Xiu Xun, whose face was still covered with a red cloth, smiled coquettishly, "Is there anyone in this world who is more licentious than my husband? He's just following your fancy, hee hee."

Wan Jing, whose face was also covered with a red cloth, murmured coquettishly, "It's just... isn't that what you came into the room thinking about?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Oh, isn't that what my lovely little princess is thinking about now? Come and let my husband see if the red and swollen place from last time has healed."

Wan Jing immediately squinted like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, Nu Qiao snorted shyly, raised her powder fist and was about to run over to hit him.

But maybe it was because her face was covered with a red cloth and she wasn't used to wearing a dress. As soon as she took a step, she stepped on the hem of the skirt, and fell forward with an ah.

Luckily Liu Xu reacted quickly enough and immediately stepped forward to support her, hugged her into his arms, and joked casually: "Wan Jing, don't be impatient if you want to be your husband's pet. Look, you almost fell."

While talking, he caressed her round buttocks, feeling the tenderness of that beautiful woman.

The tender-faced little princess in her arms went limp all of a sudden, she couldn't speak, and only knew how to beat Liu Xu's broad chest weakly with her powder fist in protest.

At this time, Jun Yu said softly: "Husband, quickly take off the head covering for us... This... You have to do this kind of thing."

Liu Xu snorted, nodded and said, "Okay, then let my husband serve the three ladies well, hehe."

While talking, he took off the head cover of the beauty in his arms. The beautiful Princess Dongming blushed and bravely raised her head to meet Liu Xu's eyes, looking for the happiness in each other's eyes.

Liu Xu gave Wan Jing a soft sip, and then said: "Jun Yu, Xiu Xun, quickly come to my husband's side, and let me see how beautiful my bride is in the world at this moment."

They walked up to Liu Xu with lotus steps, and he moved his hands together to remove their heads at the same time, and two shy, pretty and charming faces appeared in front of his eyes.

The red candle was burning high, and the warm candlelight added a layer of light to the already beautiful dimples of the three girls, which made Liu Xu feel a kind of dreamlike unreality, and was completely fascinated by the blushing eyes of the three girls. Dimple hit.

At this time, Jun Yu showed the demeanor of her eldest sister, and she winked at Xiu Xun and Wan Jing, then turned her head and looked at him shyly, and said in a low voice: "Husband, you have endured for us for ten days. Our sisters discussed that we should reward you, husband, at this time."

After finishing speaking, the three of them looked at each other a few times, and then slowly undressed in front of Liu Xu.

Moreover, the three of them seem to have practiced in advance, even the steps and speed of undressing are the same.

In the past, Liu Xu had done the magnificent job of undressing when we had a good time with them. I didn't expect them to be so bold this time.

Watching girls take off their clothes, especially their wedding dresses, is thrilling.

What's more, watching three beautiful women take off their clothes at the same speed will definitely make a normal man harden immediately.

The undressing show of the three girls continued, and when they got to the point where only the close-fitting obscene clothes remained, they seemed a little hesitant, looking at each other with blushing faces, not daring to take it off any more.

After all, it is very rare for a decent woman like them to stage such an obscene strip show by candlelight.

Liu Xu was about to go up to help, but they nodded as if to encourage each other, and took off the last cover.

Three beautiful and exquisite female bodies, like agarose and white jade, were exposed naked in the air, and the beautiful and beautiful young girl Qiao's body was proudly displayed under Liu Xu's eyes.

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Chapter 1323 Anniversary in the bridal chamber, a trip to Luoyang

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Among the three women, Xiuxun is the best, and Yuexiong is the biggest. Although they are not as good as a mature woman like Meixian, they are already difficult to hold with one hand. Maybe after Liu Xu's nourishment, they will be back in the near future. It will get bigger.

The older Jun Yu has the fairest skin and the tallest figure, with very well-proportioned curves.

Wan Jing, who is the youngest, is younger than the female Qiao, but her exquisite curves, slender waist, and upturned little butt and butt have a charming charm of a young girl. I'm afraid she is the most beautiful.

Facing the mythical beauty in front of him, Liu Xu couldn't sit still any longer, "Huo" stood up and wanted to take off his clothes.

Unexpectedly, when the three of them saw that Liu Xu was about to take off his clothes, they immediately came over and surrounded him. The three pairs of jade hands gently stroked Liu Xu while the waiters thoughtfully undressed him.

