Liu Xu's claw strikes were very measured, and he only scratched the tight leather jacket of the superwoman. As for the skin of the superwoman, he didn't even hurt the hair.

" have something to say."

"I heard it all. He killed my brother."

"There must be some misunderstanding here."

"He killed my brother."

"I mean……"

"He killed my brother."


"Stark, it's better for you to go out." Liu Xu looked at Stark and said, "Close the door for me."

Stark left.

The superwoman's left hand protects the crescent moon and her right leg protects her legs, but it is more attractive than showing her snow-white body in an all-round way, especially the beauty of the superwoman is not the soft beauty of oriental women, but a healthy and strong one. Beautiful appearance, slender and round thighs, flat abdomen, although it looks plump and strong, it doesn't have that muscular prominence, but a bodybuilding posture unique to Western women.

Coupled with her snow-white skin, without any flaws, Liu Xu felt an unprecedented stimulation, his body became excited involuntarily, and he couldn't help but teased the superwoman in his mouth, saying: "Say you are a sm-loving silver slut Woman, I really didn't wrong you! You don't even wear underwear? You still wear such narrow underwear?"

It was the first time for a superwoman to be naked by her opponent, and the opponent was an Asian man. She couldn't help being confused for a while, and only knew how to protect her vitals with her hands. Hearing this, she cursed shamefully and angrily: " You stinky rascal, shameless villain..."

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Chapter 1338 Apocalypse Beast and Dili Demon

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Carla obviously seldom swears. Apart from these few swear words that are repeated over and over again, she can't find fresh swear words.

"Since you call me a hooligan and a shameless villain, I will show you shameless!"

As he said that, Liu Xu withdrew his hand, stepped forward and threw the superwoman to the ground.

The superwoman was terrified, her feminine instincts made her forget her superhuman strength, she just struggled desperately, trying to push Liu Xu away from her.

Even the power she used unconsciously was amazing enough, Liu Xu almost made her fly, but when he pierced a streak of blood energy into Superwoman's body, the blood energy in Superwoman's body immediately responded to it, Kara's strength It softened.

Liu Xu easily moved her hands away, and pinched the superwoman's breasts hard.

Carla burst into tears from the pain, and cursed, "Stinky rascal, I won't let you go!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You don't let me go, I don't want to let you go!"

He lowered his head, and opened his mouth to bite the moon part of Superwoman...

After a while, Liu Xu, who was lying on the superwoman's body, regained his sanity a little. He looked at the tear-stained superwoman under him, was shocked, and sat up quickly.

At this time, Liu Xu noticed a large area of ​​red between Superwoman's snow-white thighs, and couldn't help being stunned, but there was no surprise, his brother Superman Clark was also a virgin when he died, and his family was all virgins.

The superwoman looked at the sky blankly, as if she had lost her life.

Liu Xu felt distressed for no reason, but he was not going to apologize for his behavior, but leaned down again, and opened his mouth to bite Kara's neck.

Three days later, the secret of the Space Stone has been partly cracked by SHIELD, which has united the world's most authoritative scientists.

Although they are far from mastering the secrets of the Space Stone, time has not allowed them to continue their research, because the Apocalypse Beast (name known from Liu Xu) has entered the Earth's atmosphere and will soon be seen by people all over the world , it will cause a lot of panic at that time.

Liu Xu took the space stone, boarded a spacecraft, and went to outer space to perform the ultimate task of using the space stone to transfer the beast of apocalypse.

Of course, from Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D. has already known the relationship between Apocalypse Beast and Liu Xu, and he is the best candidate for the task.

Liu Xu, wearing the Iron Man prototype, came out of the spacecraft and faced the Apocalypse Beast.

"Cyber ​​beast!"

Liu Xu called the name of the electronic beast, but the apocalypse beast did not respond to him.

"Are you really going to fight?"

Liu Xu is holding the space stone, if possible, he does not want to use the power of the space stone.

Marvel's power system revolves around the six cosmic gems. The space stone in Liu Xu's hand is a double-edged sword. If you use it without fully mastering it, the result is unpredictable.

The aura of power on Liu Xu's body was constantly rising, and the Iron Man prototype covered by his body could no longer withstand the impact of the force, and exploded to pieces with a bang.

Now Liu Xu's posture is no longer the human Liu Xu on the earth, but a vampire monster in the Digimon world.

Powerful, mysterious, bloodthirsty.

"Although the electronic beast looks ugly, it is still very easy to use. You actually absorbed the electronic beast without my consent. Does your mother know that you are so beating?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xu had already rushed towards the Apocalypse Beast.

"Dark Zone!"

With the Apocalypse Beast as the center, a ripple of energy emerged.

