"Not only do you have many things that I can't think of, but you also make me feel very exciting." Erica maintained this movement, hugged Liu Xu, and whispered in his ear.

After finishing speaking, he still breathed out lightly on Liu Xu's neck.

"Really?" Liu Xu smiled slightly, suddenly stepped forward with his left foot, and at the same time bent down suddenly.

"Ah!" Erica was caught off guard, let out a soft cry, and fell backwards. Suddenly, she felt a force coming from her waist, and her body was already supported and stopped in mid-air.

Turning her head, Erica saw a pair of quiet and deep eyes not far above her, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

In the eyes of others, the actions of Liu Xu and Erica are like a couple looking at each other affectionately.

The rhythm fades away, and a burst of soft music reappears.

Liu Xu supported Erica's hand slightly, and at the same time pulled his right hand, Erica straightened up again, and put his right hand on Liu Xu's shoulder again.

"Do you know what I like the most?" Erica looked directly at Liu Xu, with a strange light shining in her autumn eyes.

"I would like to hear the details." Liu Xu smiled slightly.

"My favorite is mystery and excitement." Erica lightly parted her vermilion lips, watching Liu Xu's beautiful eyes suddenly become blurred, exuding a charming aura of Yan Xiuren.

"Some things, even if you like them, are not necessarily yours." Liu Xu said lightly.

Erica shook her head slightly, stared at Liu Xu and said, "Since it's what I like, then I must get it."

"Why are you doing this!" Liu Xu said, meeting Erica's gaze.

"Even if my body is covered with bruises, I don't regret it!" In Erica's eyes, a firmness suddenly appeared, which was fleeting.

At this time, the music slowly disappeared, and the dance was over.

the other side.

"You disobeyed my order, didn't attend the banquet welcoming Amelia's envoy, and ran out to spend the whole night with a human man! How dare you bring him to my manor now! I ..." Kraven was about to burst his veins with anger at the news that Serena had returned with a man.

Serena coldly interrupted Kraven's scolding, and said: "As far as I know, this place still belongs to Victor, and you are just a person in power guarding this place for him!"

"Are you provoking the superior?" Kraven sneered angrily at Serena's attitude.

"I saw Lucian." Ignoring Kraven's questioning, Serena brought up Lucian on her own.

"You are really crazy, Lucian was killed by me centuries ago..." Kraven was so frightened by Serena's words that he forgot her bad attitude, and hastily denied her words.

"Are you sure?" Serena stared at Kraven with ironic eyes.

"Enough, now we're talking about you and that man..." Unable to stand Serena's gaze, Kraven wanted to change the subject.

"Lucien also told me an interesting piece of news. He said that he arranged for a despicable traitor to work as an undercover agent in the blood race. Do you know who that person is?" Serena interrupted Kraven suddenly again. words, and said something that stimulated him even more.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Lucien tell you this? I have an alliance with him..." Serena's sudden question made Clement instinctively veto it, but he slipped his mouth.

"You lied to me!" Kraven walked up to Serena angrily, and raised his hand to slap her.

Serena had no intention of dodging, she just looked at Kraven coldly.

Just when Kraven's hand was about to slap Serena, suddenly there was another person in front of him, and there was a sharp pain in his abdomen. Kraven flew upside down and hit the wall, and then smashed when he fell a chair.

"You were stupid just now!! Seeing that he was going to slap you, you didn't even hide!" Liu Xu, who punched Kraven flying away, questioned Serena angrily.

"I know you won't let him knock me down." Serena's tone was extremely firm.

"What if I didn't show up in time? I didn't come with you!" Liu Xu said angrily.

"I just know! And didn't you come?" Ever since Liu Xu saved Serena under Lucien, he has become the hero in Serena's heart who will appear to save her in times of crisis, "could it be Say I'm bothering you and Erica?"

