A few bells rang, and then there was a burst of drum music, but it was Li Yuan who arrived.

Li Yuan wore a dragon crown and a dragon robe. Accompanied by the royal family members, Li Yuan walked into the hall in a majestic manner.

The head of the Li family should be nearly sixty years old, but he doesn't look old, with a strong physique and an extraordinary bearing.

A pair of tiger eyes flickered, showing extremely high internal strength.

And beside Li Yuan, walking side by side with him was an ugly old man.

This person has a pointed head and a narrow forehead, a disproportionately high bridge of nose, and a slender jaw with a little pocket, making his facial features seem to be crowded together.

However, as long as you look closely at his eyes, you will forget all these shortcomings.

Those slender eyes are like a deep pool, which seems to hide endless secrets, making people want to explore and get closer.

Moreover, he has an indescribable aura about him, as if he is resigned from the world and independent, a traveler who is above the mortal world of all living beings, even if he walks with the emperor Li Yuan, he will not lose the slightest momentum.

One of the three great masters, Goryeo's Yijian master Fu Cailin!

Following behind Fu Cailin were two slender girls in white clothes, with a very northern maple love.

Just looking at their auras that are exactly the same as Fu Junmao, one can tell that they are Fu Cailin's other two apprentices, Fu Junmao and Fu Junmao.

The closest behind Li Yuan are the two sons Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, and a very beautiful girl in a Hu suit, who is Liu Xu's old friend Li Xiuning.

During the welcome of the ministers, as the host, Li Yuan first spoke a few words, nothing more than wishing for peace in the country and peace in the world, and on behalf of the Li clan, he specially welcomed Fu Cailin, the distinguished guest of Goguryeo, as his apprentice.

Naturally, the audience applauded desperately, and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic for a while.

When everyone is here, the banquet will begin soon.

All kinds of rare delicacies were served like water, and the long-awaited song and dance performance was also staged as usual. Liu Xu and the generals of Tiance Mansion sat together, and chatted with other people without a word while eating, saying some unnutritious words Son.

After a while, the singing and dancing performance ended, Li Yuan took the initiative to toast to everyone, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves immediately.

Liu Xu secretly said: "At this time, Li Shimin is leading the army outside, and it is an important moment to attack Luoyang. But the Li clan didn't mention this matter, hehe, it's very interesting.

After drinking for three rounds, Li Jiancheng, as the prince, also stood up and toasted everyone, and everyone naturally responded enthusiastically.

Li Jiancheng is tall and slender, with a gentle appearance, and looks unassuming, but he always makes people feel a little bit sinister.

Liu Xu looked at "Li Jiancheng" and knew that he was a counterfeit, but there was no benefit in exposing him now.

It seems that he is used to arrogance and thinks that he is the protagonist when he travels to any world. Hmph, even if Liu Xu doesn't do anything, Li Shimin will naturally help him clean up this "Jesus"!

At this time, he said loudly: "Since our clan launched an army in Taiyuan, we have been invincible in all battles. The reason for this is that we can build a country with martial arts and recruit talented people from all over the world. In this grand event tonight, according to tradition, martial arts tests are indispensable. This hall will throw bricks to attract jade, and send Changlin Army Captain Ke Zhi to accept the challenge, no matter who wins or loses, both sides will be rewarded with ten taels of gold, just to add to the fun."

The generals of Tiance Mansion looked at each other and said secretly: "Here we come!"

As soon as Li Jiancheng finished speaking, Da Kezhi stood up and walked into the arena.

He first knelt and kowtowed to Chairman Li Yuan, then stood up proudly and looked around, showing an aura of fighting for the front, which immediately aroused cheers and applause from the audience.

Liu Xu winked at Changsun Wuji with an eager look on his face.

Changsun Wuji heaved a sigh of relief. To be honest, there is no one in the Tiance Mansion who is an opponent of Dazhi. If this kid suddenly withdraws timidly, he can only choose one of Pang Yu or Yu Chigong to take the stage and be humiliated. .

The battle between the Crown Prince and the King of Qin has become apparent, and no one will give up the opportunity to attack the other party's prestige.

And a contest at a state banquet like this is even more eye-catching, and everyone doesn't want to lose their prestige.

Chapter 1506 An Easy Win, The Opposite Sex Pays Attention

At this time, the master Li Shimin was leading the army, and as the number two figure in the Tiance Mansion, he naturally had to take responsibility, and of course he didn't want to be defeated in the competition.

Now this idiot named Liu Xu took the initiative to send it to his door. It's good to win by luck, but it's really lucky that he can push it clean when he loses.