He used a skill that creates darkness that expands infinitely, reducing everything to "nothing".

"It is said that after being surrounded by this darkness, you will lose your sense of direction in all directions, and then gradually disappear... Open it for me, Demon Heart Moon Attack!" Liu Xu began to gather energy, gather dark energy when the moon is full in the middle of the moon, There is a ray of final light in front of you, and when you hit it, the surroundings of the enemy will be completely turned into darkness.

Darkness vs Darkness.

The space is annihilated, Liu Xu broke through the dark zone of Apocalypse Beast, and his people have already stood in front of Apocalypse Beast.

"Degenerate claws!"

The DNA-like double helical tentacles protruding from the Apocalypse beast grabbed Liu Xu from all directions, preparing to use the metal claws to degenerate the Digimon it touched.

"Well done, Bloody Claws!"

As a vampire monster, Liu Xu was no stranger to claw strikes, and he also used claws for claws.

The two fought in the dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and each of them suffered a lot of damage.

"It seems that I can only use the Space Stone. I didn't want to use it. After all, you are the key to my dominance of the Digimon world!"

Liu Xu and the Apocalypse Beast were in a stalemate, and in the end he chose to use the power of the Space Stone.

The purple space stone flew out of Liu Xu's arms, suspended in the place between him and the Apocalypse Beast.

The Space Stone exuded a soft light, and just as Liu Xu was about to unleash the power of the Space Stone, suddenly, a rushing figure grabbed the Space Stone in his hand.

"Emperor Demon!"

Liu Xu said angrily.

Unexpectedly, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit.

When Liu Xu and the Apocalypse Beast were in a stalemate, Di Li Mo would intervene.

"Hahaha... what a powerful force..."

Di Limo laughed wildly, he has now fully mastered Ultron, so he showed his true colors.

Liu Xu's distraction was immediately caught by the tentacles of the Apocalypse Beast.

The Apocalypse Beast did not exert its power of degeneration, but continuously sucked Liu Xu's blood.

"Are you trying to tell me that if you hunt geese all day long, you will be pecked by geese? As a blood-sucking monster, there will always be a day when people will suck blood? But are you sure you really want to do this? Hehe..."

Liu Xu didn't break free. If it was the power of degeneration, he still had three points of scruples, but he sucked blood.

His blood is not so easy to suck.

Apocalypse Beast didn't feel anything at first, but he soon noticed something strange, but he couldn't stop, because it was Electronic Beast who was in charge now.

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⑧ Moxing Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1339 The Shocking Battle, Prince of the Tang Dynasty

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The Apocalypse Beast bound itself in a cocoon. The moment he inhaled Liu Xu's blood, the Electronic Beast that had been swallowed by him woke up. He instinctively began to suck Liu Xu's blood. The more blood, the stronger the Electronic Beast, and finally countered the Apocalypse Beast. .

As soon as Di Limo succeeded in the attack, he immediately prepared to run away. He didn't think he could face the combination of Apocalypse Beast and Liu Xu. The only thing he could take advantage of was that they were at odds with each other, and they were also opponents.

It's a pity that he did all the tricks, but in the end he still didn't expect such an accident to happen.

The awakened Electronic Beast completely replaced the Apocalypse Beast, and now he has become loyal to Liu Xu again.

Di Limo is not afraid of fighting alone, but the power of Liu Xu and Apocalypse Beast teaming up, even the Digi-Reaper has to stay away.

He was ready to retreat immediately, but Liu Xu and Apocalypse Beast had perfectly blocked the route.

In the universe, there are routes up and down, left and right, and in all directions, but Liu Xu and the Apocalypse Beast perfectly formed an all-round interception.

Then, for a long time to come, the entire outer space atmosphere was filled with the screams of Di Limo.

"In that case, let's die together!"

Di Limo was also ruthless enough, and had no intention of giving in at all. He directly threw the space stone in his hand into the void, gathered all the energy in his body, and directly bombarded the space-time stone.

The Space Stone became extremely unstable when it came into contact with the violent energy impact of Dili Mo.

"Electronic beast, entangle Di Li Mo."

Liu Xu rushed towards the space stone, while the electronic beast tightly entangled Di Li Mo with its tentacles, and began to devour it desperately, first the energy, then the main body...

The moment Liu Xu held the space stone, the whole world was darkened.

That is the purest darkness.

When the darkness was small, under the starry sky, there were no figures of Liu Xu, Di Limo and electronic beasts.

Digimon World.

Oriental Paradise.

Rumored to be the closest to the Yggdrasil in the Digital World, Shakamon has guarded the east of the Digital World since ancient times.

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