Wan Jing unbuttoned Liu Xu's trousers, twisted his waist playfully with her small hands, and gave Liu Xu a white look with a smile.

Seeing this, Liu Xu chanted smoothly: "The red candle reflects the embarrassing face, the lotus steps are moving forward, and the jade hand is on the king's knee, where is it not pitiful?"

Xiu Xun on the side blushed, and said in a disdainful voice, "Hands to your knees!? Who wrote such obscene lines?"

Liu Xu straightened his chest and said, "Of course it was written by your good husband, Officer Liu."

Wan Jing frowned cutely, shook her head in disbelief and said, "You villain can still write poetry? I don't believe it, unless you write a poem right away."

Liu Xu coughed, looked at Wan Jing who was helping him take off his pants, and said with emotion: "The beauty under him is not human!"

As a result, the little princess Wanjing's almond eyes widened immediately, and before she could protest, Liu Xu immediately answered: "Nine Heavens Fairy descends to the mortal world!" She immediately turned her anger into joy.

Liu Xu thought for a while and continued: "Qianjiao has a pretty face and exquisite body..." Wan Jing smiled even more.

Unexpectedly, he sighed, and changed his tone: "It's just that the moon breast is too flat."

When Liu Xu finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. It turned out that Wan Jing, a cute little girl, had already taken off his trousers.

She said coquettishly in disbelief: "Big villain! Damn villain! You just know how to make fun of others, they are a little small...but...but..."

Liu Xu pouted his waist like a demonstration, and pressed her chin, and said with a smile, "I'm just kidding my husband, but you pinched my important ministries so hard, what should I do if I get hurt?"

Wan Jing curled her lips in disdain, and said angrily: "If you get hurt, you deserve it, if you kill it, it's best, hum... making fun of others..."

Liu Xu laughed and said, "If you really make it useless, your sister Xun and sister Yu will have to look for you desperately, hehe."

Xiu Xun and Jun Yu, who were watching the play, immediately blushed and said coquettishly, "A dog can't spit out ivory!" They raised their fists and joined the ranks of "accounting for" Liu Xu.

After joking and joking around for a while, the four of them unknowingly rolled onto the big bed.

And Liu Xu's clothes were also taken off by them, his strong body exuded a strong masculine atmosphere.

Jun Yu and Xiu Xun, who hadn't shared the same bed for more than two months, stared at Liu Xu intently, with a cute look of uncontrollable affection.

Liu Xu sat up cross-legged, looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "My good lady, come quickly and serve your husband as before."

The two women looked at each other with blushing faces, and leaned over in embarrassment.

After the clouds collected and the rain rested, they were lying lazily on the bed and whispering to each other after their happiness.

Jun Yu and Xiu Xun lay beside Liu Xu, one on the left and the other on the right, while Wan Jing mischievously lay on his waist.

At this time, Xiu Xun, who was attacked by Liu Xu in the Yuexiong tribe, asked lazily: "By the way, Rong Fengxiang from Luoyang invited us to his birthday banquet in January. Are you interested, sir?"

Just as Liu Xu wanted to say that he was not interested, he suddenly thought: "Wait... According to the development of the plot, Shi Feixuan and Shang Xiufang, two super beauties, will show up in Luoyang. You must not miss the opportunity to meet them!"

Thinking of this, he replied: "Since he sent such an expensive gift, we should go too? He celebrates his birthday. Anyway, Luoyang is not too far away, so just go."

The trip to Luoyang took nearly ten days, and finally came to Luoyang.

Facing the scorching sun at noon, Liu Xu and the three women sat in a gorgeous carriage and drove slowly towards the south city gate, followed by more than a dozen people from the ranch.

At this moment, Liu Xu's heart was filled with a certain majesty and grandeur.

In front of this historic city spanning thousands of years, people seem so small and shallow.

Luoyang, the eastern capital, and Chang'an in the west reflect each other. They are the two most dazzling pearls in the history of the land of China. There are exciting stories happening all the time, so much pride, trauma, brilliance, and loneliness.

Looking at its city walls, the towering and majestic walls have undoubtedly been refurbished countless times. Although there are still traces of years of wind and frost, the smell of gunpowder smoke left by Dong Zhuo in the Three Kingdoms period may not be smelled now.

In fact, I have been wondering why Huang Yi, who loves history, did not write about the Three Kingdoms. Is it because the jewels and jade in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" made him feel pressured?

The scale of Luoyang City is vast, even the south gate has three gates, and the structure is very Kuihong.At this time, a large number of soldiers had already lined up at the gate of the city to welcome their arrival.

