As Liu Xu expected, Peipei is Xiangyushan's mistress here, but that was when he was still able to have sex. Now Xiangyushan has been abolished by Liu Xu, so there will be resentment in Peipei's eyes At the same time, she is also the actual person in charge of Dai Qinglou. When Liu Xu manipulated them both mentally and physically, everything they knew became Liu Xu's knowledge, including where Xiangyu Mountain is now.

Liu Xu leaped a long distance of seven or eight miles in one breath, and finally stopped.

"Come out! You've been with me for so long." Liu Xu said to the night.

Dressed in white and barefoot, the beautiful moon night elf Houhou appeared beside Liu Xu facing the moonlight, and said angrily, "You discovered it!"

"Wu Hou, do you want to do something interesting with me?" Liu Xu didn't ask why Wan Wan followed him.

Wan Wan smiled and said, "What is it?"

"Guess." With a teasing mentality, Liu Xu slightly lowered his head and approached Yanxiu's smiling face.

There was a flash of blushing on Houhou's fair face, but it disappeared immediately, and met the teasing gaze with mysterious eyes and said: "How can Houhou know your thoughts?"

Liu Xu looked quietly into the beautiful jewel-like eyes of Houhou, and said softly, "Wuhou, how about we go and kill someone?"

"Who to kill?" Hearing Liu Xu said that he was going to kill someone, a trace of thought flashed in Wan Hou's eyes.

Liu Xu looked at Houhou and smiled without saying a word, and finally said slowly, "Secret."

"Hmph!" The beautiful Houhou was angry, but she was so mysterious, Liu Xu couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Would be the elf in white clothes, Houhou."

Xiang Yushan came to Rongyang to collect the "goods", but due to some unexpected circumstances, the voyage of the ship carrying the "goods" was delayed, so he had to stay here for a few more days.

"Wuhou, the person I want to kill is actually Xiangyu Mountain." Liu Xu took Houhou to the foot of Xiangyu Mountain, and he had just come out of the house at this time.

"Xiangyu Mountain!" Hou Houxiu frowned.

Liu Xu looked at Houhou beside her, and found a thoughtful look in her eyes, and thought, if Bai Qing'er was by her side instead of Wanhou, then she might agree.

"Okay." Somewhat beyond Liu Xu's expectation, Hou Hou agreed with a smile.

"Aren't you stopping me?" Liu Xu asked.

Wan Wan thought for a while and said, "You should know the identity of Xiangyu Mountain, right?"

Liu Xu said disdainfully: "It's not that it has something to do with our Demon Sect, it's just that you Yinkui faction don't know if you care about him, or you don't care about his life or death."

Wan Wan smiled and said, "If you want to kill him, you can kill him, I have no objection."

Liu Xu didn't know if Houhou was telling the truth, but he didn't care about the reaction of the Yinkui faction, he just wanted to kill Xiangyushan now.

"Hey, he's leaving." Liu Xu woke up from his thoughts with a soft cry. He looked at the bridge not far away, and he saw the little fair face from Xiangyu Mountain walking on the bridge and going to the north of the city. direction.

Seeing that guy from Xiangyu Mountain was about to get off the bridge, Liu Xu signaled to follow, and then walked towards the bridge. Behind him, Hou Hou smiled slightly, with an interesting look in his eyes, and followed him.

Liu Xu and the two followed Xiangyu Mountain from a distance until they arrived at the gate of the northern city, but they saw him stay for a while, and then walked out of the gate to the outskirts of Rongyang.

Liu Xu secretly wondered what Xiangyu Mountain was doing, but before he could think about it, the two followed him out of Rongyang City.

"What is he doing?" Houhou looked at Xiangyu Mountain in the distance strangely, and asked Liu Xu with her delicate head slightly tilted.

"I don't know either, but it doesn't matter what he wants to do. Anyway, I just want to kill him." Liu Xu said with a smile, but his smile was full of murderous intent, and he felt a little strange when he saw Houhou , I don't understand what the Liu Xu in front of me has against Xiangyu Mountain, and his intention to kill him is so determined.

Just when Houhou was doubting, Xiangyushan walked into a huge forest, and Liu Xu and Houhou followed closely behind.

