But what made Liu Xu most curious was the upper half of Shermie's face. Until now, he didn't know why she had to cover it with her hair, so that she didn't dare to see people.

Could it be because Shamir had some ugly birthmarks, scars and tattoos on his face, so he didn't dare to show them?

It's just that Liu Xu scoffed at this idea. No matter what, Charles was of the highest quality in terms of figure and voice quality. She had the figure of a sister Yu, but she had the crisp voice of a loli.

With such a close to perfect combination, Liu Xu would never believe that there would be any flaws on her upper face.

However, what surprised Liu Xu was that, in his opinion, Lianna's choice completely violated Lianna's will, but she was indifferent and acted as if she didn't care.

This is obviously unscientific. Liu Xu was puzzled, but he didn't change his choice. He didn't believe that the two women could pose any threat to him.

After pondering for a while, Liu Xu asked, "Can you tell me why you want your hair to cover your face?"

The lower half of Sharmi's face is impeccable no matter where it is. The small and exquisite Qiong nose, the lips like a baby peach, and the delicate and fair face, no matter which part is very in line with the aesthetics of Liu Xu and even all oriental races Even in the eyes of Westerners, this is also the most beautiful work of art in nature.

While speaking, Liu Xu stretched out his hand unconsciously, slowly stroking this beautiful face.

Charmi trembled slightly, but resisted not avoiding Liu Xu's hand, but did not answer his question either.

Shermie is the girlfriend of Qijiaoshe, and her love for Qijiaoshe is also very deep, which can be seen from the sentence she said before she was killed by Qijiaoshe.

At that time, when she faced her boyfriend who was about to wave a butcher knife at her, not only did she not beg or resist, but she said to him: "I will follow you."

It can be seen that her love for Qijiaoshe has reached the point of blindness, and how can such a woman let a strange man make such a frivolous gesture towards her?

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Chapter 1280 Eye of the Moon

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From the analysis of Shermi's character, this delicate woman is not a taciturn person.

Her cheerful personality can also be seen from her usual behavior. Even a person who is not stingy with dancing before fighting is now silent like a mute. This phenomenon is obviously abnormal.

However, Liu Xu's self-confidence prevented him from noticing so many abnormalities, or he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, but he didn't find out where the problem was.

Liu Xu frowned and thought for a while, but in the end there was no result, so he stopped thinking about it.

The moment he caressed Shermi's cheek, he couldn't restrain his curiosity about the upper half of her face anymore.

Slowly, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to lift up Charmi's flowing hair, revealing her delicate and pretty face little by little.

Everything seemed to be going well, Liu Xu held his breath and was shocked by the beauty in front of him.

The streamlined eyebrows were slightly curved under the smooth forehead, perfectly fitting the suffocating eyes.

The ruby-like eyes exude a fatal attraction. Liu Xu seems to have forgotten everything, and is in a world with only Sharmie, and her eyes and smiles keep appearing in his mind.

Shamir mischievously chased butterflies, she embraced herself passionately, then slowly took off her clothes, kissed his lips with her own, and caressed her charming body...

Time seems to have become eternity, passing as if it were endless, and the relationship between Liu Xu and Sharmie seems to go on like this, endlessly circulating all kinds of happiness, and any sorrow disappears It's spotless.

He saw that he and Shermi seemed to have known each other since childhood, playing together, going to class together, being late together, and chasing home from school together in the rain.

In spring, I put on a wreath made of wildflowers for Shermi, and Shermi brought herself a scarf woven by herself, and then walked out of the university gate, married, and lived a romantic honeymoon life.

A pair of boys and girls of the two, and then live happily ever after.

All of this is so real, so real that Liu Xu has unknowingly fallen into it and cannot extricate himself.

Happiness exudes colorful light like a bubble, surrounding him.

Liu Xu didn't realize at all that something called danger was slowly approaching.

Liu Xu didn't know it at all. At this moment, his body seemed to be possessed by a demon, fixed there, staring fixedly at Charmi's bright ruby-like eyes.

Lianna's eyes lit up, she controlled the boiling killing intent on her body, and finally suppressed the thought of killing Liu Xu, because Lianna knew that even if she attacked, she would not be able to kill Liu Xu, but would put him from Shamir woke up from the secret technique.

In fact, Sharmie's eyes are born with a different species, which can charm any creature of the opposite sex...

As time passed by, drops of sweat began to ooze from Sharmie's forehead.

Naturally, Charmier is very clear about her eyes. Since she was a child, she was teased because of her red eyes, and then she was gradually isolated. Later, Charmier discovered the peculiarity of her eyes.

Shermi began to seduce male animals to play with her, so that his character would not become withdrawn.

Later, Shamier found that she could automatically charm creatures of the opposite sex without controlling her eyes, but the effect was not great, so she stopped showing her charming eyes in front of people, and hid them deeply in the hair under.

But Xia Mier has never forgotten the training of eyes in the past, and Liu Xu's strength is so strong that automatic charm is obviously impossible to succeed.

Sharmie can only cast the Pupil of Enchantment on its own initiative, but there is no time limit for active casting, and it will consume more power depending on the opponent's strength and willpower.

According to Charmi's calculations, Liu Xu's strength is tyrannical, and his willpower should not be much worse, so he can only control his appearance for a moment at most, but in fact it exceeded his expectations. Liu Xu's strength is tyrannical but his willpower In terms of strength, it is not as strong as expected, and it is much easier to display than expected.

