villa of this Japanese beauty. Except for some Japanese-style furniture, it is actually the same as the domestic villas. The overall style is Western-style, but because of the wooden floor, it is a little more elegant and natural, but it makes people feel fresh. .

Xizi signaled to Liu Xu that you're welcome, and then started a routine with Xiangori.

Not only is Xiangori beautiful, but she also has excellent eloquence. She and Xizi are obviously close friends, and they keep laughing and talking, Liu Xu feels that she seems redundant.

It's just that they are talking about women!

Liu Xu couldn't get in his mouth.

As if seeing Liu Xu's depression, Xizi smiled at Kaori and said, "Mr. Xu seems to be a little anxious."

Hearing this, Kaori reached out and picked a grape from the fruit plate and handed it over, and said with a smile: "Please eat the grape, Mr. Xu, it's very fresh!"

Even Xu Jun called, and his tone was so ambiguous.

Just as he was about to take the grapes, he felt blessed in his heart. Suddenly, he thought of a sentence: "The more famous a woman is, the less she should be treated as a human being, she will submit obediently, especially Japanese women."

With a flash of thought in his mind, Liu Xu chuckled, and instead of picking it up with his hands, he moved his mouth to nibble the grapes that Xiangori handed over, along with her slender fingers.

This action was done boldly and naturally, without any bluntness or hesitation. Xiko and Kaori were surprised when they saw it, they looked at each other at the same time, and then giggled coquettishly.

With Kaori's white and slender fingers in his mouth, Liu Xu felt that he had made the right bet.

"Xu Jun is so interesting!"

Kaori gently pulled her finger out of Liu Xu's mouth and retracted it slowly, and gave Liu Xu a coquettish look, which was very fanciful.

Liu Xu smiled and praised: "Xaori is worthy of being a beauty, even her fingers are so sweet, it's really memorable!"

After finishing speaking, he deliberately closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"Hehe, Mr. Xu has won the prize."

Even though Xiangwo said that, she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes, and Liu Xu caught her straight.

The atmosphere in the air is obviously more harmonious, and the relationship between the few people is obviously a lot closer. If they were polite before, they are better than ordinary friends now.

Just when he was happy, Liu Xu heard Kaori chuckle and said: "Mr. Xu, if there is nothing else, well, you can go." After saying that, Kaori got up to see off the guests.

Liu Xu was taken aback when he heard the words, this beautiful woman was warm and thoughtful just now, but now she actually kicked herself out of the house, but where does this start? Could it be that the close relationship brings about a submissiveness that is different from ordinary men?

He looked around day and night, seeking advice.

Xizi stood up from the tatami, bent over and bowed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, go back first. Kaori and I have other things to talk about. It's a whisper!"

Have something else to talk about?

I'm afraid it's something else to do!

Because he accidentally bumped into the voice coming from Xizi's room in the middle of the night, it's no wonder Liu Xu thought in that direction.

Leaving this luxurious villa.

Xiangori's house is about twenty miles away from Xizi's house, of course it is impossible to walk back, but Liu Xu has nothing to do even if he goes back now, so why not take a walk and take this opportunity to admire all kinds of beauties on the street.

Cherry blossoms pave the way, beauties are streamers, the same city, the streets of Japan have a special flavor, and the most eye-catching ones are the office workers and school girls. The white-collar office workers in Japan are not inferior to those in China, with black silk and high heels. The ol's dress is very gray and powerful, and the school girls are a beautiful scenery in Japan.

Turning a corner, there is a pedestrian street next to it, so Liu Xu went in for a stroll when he was interested.

On a bright street, a group of schoolgirls gathered around the entrance of a food store, not knowing what they were doing. Liu Xu walked over curiously.

From a distance, I heard a sound of abuse: "You bitch, vixen, a professional, you dare to come to our site to shop, you really want to die, drive her away!"

"Damn you, poor parentless wretch, get out of here!"

A group of young and beautiful schoolgirls surrounded a girl about sixteen or seventeen who was also wearing school uniforms. They kept abusing her with hatred and contempt in their eyes, and some even spat on her to express their dissatisfaction. The girl Not daring to answer, just bowed his head and wanted to leave.

A slightly taller girl with a hot temper and disdainful face walked over, grabbed the girl's clothes, and pulled the girl to the side. Pushing hard. Falling to the ground, a group of girls immediately stepped forward and spit.

Iijima Rika barely restrained her emotions, kept the tears from falling from her eyes, and recalled her tragic life experience and experience in her mind.

When she was just born, her mother left her because of dystocia. The young Iijima Rika was brought up by her father who lived at the bottom. The father was just a small worker who could barely provide food and clothing for father and daughter.

When she was fourteen years old, Rika Iijima was already tall and graceful, attracting people's attention. Once two men near the school wanted to harass Rika Iijima. Her father just came to pick her up. A conflict broke out after seeing her. Rika Iijima's father He was severely injured on the spot, and died in the hospital after rescue efforts failed.

If it weren't for the help of the teachers at the school, those two men would probably not have been arrested, and now I guess I could only be homeless.

After graduating from junior high school, Iijima Rika rented a hut in Nakano District because of her studies and began to live alone.

Iijima Rika is smart and smart, and has been among the best in her academic performance since she was a child.

