Liu Xu didn't notice Mikala's complicated psychological changes. After that, he went directly to the bedroom to change a set of clothes and prepared everything. After he came out, Liu Xu ignored Mikala and opened the door to leave.

"Hey you?"

what is this?Mikala looked at the surrounding environment, and the decorations in the surrounding rooms let Mikala know that this Asian man, whom he didn’t even know his name, was definitely a rich man who was bored. He could throw out [-] dollars to play, could he be an ordinary person? ?

Holding the stack of dollars, Mikala looked around blankly. A framed photo standing on the desk made Mikala's expression complicated.

In that photo frame was a blonde beauty with a bright smile, perhaps this was the reason why he was eager to get rid of himself?

This assumption suddenly made Mikaela's mood extremely bad, but in fact she completely misunderstood it.

The woman in the photo is Pepper Potts, and since this villa belongs to Stark, it's not surprising that there is a photo of Potts in the house.

As Liu Xu said, Mikala is still too young now. Although she was picked by accident yesterday, it was an accident, and this fruit will be almost fully mature when she finishes high school.

Of course, in order not to change the character of Mikala Kuang. Ye Xiaoyemao, Liu Xu only gave her [-] yuan as tuition. If Mikala really becomes a good girl, Liu Xu doesn't know if he will fall in love with her.

Liu Xu left in a hurry because Stark said that someone wanted to see him. Liu Xu guessed that even if it wasn't SHIELD, it must be another organization. battle.

Stark Industries Building.

"Come on, Liu Xu, let me introduce you." Stark led a beautiful blonde in professional formal attire to Liu Xu, "This is..."

"I know: Stark." Liu Xu said first: "Hello, Miss Emma Frost!"

Liu Xu smiled and extended his right hand to Emma Frost.

"Hello, Mr. Liu Xu." Emma Frost, also known as the White Queen, also smiled and offered her right hand, and shook it with Liu Xu.

"Very good, it seems that you all know each other." Seeing the familiar yet strange atmosphere between the two, Stark seemed to realize something, "Okay then, you guys chat slowly, I'll go to work first."

Before leaving, Stark whispered in Liu Xu's ear, "Liu Xu, be careful, she is not easy."

"Yes." Liu Xu nodded to express his understanding.

Seeing Liu Xu's confident look, Stark was slightly relieved, and after nodding to the White Queen, he left straight away.

"Mr. Liu Xu, please come with me!" Queen Bai invited Liu Xu.

Liu Xu spread his right hand, signaling the White Queen to lead the way.

In a quiet cafe not far from Stark Tower.

Liu Xu sat opposite the White Queen, each drinking the coffee in front of them.

"Okay, Queen White, you must have discussed it with other people when you came to me this time, right?" Liu Xu took the lead to break the calm and asked Queen White, "Tell me about the result of your final discussion!"

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Chapter 1205 Hellfire's Core Group

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The White Queen picked up the coffee, took a sip, and then replied: "We have indeed discussed it, but before I tell you the final result."

The White Queen stepped down from her seat, sat in Liu Xu's arms, put her arms around his neck, looked at Liu Xu with her feminine eyes, breathed hot air on his face, and said in a bewildered manner: "Mr. Liu Xu, I don't know, can you tell me what your abilities are?"

Liu Xu was completely unmoved, took a sip of coffee with a calm expression on his face, and then said slowly: "Queen White, I don't deny that you are beautiful and sexy, if you are an ordinary man, maybe He's already told you the color of his panties, but..."

Liu Xu paused, then continued: "I'm not an ordinary person, and..."

"And what?" The White Queen frowned and asked.

"Besides, your skills are too poor." Liu Xu glanced at the White Queen and said flatly, "It's too far from a professional female spy."

"Then, Mr. Liu Xu..." The White Queen pressed her lips against Liu Xu's ear and said softly, "I don't know, would you tell me what a professional female spy should do?"

After finishing speaking, the White Queen exhaled moist, warm and fragrant hot air into Liu Xu's ear.

Hearing what the White Queen said, Liu Xu glanced at her in surprise, then picked up his coffee and said, "White Queen, I have to say that you already have the most important thing you need to be an excellent female spy." Quality - cheeky."

Under the expectant eyes of the White Queen, Liu Xu said such an answer that made her almost vomit blood.

"Liu Xu!" The White Queen stood up from Liu Xu's arms, stared at him, and said through gritted teeth.

Liu Xu raised his head and looked back at the White Queen, his eyes were like an ancient well, completely silent.

"Humph!" In the end, the White Queen just "hummed" angrily, and then sat back in her seat.

"Liu Xu, I'm really suspicious now, are you a normal young man?" The White Queen stared at Liu Xu, stirring the coffee unconsciously, "Or, do you like men?"

The White Queen seemed to have discovered why Liu Xu was indifferent to a beautiful woman like herself.

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, he was speechless in his heart to the White Queen's strange thinking, but, regarding this kind of thing, it's better to speak clearly.

"Hey, I'm a very normal man from inside to outside, from top to bottom!" Liu Xu retorted: "If you keep talking nonsense, be careful that I will sue you for defamation?"

"Then what about you?" The White Queen raised her eyebrows and said meaningfully.

"Eh? Maybe it's because I'm better at hiding myself in front of strangers!" Liu Xu replied after organizing his words.

"Hehe!" Seeing Liu Xu's deflated look, the White Queen smiled happily.