In the deepest part of his consciousness, Liu Xu was accompanying the so-called Charmi to take his grandson to swim on the beach. He was swimming, but he didn't expect that he suddenly became unable to swim, and he sank slowly, regardless of himself. No matter how hard you struggle, you can't get up.

A feeling of suffocation came over in an instant, making Liu Xu's head feel heavier and heavier, and his perception became more and more blurred, as if he was slowly passing out.

Little by little, his body sank toward the depths of the sea, as if death would come at any time.

Liu Xu seemed to be awakened suddenly, and his eyes slowly opened.

"Where is this?" Liu Xu glanced at the dark void in bewilderment, and mumbled, "Why am I here?"

After speaking, Liu Xu finally came to his senses.

"Damn it, didn't I swim with Charmi and my grandson? And then I drowned, no! No, I should have pulled off Charmi's bangs, trying to see the upper half of her face."

Thinking about it, Liu Xu suddenly realized that after living with Shermi for so long, he couldn't see her face clearly at all, and he suddenly came to his senses.

"Is it designed?"

Just when Liu Xu was about to die, she suddenly escaped from Shermie's control. She was startled and shouted immediately, and then struggled to continue to control Liu Xu's thoughts, but how could she It can't be done either.

But at this moment, in the dark, a vast power came from the void, and it blessed Sharmi, her eyes glowed red, as if they were about to burn.

Liu Xu felt that his body was getting more and more constrained. In the dark sky, the wind and clouds were surging, and a blood-colored full moon was revealed in the black clouds.

Eye of the Moon.

Liu Xu felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred. Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, a purple light suddenly lit up in his lower abdomen.

Infinity Stone, Space Stone.

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Chapter 1281 Opening the Journey of Adventure in the World of Martial Arts

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When Liu Xu opened his eyes, he found himself on a sandy beach.

It was late at night, and the cool breeze was blowing gently, quietly rolled up some small sand grains and slid across Liu Xu's toes, which was very itchy and comfortable.

"Huh!? Wait...toe gaps? Where's my shoe?"

It turned out that Liu Xu's clothes had become a set of ancient coarse cloth long clothes, but he had no shoes.

What the hell is this place?

At this moment, Liu Xu found two figures in front of him, two people with completely different images and temperaments.

Kou Zhong?Xu Ziling?

Wait a minute, why are these two guys here?

Didn't they appear in the world of King of Fighters or Marvel, but they went to the world of Datang Ssangyong?

The King of Fighters, Shermi, Eyes, Eyes of the Moon!

"damn it……"

Liu Xu cursed secretly.

This kind of thing is actually not the first time, not even the second time, tnnd...

It is clearly the world of "Zhan. Crimson Eyes", but it jumps to the world of "Rondo of Angels and Dragons", and the world of "Oda Nobunaga's Ambition", which is obviously the world of "Digimon", but it jumps to the world of "Darkness". Sword" world... not to mention the chaotic world of Dragon Ball... full of tears...

But no matter what, at least keep the skills and so on!

Knowing that complaining would be useless, Liu Xu cheered up and started his own adventure in the world of martial arts.

Seeing the two hard-boiled girls jumping up and down on the beach, Liu Xu knew that this was the beach where Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling met Yun Yuzhen for the first time.

The current Datang Shuanglong is practicing lightness kung fu hard, taking their first step to become Gaidai's martial arts masters.

Liu Xu stepped forward and they spotted him immediately.

Kou Zhong is about [-] meters tall. He has a very strong body, with bright eyes, a high nose bridge, and a sculpture-like fortitude on his face, revealing his indomitable and powerful personality.

Astonishment flashed across his face when he saw Liu Xu, and then his eyes flashed with guard, staring at him, a stranger, closely.

Xu Ziling is about [-] meters tall. This height can be regarded as outstanding in ancient times. Coupled with his slender figure, his gestures exude a unique elegance.

His forehead is broad, his eyes are long and elf, and he seems to contain infinite wisdom.

Even though his clothes were tattered and his hair and beard hadn't been messed up for a long time, he gave the impression that he was a handsome young man.

Xu Ziling's vigilance is not as strong as Kou Zhong's, and the light in his eyes is more curious and friendly.

As soon as they met each other like this, the extraordinary temperament of the two was fully revealed.

Liu Xu lied that he was a scholar who studied abroad and knew a little martial arts. He got lost in a forest today and came here after going round and round.

This kind of lie is naturally full of flaws. If Ssangyong heard it a few months later, he would definitely sneer at it, but now Ssangyong still doesn't even know how to do light work, and the inexperienced rookie just looks at him suspiciously.

From the novel, Liu Xu already had a deep and full understanding of the temperament of the two of them. When he spoke, he liked them, and he quickly became acquainted with them.

Because of their older age, the two who debuted at the age of seventeen even showed Liu Xu, who claimed to be eighteen, the gift of a brother, haha.

Knowing that they were practicing the bird crossing technique taught by Yun Yuzhen, Liu Xu chatted with them.

Kou Zhongqi asked: "Brother Liu also knows the bird crossing technique?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Young Master Zhong, don't be too polite. From now on, you can call me by my name or Big Brother. It's more kind and easy to say."

Kou Zhongxi said: "Ha, this is the best way, his mother's brothers and sisters always find it difficult to speak well."

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