This time, the Qijia Society was ashamed and humiliated.

Seeing the tragic appearance of the Qijiao Society, it immediately shocked the heroes of a kind of big snake who have been going smoothly.

Xia Mier almost rushed forward to catch him the moment he saw the Qijiashe flying upside down, but because the speed of the Qijiashe flying upside down was too much faster than hers, she couldn't catch him in the end .

Seeing the tragic appearance of the Qijiao Society, Xia Mier felt distressed. Seeing that he had passed out, she could only silently pick him up and return to the crowd.

Everyone couldn't bear to look at him.

Of course, it's not that there is such a good friendship between them. In fact, except for a few, there is no good relationship between them. It is purely a relationship maintained by the power of the serpent.

Even if the Qijiao Club was slapped to death by Liu Xu, they would not have the slightest sympathy at all. Some of them are just a pity that they have to find the successor of the power of the big snake again. The plan to unblock the big snake may be delayed again idea.

The reason why they can't bear to look at it now is entirely because of the feeling of the rabbit's death and the fox's sadness. They think that if this slap is slapped on their face, they will become the same miserable situation as Qijiaoshe is now.

Just thinking about it, their bodies couldn't help but start to shiver.

Gonitz's face was gloomy and terrifying. It was just a small tentative confrontation. After just two fights, Gonitz had already realized that he and others paid too little attention to information, so that they didn't even know what Liu Xu was doing. In the case of real force, they will hit the door.

This originally insignificant and little-known guy, the powerful strength shown at this time has completely exceeded their imagination.

Qijiashe, who was not much worse than himself, was slapped to the ground with just two slaps.

Even the two attacks did not even touch the corner of Liu Xu's clothes, and the opponent did not even move his feet.

With two simple slaps, he was slapped unconscious.

From these two slaps, Gonitz has seen the gap between the two sides, and it is no longer his own will that can determine the outcome.

Liu Xu's strength far surpassed them, and even in Liu Xu's hands, they were probably just fish on a chopping board for him to slaughter.

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Ps: I recommend a new book, "Halberd Eater: The Strongest Demon".

Chapter 1276 Leaving the Power of the Orochi

The matter has developed to this point, and Gonitz already knows that it is impossible to take Qi Daotianxue away from Liu Xu. One Qijiao Club is not enough for others to slap, so it is considered that the six of us together I am afraid that they will not be their opponents.

What's more, there are female fighters such as Mai Shiranui, King, Kagura Chizuru, and Fujido Kasumi watching closely.

There are also two traitors, Maizhuo and Weiss...

Together, these people form a powerful force.

Gounitz was silent for a while, and the warm smile like sunshine appeared on his face again, and said: "Mr. Liu Xu is indeed a real person who does not show his face. He has already been injured in the Qijia Society. Then we will leave first."

After finishing speaking, he greeted Liu Xu slightly, then made a look at the people behind him, and wanted to leave here immediately.

It's a pity that Liu Xuke never thought of letting them go, not to mention that the purpose of their visit this time was to kill his own woman, even if that wasn't the case, Liu Xu wouldn't let them go so easily with the way they knocked on the door. over them.

"Come if you want, leave if you want, shall I let you go?" Liu Xu said with a sneer.

Gonitz and the others paused, and naturally thought that since Liu Xu had spoken, the matter was definitely not over yet.

Gonitz turned around, frowned, and said, "Then Mr. Liu Xu, what else do you want?"

"Hehe, it's nothing! As long as you, Gonitz, clean the soles of my shoes, I'll let you go today. And I promise I won't trouble you in the future."

"Damn it, do you want to start a war?" Gonitz's face was livid, but he didn't speak, but Chris couldn't bear it anymore, jumped out and roared.

This is an insult, an insult to Chiguoguo, not only an insult to Gonitz, but even their members of the Eight Great Snakes have been insulted.

Who is Gao Nizi, the leader of the Orochi Eight Heroes, his behavior represents the behavior of the Orochi Eight Heroes, it can be said that he is the current benchmark of the Orochi Clan, not only for viewing, but also the most outstanding of the Orochi Clan representative.

And according to what Liu Xu said, isn't the Orochi family only worthy of adding soles to him?

Not only Chris, but Shamir and Lianna were also furious.

Only Gonitz and Ryuji Yamazaki remained relatively calm. The former put away his livid face and took a deep breath.Then he took a deep look at Liu Xu. The latter's face was changing and his eyes were wandering.

"I can promise you, but will you really let us go?" Gonitz's voice was unusually calm, without the slightest emotion fluctuation, as if it was not asking him to add soles but a very common thing Same.

"Of course, I mean what I say, but before you leave, you have to leave the power of the snake in your body." Liu Xu didn't lie to Gonitz, and he is not a beautiful woman, so he has no value in molesting.

"Don't you think it's too much?" There was great anger in Gonitz's words, and his patience finally reached the limit, and he was on the verge of erupting.

"Excessive?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think that you don't have to pay for taking my woman away? It's because of Mai Zhuo and Weisi's sake that I don't take your lives. Don't be ignorant."

The more he spoke, the more stern his tone became. Gonitz's patience had reached its limit, and Liu Xu's patience was no different.

Dare to do anything to his own woman, this has already touched Liu Xu's bottom line.

The dragon has inverse scales, which can kill you if you touch it.