"What are you talking about! Me, we are innocent... Next time you are stupid again, I will definitely not care about you!" Although Liu Xu's face did not change, his heart was in a state of panic, the sixth of a woman. The feeling is too accurate, but it's okay if he doesn't explain, and now he is in a hurry to explain, but it gives people a feeling that there is no money here.

Actually, it's not Liu Xu's fault. There were not a hundred people who saw him dancing with Erica just now, but there were eighty. Now that Serena said it all of a sudden, it's no wonder he wasn't nervous.

"I don't believe you will ignore me." Serena couldn't hide her affection when she looked at Liu Xu, and the poor protagonist Michael in the original novel was completely marginalized.

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Chapter 1215 Exotic Love

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"How long do you want to lie there and pretend to be dead?" Liu Xu said coldly.

Serena looked at him suspiciously.

"I didn't use too much force at all." Liu Xu shrugged, and said to Kraven, who was pretending to be dead: "I think we should have a good talk about your future life."

"Who the hell are you?" Kleven's tricks were seen through, and he said sternly, "This is all my subordinates. I warn you that it's best not to hurt me, otherwise you won't be able to escape."

"It seems that you still don't understand what's going on!" Liu Xu suddenly appeared in front of Kraven, grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him up.

The huge force around his neck made Kraven feel suffocated, and the terrifying movement speed and strength of this strange human made him completely unable to resist.

"Do you understand now? It's not difficult for me to kill you or catch you! Are you willing to have my neck broken and die like a dead dog, or surrender to me and live honestly?" Listen to my order? I'll give you five seconds to think about it. Five, four, three...two..."

"Wait, don't kill me! I am willing to surrender, I want to live!"

When Liu Xu was about to count down to "one", Kraven felt that his hand gradually increased in strength as he counted down.

Kraven's psychology finally broke down, and he didn't want to lose his life.

The next moment, Liu Xu loosened his grip on Kraven's neck, and then just looked at him quietly with a smile, without saying anything.

Kraven breathed hurriedly. What happened just now made him feel that the young man with a gentle smile in front of him was a violent demon at all.

After recovering, Kleven immediately walked up to Liu Xu and knelt down on one knee, lowering his head and performing a courtesy to Liu Xu that descendants of blood clan would do to elders, to express his submission to him.

"Dear master, your servant is waiting for your order. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Liu Xu and Serena watched in surprise as Kraven walked up to him and knelt there with his head bowed.

As a politician, Kraven doesn't care about dignity and face, he can give up everything for survival and rights.

Now that he has decided to surrender, he must let the young man in front of him fully feel his sincerity in exchange for his future trust.

Serena looked at Kraven with contempt, and in her heart, it would be better to die than to live like him who gave up his dignity and bowed his knees.

Liu Xu was surprised by Kraven's initiative, and at the same time, he admired the resilience of the Kraven in front of him. Lucien chose him as an undercover agent because of his knowledge of current affairs!

"Well! I don't need you to do anything for me for the time being, but Serena has a lot of questions about the past that you need to answer. When you answer her later, you'd better not have any concealment or deceit, otherwise ...Hmph! I don't think you'd be interested in knowing how I punish cheaters!"

When Liu Xu said "otherwise", Liu Xu deliberately paused for a while, and then used a very gloomy tone to show off, and Kraven's body trembled slightly at this time, which proved the effect of this borrowed dialogue It was really good.

"Also, don't think of Serena again in the future. Her order is equal to my order. Do you understand? Kraven!" Liu Xu was very satisfied with Kraven's awe.

"Master, I understand! From now on, I will respect Serena as the mistress, and I will never dare to deceive or disobey her." Kraven immediately bowed to Serena again, Expressed his respect for Serena.

The description of the mistress made Serena feel a little hot on her face. In order to hide her embarrassment, she immediately asked Kraven about the history that happened that year.

Then Serena couldn't wait to ask the truth about the killing of her parents. The result of the inquiry was anger at Victor from the bottom of his soul and a violent beating of Kraven.

If her gun hadn't been lost during the fight with Lucian, she would have drawn it and killed Kraven immediately.