Chapter 1390 Dead Fragrant Yushan, Two Girls

After entering the forest for a while, Liu Xu and the two saw that the trees in the forest were densely packed, but there was a winding path on the ground, apparently people often walked there.

After walking for a while, I saw a wooden house in the distance. I saw Xiang Yushan turned around and looked around, then opened the door and stepped inside.

After a while, Liu Xu and Hou Hou came out from behind a tree, looked at the wooden house in the distance, and thought about each other.

Wan Wan smiled and said: "Look at how careful he is, he doesn't know what's in the wooden house."

"Although I don't know what's in that wooden house, what is he going to do..." Liu Xu looked around, then focused his eyes on the wooden house, and said, "However, I think he is so nervous, the things inside must be dark , that’s why he hid it in such a hidden place.”

"Aren't you going in?" Hou Hou looked at Liu Xu with a smile on his face.

"Of course I have to go in and have a look."

Facing Wan Hou's eyes that seemed to have deep meaning, Liu Xu smiled indifferently, then took her jade hand and walked towards the wooden house.

"Papa papa...papa..."

"What's that sound?" Just outside the wooden house, Hou Hou frowned when he heard the sound of a leather whip coming from inside the house.

"Let's go in and take a look." Liu Xu also frowned, but then opened it up again, and walked forward and kicked the door of the wooden house open.

There were three people in the wooden house, and one of them was Xiangyushan. He suddenly heard the sound of the wooden door being kicked open, and couldn't help screaming "ah".

However, Liu Xu ignored Xiangyushan who was startled, but looked closely at the two women tied to the ground in front of Xiangyushan, one was wearing purple clothes, the other was wearing white clothes, and the white clothes The one who was in a coma passed out.

" me!" The beautiful purple-clothed girl saw Liu Xu and shouted for help, but was fainted by Xiang Yushan.

"You..." Xiang Yushan looked at Liu Xu with murderous intent, but for some reason, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, and even the other person's figure began to become hazy.

"Xiangyushan, you deserve to die!" Liu Xu dodged to bully Xiangyushan.

Xiang Yushan raised his palm in panic and was about to slap Liu Xu, but he was grabbed by the neck before he could slap, and was immediately lifted up.

Liu Xu felt extremely annoyed, and couldn't let Xiang Yushan say anything, so he tightened his strength and cut off his shin.

Poor Xiang Yushan, who was cunning by nature, died like this before he could "talk nonsense".

With a sound of "Bang!", Liu Xu threw Xiangyushan's body to the ground fiercely, and then came to the two unconscious women.

"what happened?"

At this time, in fact, not long after Liu Xu entered the wooden house, Hou Hou also walked in.

She saw Xiangyu Mountain lying on the ground, seeing that he was obviously dead, and seeing Liu Xu looking at the two women tied up with hemp rope in front of him, she couldn't help feeling very curious, wondering what happened here just now?But Liu Xu didn't answer when he heard what Houhou said, but just stared at the two women in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

He suddenly had a strange premonition, the two women in front of him, um... It seems that they are not insignificant people, maybe they are also two of the "historical" beauties.

Liu Xu looked at the two women in front of him. Although most of their faces were covered by their messy hair, their beauty could still be seen from their crystal clear skin.

However, Liu Xu immediately became a little confused. He couldn't think of any two beauties in the original book of the Tang Dynasty who had such an experience. Thinking about it, he felt that even if it was a butterfly effect, it would not affect them so quickly. Two things, I have only been here for about two months.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu continued to think hard, constantly recalling the incomplete pieces about Datang.

Seeing that Liu Xu was frowning and thinking about something, Hou Hou didn't bother her, and instead looked at the situation in the wooden house.

At this time, her eyes touched the two women who were tied up with hemp rope in the room. She saw clearly that their dresses were torn, and there were shocking welts on their exposed white skin. With a childish face, he couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

Although he was born in a demon family, seeing the miserable conditions of those two women, maybe it was because they were both women, and seeing that the one in white clothes seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old among them, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Stepping on white bare feet, Hou Hou walked gently to the side of the two women, stared at them for a while, then waved his hand and cut the hemp ropes on the two women's bodies with a short sword in his sleeve.