They moved Liu Xu's Ni Lin, and Liu Xu's ability to save their lives is already very good, but he still wants to bargain, I really don't know what to say.

If it wasn't for Mai Zhuo and Wei Sikan getting along with everyone and speaking well for Liu Xu, Liu Xu wouldn't even keep them alive.

"Give me death!"

The eruption in silence is the most terrifying. Just like volcanoes, active volcanic eruptions are often small in scale, but once an extinct volcano erupts, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable. The scale is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary active volcanic eruptions.

Gonitz is not a person who can endure. As the supreme leader of the proud Orochi clan, the cadre leader, although he usually behaves humble, polite, and gentle, but in fact he is also a murderer without blinking an eye. Evil guy who dismembers people.

He was able to pretend to be a snake in front of Liu Xu, and he had reached the limit of his patience.

This time, there was no need for Chris and the others to say anything, and Gonitz had already taken the lead in attacking Liu Xu.

The distance between him and Liu Xu was not that far away, so Gaunitz made a sudden move and launched a violent attack, hoping to gain the previous advantage to the greatest extent and defeat Liu Xu.

In fact, Gonitz also knew that the possibility of this was almost slim. Judging from the speed Liu Xu showed when he slapped Qijiashe, even if it was a sneak attack, the chance of winning was also very small.

But he couldn't help it. In fact, Liu Xu had pushed him to the edge of the cliff, and there was no way out.

Even if he knew it was a failure, Gonitz had to do something, hoping that a miracle would happen.

But this idea is really ridiculous. How many people fought back violently under his hands, hoping for a miracle to happen, but in the end they hated on the spot.

I didn't expect that I would have such a day, it really is a big ridicule.

"The gate of the underworld! Pray to the gods!"

Speaking of it, it seemed to be a long time, but in fact everything happened in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, Gonitz had already arrived at Liu Xu's side, and immediately launched the attack he had secretly prepared.

The cyan energy danced with his hand like an elf, as if forming a pylorus leading to the underworld, rushing towards Liu Xu quickly, like a giant beast's bloody mouth, trying to kill Liu Xu Devour it.


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Ps: I recommend a new book, "Halberd Eater: The Strongest Demon".

Chapter 1277 Go together and kill him

Liu Xu stood where he was, motionless.

However, just when the attack was about to fall on Liu Xu, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Yes, he was laughing.

Liu Xu didn't even show the slightest bit of fear because of Gonitz's famous stunt, which has made many enemies frightened.

Gounitz's heart immediately turned cold, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Sure enough, at this moment, Liu Xu finally moved.

Gonitz could clearly feel Liu Xu's right hand tremble slightly, and then suddenly disappeared from his perception.

Just as he had disappeared into the perception of the Qijiao Society, Gonitz didn't know what Liu Xu wanted to do.

At the beginning, it was precisely this precursor that a big red handprint was branded on the face of Qijiao Society.

Gonitz subconsciously slowed down his body for half a beat, and even moved a little to the right, that is, Liu Xu's left. At this moment, Liu Xu finally slapped down, but because of Gonitz's dodge, he unexpectedly brushed his cheek.

"It's so risky, I almost got caught." Gonitz rejoiced secretly in his heart.

"Huh?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. He didn't expect to let Gonitz slip past him, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't think it was strange. Obviously much higher.

However, Gonitz could hide from the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day.

With a "snap", Gonitz spun in the air like a top for an unknown number of times, and then fell hard to the feet of Chris and the others.

And on his right face, there was a big red slap imprint there.

"Not bad, you can avoid one of my slaps. You are a little bit better than Qijiao Society." Liu Xu blew on his outstretched left palm and "praise" Gonitz.

The four of Sharmil were startled, they didn't expect that even Gonitz Liu Xu, the strongest among them, would be slapped in the hands.

If they hadn't seen Liu Xu's strength clearly when the Qijia Society made the move just now, then this time, they really saw the huge gap between themselves and others and Liu Xu.

Gonitz only felt his cheeks tingle, not only because of the slap that was really hard, but also because of the huge sense of shame in his heart.

If it is said that the two slaps of Qijiashe were careless in the eyes of others, then others would not think so of his slap.

After all, if you are not careful even if you have learned from the past, then it is not careless, but stupid.

Liu Xu's words undoubtedly sprinkled a handful of salt on Gonitz's wound, fueling his anger and making Gonitz even more angry.

As the top fighter among the King of Fighters, how could he have suffered such humiliation.

He jumped up angrily, and pulled his right hand vigorously towards his priest's clothes. With the sound of cloth tearing, Gonitz's clothes were torn off his body, revealing his strong muscles .

And the book similar to the "Bible" that he always held in his hand had long since disappeared. Gonitz roared angrily, and then strode towards Liu Xu again.

Gounitz was teased by Liu Xu until he completely lost his mind and fell into madness.

But even so, Liu Xu didn't take it to heart, he didn't even think about using his skills. It was like an ant with its teeth and claws. No matter whether he was normal or crazy, he was just a tiny existence. One finger can crush it to death.


The Gate of Hades!

Dark Dirge!

What a childish girl!

This time, Gonitz completely gave up on tricks, and every blow is the most fatal stunt.

If an ordinary person faced the bombardment of a group of special skills like a storm, they would have been scared to the point of peeing their pants, and then they would be subjected to one round after another of the special moves, and then there would be no more.

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