When people come to greet you, you have to get out of the car and say a few words, but here comes the problem.

Liu Xu knew that Wang Shichong's big fight was actually for the sake of Xiu Xun and Wan Jing, but he might not be interested in him, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit annoyed.

The empathetic Xiu Xun seemed to have sensed Liu Xu's thoughts. Although she was still being attacked by Yue Xiong, she reluctantly said: "Ah... good husband... don't play tricks... ah..."

When Liu Xu's big hand resting on her clothes stopped, her tone became normal: "You are our husband-in-law, so the so-called marriage and obedience, our three sisters will naturally listen to your arrangements, and you can represent us when something happens. "

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Chapter 1324 The eldest son Xuanshu, the gorgeous girl

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Liu Xu kissed her gratefully. At this moment, the carriage had just arrived in front of the city gate, so he smiled goodbye to the third daughter and got out of the carriage, ready to say a few words on the occasion.

The leader on the opposite side was a young man who seemed to be less than twenty years old, with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a strong body, and a sincere look on his face, which made people feel good.

He took a step forward, cupped his fists and said, "My Majesty, Wang Xuanshu, was ordered by the Minister to welcome Mr. Liu and the three wives."

Isn't Wang Xuanshu the second son of Wang Shichong?Seeing that he never mentions that he is the son of Wang Shichong, Liu Xu can't help but look at him with admiration. In reality, when many people talk to people, the first thing they introduce is not themselves, but their father.In comparison, Wang Xuanshu is quite humble.

After Liu Xu greeted him a few words, he said: "Shang Shu has booked a room at the most famous Dong's restaurant in Luoyang. Please stay here first. Boss Rong will clean up the dust for you later."

Under his guidance, the group of them came to Dong's Restaurant.

This restaurant is four stories high, overall it is not very magnificent, but it is simple but not shabby, elegant but not luxurious, giving people a very elegant and refined feeling.

The most admirable place is that the Luoshui River, which runs across Luoyang City, flows by the side of the restaurant. Sitting upstairs, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery along the river.

The scale of the building should be quite large in this era. It is divided into the front building and the back building. The front building is for banquet business, and the back building is a quiet and clean wing room.

They were arranged to live on the third floor, and more than a dozen rooms on half a floor were allocated to them, and they were free to allocate them.

The most wonderful thing is that the largest guest room has a big bed. Although it is not as exaggerated as the one in the ranch house, it is enough to sleep four people. It seems that it was specially prepared.

The three girls were blushing, and Liu Xu was naturally in a happy mood.

Liu Xu and the three daughters naturally chose the largest guest room. Anyway, the wedding was held, and they would not be afraid of gossip if they lived together. The rest of the smaller rooms were left to the people who came from the ranch to choose.

Maybe in the evening, we will attend the dust-cleaning banquet. The three girls will gather in front of the bronze mirror to dress up and discuss which kind of gouache should be used. Looking at the charming and lovely three wives, they are enjoying the joy of their homeland It really made Liu Xu intoxicated.

There is still some time before dinner, and the three women seem to be a little bored staying in the inn, so they chattered for a while, and finally came to a conclusion to go shopping... Sure enough... as long as it is a woman, no matter what kind of woman it is, There is no resistance to such boring behaviors as shopping.

From a man's point of view, generally speaking, staying in bed with a woman is much happier and more affordable than staying in a mall... Of course, the exception is if you are lying with a chicken...

The three women dragged Liu Xu and brought five or six servants to the market in Luoyang. It is undeniable that even the market in a big city like Luoyang is colorful, with many shops and a variety of Chinese and foreign products. .

It's just a pity that there are no cigarettes for sale, so Liu Xu doesn't even have the right to smoke a dull cigarette when he is bored waiting on the sidelines.

Seeing the three of them frantically shopping in the jewelry store like nectar after a long drought, Liu Xu was so bored that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he sneaked away, planning to take a look around.

After walking a few steps, I found a small shop specializing in strange skills and tricks!

Wow!Isn't this equivalent to an ancient sex shop! ?

Although it is said that Hu Fengxi is coming in this era, it is really unexpected that there will be such an open thing in such an ancient city.

Immediately, Liu Xu's heart became aroused. Is there that legendary wooden double-headed silverware inside?

If you have one, you must buy one, and go back and teach the three daughters to perform homosexual love for him, the flower of lily.

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