Until Houhou helped the two girls apply some wound medicine, Liu Xu watched the whole process silently, and suddenly had a new view of Houhou in his heart, felt the kindness in her heart, and thought in his heart that maybe he was in the Yinkui party. She is really cruel.

Hou Hou said suddenly: "Xiangyu Mountain hasn't done anything to them yet, they still have Shougong Sha on their arms."

Shougong sand?

Liu Xu thought for a while, and suddenly guessed that Xiang Yushan and the others put Shougong sand on the arms of those women, probably to prove to the guests of the brothel that these women were still virgins.

Looking at the two women in a coma, Liu Xu couldn't help thinking why Xiangyu Mountain imprisoned them alone, or in such a remote forest. Could it be that the two of them have any important role for him?

Thinking about it, Liu Xu looked at the two of them with more and more puzzled eyes.

Next, Hou Hou put the two women on the ground lightly, and then used special techniques to wake them up.

"Ah!?" After the two unconscious women woke up, they couldn't help screaming when they saw the two strangers, Liu Xu and Wan Wan.

Wan Hou said softly: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, and we have no ill intentions towards you."

"Are you...?" The purple-clothed woman hugged the white-clothed girl lightly, and looked at Liu Xu and Hou Hou with some horror, looking like a frightened white rabbit, with an expression full of vigilance.

"We happen to be here often." Wan Hou smiled, and secretly used the charm of the Sunflower School, then turned his head to look in Liu Xu's direction and said, "Do you have any impression of him? He was Jiang Xiang just now." Yushan killed, which means he saved the two of you."

Chapter 1391 Tianxiang double beauty, Li Clan rises up

Saying that, Wan Hou pointed to the corpse of Xiangyu Mountain lying on the ground, staring at the two women with clear eyes.

The woman in purple looked at Houhou in front of her, then looked at Liu Xu, and finally said to Houhou hesitantly: "It seems... I saw him just now."

"You really saved us?" With a trace of expectation, the woman in purple looked closely at Liu Xu.

Although Liu Xu didn't know why she reacted like this, it was very different from the frightened look just now, but he still nodded without hesitation.

"Thank you!" The woman in purple suddenly pulled the girl in white and knelt down in front of Liu Xu, with a look of sadness and joy, and a few tears in her eyes.

Seeing such a clear appearance, both Liu Xu and Hou Hou felt very stunned, but they immediately understood the thoughts of the purple-clothed woman, and knew that she knew that Liu Xu had saved them from the beginning, but it was only because of the experience she had received before. There was a lot of pain and involuntary feelings, but now she received Liu Xu's affirmative answer without hesitation, and she let go of the slightest guard in her heart.

Afterwards, Hou Hou comforted the two girls who were sad and crying with full of care, gently lifted them up, and asked their names carefully.

"My name is Jing Man." The woman in purple wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes lightly, looked at the girl in white who was holding her and kept crying, and said, "And her name is You Xing, we..."

Jing Man, You Xing? !

Yangzhou Tianxiang House female branch daughter, also known as Tianxiang Shuangyan.

Although he is not a big person, he is indeed registered in Datang World.

"You know them?" Houhou asked suspiciously.

"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded, and Xuan said again, "But they don't know me."

"..." Wan Wan rolled her beautiful eyes.

"How do you plan to arrange them?" Wan Hou walked to Liu Xu's side and asked him softly, with complicated expressions in his eyes.

"Take them away first." Liu Xu knew that the two of them had no place to go now.

At this time, Jing Man and You Xing had already calmed down. After wiping away the tears on their faces, they spoke carefully for a while. A hesitant expression appeared on You Xing's face. She whispered something in her ear, and the two came to Liu Xu and knelt down.

"Thank you for saving your life, benefactor." The two women said in unison: "The little girl has nothing to repay, so she has to serve benefactor as a slave and handmaiden for the rest of her life."

"You...?" Liu Xu couldn't react for a while, and then he was a little confused, what are they doing, and Hou Wan just watched, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Benefactor." Jing Man looked at Liu Xu nervously, waiting for his response.

Liu Xu asked doubtfully, "Don't you want to live freely?"

"Our sisters have nowhere to go. We just ask our benefactor to take us in with kindness."

After finishing speaking, both Jing Man and You Xing had dejected expressions on their faces, and the expressions were so desolate that one couldn't bear to refuse them at all.

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