If it weren't for the lack of conditions, Iijima Rika would be able to study in Yuyu High School now, although with the help of Teacher Mano, she was able to study in Tokyo Metropolitan Freedom Academy.

But unexpectedly, the classmates here are very unfriendly to her, because she is too eye-catching, many boys pursue her, and even a few school beauties in the school are not as good as Iijima Rika.

For this reason, Iijima Rika indirectly offended the girls in the school, and because she didn't like those frivolous boys, she also offended those boys. If the teachers in the school hadn't defended her repeatedly, she might have been bullied to the point of being unable to My studies have continued.

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Chapter 1138 Meeting Kiryu Cang Again

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"I really miss Teacher Mano in junior high school. She helped me get the compensation and let me live in her house until high school."

"It would be great if someone could treat themselves as well as Mr. Mano, alas, why is society so unfair."

Iijima Rika struggled to protect her head, preventing those girls from attacking her head-on, but these girls didn't seem to have bullied enough, and they still didn't want to leave.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xu felt uneasy, took a closer look, tsk tsk, what a beauty!

The surrounded girl had a beautiful oval face, reddish cheeks, smooth forehead, willow leaf-like eyebrows, and a pair of pure and touching black eyes below, with eyelashes trembling slightly, which made people love her. The exquisite Yao nose is straight, and the pursed Mu Yingtao is small. The lips show a sense of unyielding. This is an extremely rare and exquisite beauty.

Of course a beauty must be rescued if she is being bullied, let alone a rare and top-notch beauty.


Seeing someone in the early stage, this group of girls was a little jealous, but they were probably used to being arrogant. Together, they bravely stepped forward and shouted: "Who are you? Why are you defending this person?"

"This little elf must have come here. Seeing how gentle you are, don't be fooled by her appearance!"

"I've already called the police..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xu snapped his fingers, and a siren sounded in the ears of the girls.

"The police are here."

"Let's go!"

"It's cheap for her, huh!"

More than a dozen girls left together feeling sorry for each other but not satisfied.

He walked up to the beautiful girl in front of him, gently lifted her up, and asked, "What's your name? Why do they bully you?"

Feeling the concern of the boy in front of her, Iijima Rika's heart warmed up, which was obviously different from what those boys gave her.

Iijima Rika's heart is full of gratitude and sweetness, and there is also an unspeakable sense of trust, which has not been felt for a long time.

Looking at Liu Xu, Iijima Rika's eyes couldn't help but moisten, and said softly, "Hi sir, my name is Iijima Rika..."

Iijima Rika? !

Another acquaintance!

One of the heroines in Ogaki, Iijima Satoya and Inagaki Tetsuya (Ogaki male lead) met on the subway. At that time, Iijima Satoka accidentally lost his ID card, which was picked up by Inagaki Tetsuya, so Inagaki Tetsuya rushed to return it documents, but who knew that he had evil intentions and violated her.

After Iijima Rixiang told Liu Xu about her life experience and situation, she took Liu Xu to her residence. This is a very old old house with old furniture and equipment, because the landlord is old and has never taken care of it. The price was rented to Iijima Sato who was alone.

This girl has lived here for two years?It's incredible.

A desire to protect her gushed out in Liu Xu's heart, but it seemed that he was living in someone else's house now, sweat!

"Your body is dirty, come on, Lixiang, let me wash it for you."

Iijima Rika developed a kind of trust in the man in front of her heart, which is also a young girl who has never really experienced it, and is prone to a sense of dependence, otherwise Liu Xu would not be able to easily become the person who opened her heart.

Stretching out her hand, Rika Iijima exposed her dirty part.

Turning on the faucet, Liu Xu picked up Rika Iijima's hand and slowly washed it.

Iijima Rika's hands are slender, with real icy muscles and fine bones, and the skin is like snow. The green fingers are regular and erect, and the nails that don't stick to dust are well trimmed, making people want to bite.

After washing her hands, Liu Xu helped Rika Iijima's legs to wash. Her pretty face flushed slightly, but she didn't refuse.

The beauty of Iijima Rika's legs is better than her hands, and the fine blood vessels on her tender upper body are clearly visible. The beautiful legs that are neither fat nor thin seem to be the masterpiece of the creator. All of this tells people what beauty is.

The real beauty was right in front of him, and Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat.

Rika Iijima exudes the faint fragrance of a girl, her facial expression has a sour and shy feeling, and her whole body reveals a gentle, innocent, and clean temperament.

There are not many beauties of this quality, even in a place rich in beauties like Japan.

Liu Xu praised in his heart, when traveling through the two-dimensional world, he saw many beautiful women, but girls who are both beautiful and pure are extremely rare.

After helping Iijima Satoka finish washing and tidying up her clothes, Liu Xu asked, "Lixiang, which school do you go to?"

"Odaiba Academy."

Iijima Rika breathed out the aroma, which was intoxicating.


Could it be that besides Odaiba Elementary School, there are junior high school and high school?

"what happened?"

Iijima Rika stared at a pair of beautiful eyes and asked.

"Uh, it's okay!"

Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, then said, "I thought Odaiba only had elementary schools!"

The house that Rika Iijima lives in is really shabby, the sleeping room is so small that there is barely enough room for a bed, and there is not even a desk.

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