"That's enough, don't fight anymore, he's about to die, of course, if you think killing her will make you feel better, that's totally fine, anyway, he's not a beautiful woman." Seeing that Kraven had passed out, Liu Xu seduced Linna continued to kick and beat him, and stretched out her hands to hug her.

"Why? Why is it Victor? Woohoo..."

After being hugged tightly by Liu Xu, the crazy Serena calmed down. She also stretched out her hands and hugged Liu Xu tightly from behind, then buried her head in his arms and began to cry loudly.

"I love him, just like my father. What can I do now, should I kill him myself? I can't do it, I really can't do it!" With the words in her mouth, Serena The hug became tighter and tighter, and tears slowly wet Liu Xuyuexiong's front clothes.

"Since you can't kill Victor with your own hands and avenge your whole family, then leave everything to me! I will let him get the punishment he deserves. Alright, Serena, don't I'm sorry for what happened. Everything will pass, I promise..." Liu Xu gently stroked Serena's hair, hoping that she would feel better.

Slowly, Serena's crying stopped, and Liu Xu continued to caress Serena's hair.

"Actually, the best way to forget the pain is not revenge, but to start a relationship...preferably...exotic love! It would be even better if you can cross races."

Liu Xu's gentle caress made Serena forget the pain in her heart. She felt her body getting softer and softer, and she gradually leaned towards Liu Xu.

The actions in the subconscious are the embodiment of the inner world.

At this moment, the goddess was moved.

Liu Xu's eyes were shining brightly, looking down at this little face that was so close at hand.

In the line of sight, those two bright red lips trembled, instantly throbbing the softest part of someone's heart.

In the next moment, Liu Xu possessed himself, ready to cover those beautiful lips.

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Chapter 1216 Goddess of the Moon

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At this moment, a voice that Serena hated so much appeared again.

"Oh my god! I thought I was the only one who would push on men?? Didn't expect you to do the same? I'm sorry! You guys carry on!" Erika appeared again at the inappropriate time, and once again sabotaged There is an ambiguous atmosphere.

When Erica's voice sounded, Selina blushed immediately, and buried her head in Liu Xu's arms because she was too shy to look at her.

"That...you...you continue...continue..."

Erica, who was about to exit the door, suddenly found Kraven who was fainting aside.

"Isn't that Kraven? My God! You actually killed the person in power? You will be sentenced to death by the committee." Erica felt extremely terrified at this moment.

In the blood clan, the punishment for the killing of the superior by the inferior is severe, usually by being burned alive by sunlight, and direct execution is already the lightest.

"Serena, get out of here quickly, I didn't see anything. Serena, you go, I don't want you to die." Erica calmed down and hurriedly let the two run away.

"Erica, don't worry, Kraven is fine at all, he is awake now. And..." In the original plot, she was a little timid and loved power, but she was really worried about Serena and Liu Xu. Liu Xu didn't think of it, "Kraven is his own now. Kraven, are you right?"

"Ahem! Of course... I... am... your most loyal servant!" Liu Xu, who didn't hide himself, had an expression of "If there is any complaint, I will kill you directly", scaring Kraven, regardless of himself, he was still very serious The injured man knelt on the ground with one knee in fear, lowered his head, trembling slightly, and didn't even look at Serena, as if the person who hit him was not Serena in front of him.

"What the hell is going on?" Erica felt extremely incredulous at Kraven's humble behavior.

"Don't pay attention to these little things. In short, you just need to know that Kraven is already one of our people from now on." Liu Xu said with a smile.

When Serena explained everything to Erica, Liu Xu had already fallen asleep on the sofa in her room.

Back in the room, seeing Liu Xu sleeping on the sofa with his mouth open and closing cutely, Serena didn't know what to think, her face started to turn red, and then she seemed to have made up her mind , took a deep breath, and quietly sat on the other side of the couch.

Serena gently pulled Liu Xu's body down on the sofa, and put his head on her big moon back.

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