Immediately, the whole cafe seemed to be lit up, and Liu Xu was a little obsessed with the atmosphere at this moment.

However, Liu Xu soon woke up.

"You really deserve to be the White Queen!" Liu Xu praised secretly in his heart.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Hearing what the White Queen said, Liu Xu could only feel the corners of his mouth twitch unconsciously again.

"The result of our final discussion is that after you join the club, we can provide you with some resources first, but if you want to obtain a higher status, then you can fight for it based on your strength!" The White Queen said solemnly.

"Strength?" Liu Xu smiled, "Like this?"

He snapped his fingers, and the invisible heat focused from the void, instantly heating the White Queen's coffee to boiling point.

"This?!" The White Queen stood up abruptly, looked at Liu Xu, then at her own coffee, and asked Liu Xu with a look of surprise, "What's going on?"

Liu Xu shrugged and said, "Well, this is my strength! Also, the next three, aren't you ready to come out?"

"Crack, snap, snap!"

Along with the applause, a white man in his thirties, a young man in his twenties, and a... all dark red with a long pointed tail came out from the interior of the cafe, as if wearing a suit. Male humanoid of a legendary demon.

At this time, there was no one else in the cafe except these five people.

"Mr. Liu Xu, hello, it's the first time we meet, let me introduce you, I am..." Before the leading white man in his thirties could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Xu.

"I know you, Hellfire Inner Group." Liu Xu stood up, looked at the man, and said meaningfully: "Sebastian Xiao, of course, maybe I should call you another name... Black King. "

"And you, Azazel, the Red Devil." Liu Xu pointed to the male humanoid creature with a red body and a pointed tail.

"You, Janos Quested, torrent." Liu Xu pointed at the young man.

Liu Xu looked calm, but he didn't know how surprised his words surprised the other four people present, including the White Queen.

"Hehe, it seems," the black king Sebastian Xiao chuckled a few times, his eyes gradually turned cold, "Mr. Liu Xu really understands us!"

"Hmm, I guess I know the general idea!" Liu Xu tilted his head, and said nothing.

"Well, Mr. Liu Xu, do you know what my ability is?" Hei Wang regained his composure, looked at Liu Xu, and asked slowly.

"This..." Liu Xu seemed to be in deep thought, "What a coincidence, I happen to know the abilities of the four of you."

Liu Xu's words surprised the Black King, White Queen, Red Devil and Rapids again.

"Your ability is to absorb energy and release energy. You can use the absorbed energy to strengthen your body and keep you young, so your real age is far older than your current appearance." Liu Xu pointed to the black king and said.

"The White Queen's abilities are telepathy and mind control, and she can also transform into a diamond state. In the diamond state, she can neither eat nor drink, and can also block the telepathy of others, but she cannot use telepathy in this state."

"The ability of the torrent is that it can spin itself quickly, and it can also create a tornado; the ability of the red devil is that it can move instantly, can appear anywhere, and has the ability of mind control, and its lifespan is extremely long. Am I right, Sarah, Dan, Mr., Sheng?" Liu Xu looked at the Red Devil and said every word.

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1206 King to King

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Hearing Liu Xu's accurate description of the abilities of the four of them, the Black King, White Queen, Red Devil, Rapids and others were shocked. I don't know where Liu Xu knew it, and it was so detailed.

The black king nodded to the red devil.

With a soft "bang", the red devil disappeared, and then appeared strangely behind Liu Xu, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, and quickly stabbed Liu Xu in the back.

Liu Xu seemed to have eyes behind his back. When the dagger was about to stab him, he grabbed the Red Devil's wrist with his backhand, and then punched him in the face with an old punch.

This punch was so fast that even the teleporting Red Devil couldn't dodge it; it was so powerful that one punch knocked the Red Devil limp to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Mr. Red Devil, although your teleportation ability is very strong, unfortunately, the instantaneous speed is too slow." Liu Xu looked at the Red Devil lying on the ground, shaking his head regretfully.

"Papa!" Seeing that Liu Xu defeated the Red Devil so easily, the Black King couldn't help applauding: "I have to say, Mr. Liu Xu, your strength amazes me. But, this is not enough!"

Saying that, a huge energy surged out from the black king's hands, and then went straight to Liu Xu, and came to Liu Xu in the blink of an eye.

Time seemed to stop suddenly.

I saw Liu Xu calmly avoiding the energy emitted by the black king, then walked slowly to him, grabbed the black king by the neck, and lifted him up.While Liu Xu was doing all this, the others seemed to be frozen and did not respond at all.

Time seemed to be back to normal again.

With a loud bang of "Boom...", a big hole appeared in the wall of the cafe.

"This?!" Hei Wang suddenly found himself being lifted up by Liu Xu, with a look of horror on his face.

Seeing this, the White Queen, Red Devil and Rapids immediately entered into a fighting state.

The White Queen turned into a diamond state and kicked Liu Xu.

Holding the dagger, the Red Devil teleported to Liu Xu's side and stabbed him.

After a tornado was formed in the hands of the rapids, it immediately flung towards Liu Xu.

Seeing this, Liu Xu immediately displayed his super speed.

Suddenly, in Liu Xu's eyes, the movement of all things seemed to be slowed down hundreds of times.

With an elbow strike, the Red Devil hugged his abdomen in pain, curled up and lay down on the ground.

With a sweep of the hall's legs, the White Queen yelled and fell to the ground.

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