Changsun Wuji walked into the arena, kowtowed to Li Yuan, and said: "I have a good friend named Qin Chuan, who is one of the most outstanding young masters in today's martial arts world. I hope he can reach the captain in the battle. I ask the emperor for permission."

Li Yuan obviously had never heard of the name Qin Chuan, and was slightly taken aback, but still nodded in agreement.

At this time, one of Li Jiancheng's subordinates leaned over to him and whispered a few words, Changsun Wuji immediately cried out that something was wrong, because he recognized that person as Wei Zheng, the crown prince's main counselor, and there was absolutely nothing good about it.

Sure enough, Li Jiancheng interjected: "I don't know if this Qin Chuan Qin Shaoxia represents the Tiance Mansion? Master Changsun."

Changsun Wuji cursed inwardly, he bypassed the others and asked Li Yuan directly in order to blur the issue, but Wei Zheng saw through it.

But now, if Liu Xu is insisted that Liu Xu is not from the Tiance Mansion, it will become that the Tiance Mansion does not have the confidence to deliberately avoid the war, and its momentum is even weaker.

He gritted his teeth secretly, but on the surface he said indifferently: "Qin Shaoxia can naturally represent Tiance Mansion, His Royal Highness is too worried."

At this time, Dazhi in the middle of the field laughed, and drew his long knife out of its sheath. Immediately, the awe-inspiring sword intent came to Liu Xu, obviously inviting him to fight.

Naturally, Liu Xu didn't take Dazhi to heart, but at this moment, Fu Cailin, a master-level expert, was still sitting on the sidelines, secretly vigilant not to reveal the slightest flaw.

He stood up and said with a big smile, "It's a great honor to be able to fight against Captain Koda, please accept the move!"

After saying that, his palm was like a thunderbolt, and he slapped directly towards Da Dazhi with the vigor of a mountain torrent.

Seeing that the opponent was so forthright, Da Dazhi couldn't help but also burned with fighting spirit. He shouted "Hello", and then he grabbed the long knife in his hand, like a strong wind and sandstorm, to meet Liu Xu's palm.

Many people on the sidelines couldn't help frowning, secretly thinking that this kid named Qin Chuan really didn't understand etiquette.

Of course, Liu Xu did this on purpose.

But soon, everyone was attracted by the fight on the field.

They have long known how powerful Dazhi is. At this time, his Kuangsha Saber Technique is fully unfolded, and the fiery sword energy is rolled up like hot sand under the scorching sun, forming a wild wind and sandstorm with Dazhi as the core. .

The people who sat closer to the battle circle and watched the battle also felt a frightening feeling of thirst and dryness, as if the entire hall was transformed into an endless desert by this terrifying mad sand knife.

But Liu Xu's skill surprised them very much, this little boy who was unknown at this time was actually on equal terms with Da Dazhi!

Liu Xu's fighting style at this time is mighty and domineering, completely head-to-head, completely different from the femininity and cunning when using Dou Zhuan to move before.

The skill is also controlled to be on par with Da Dazhi, and the fight is very fierce.

His demon seeds also remained active, making him look like a supreme martial arts overlord, exuding unparalleled charm.

Many women on the sidelines were dazzled and felt that Liu Xu was really mighty and full of masculinity.

Even sisters Fu Junqiang and Fu Junqiang, who have always looked down on Han men, were stunned.

Especially sitting closer to Li Xiuning, her fiancé Chai Shao has been dead for a long time, but she has not chosen a new son-in-law.

Although she has enjoyed the fun of men and women for a long time, although she occasionally summons some handsome men for fun, where has she met such a mighty man as Liu Xu at the moment?And although the Li family she was born in has been sinicized, many of the concepts at the root are still inherited from the Xianbei Hu species, and the atmosphere is far more open than that of the Han people.

And Liu Xu's pressure in fighting Dazhi is actually all on acting, and half of his attention is on the chairman's side, spying on Fu Cailin's reaction, while Li Xiuning's eyes are like water at the moment, Qiao Mei's mysterious appearance is also Being noticed by him, he couldn't help being moved by him.

After hundreds of strokes, Dazhi's aura slowly faded away. He was terrified in his heart. In terms of strength, he and his opponent were roughly on par, but the man in front of him seemed to have endless energy, and he fought with all his strength. After so long, the state is not much different from the beginning, which is incredible.

In fact, with Liu Xuxiu's achievements, he can already be called the number one person in the world.

In particular, he was forcibly dragged to the extreme realm of heaven and man in a short period of time. I am afraid that he is the only master in the Tang world who has experienced the realm of heaven and man.

In a one-on-one situation, none of the three great masters is his opponent.

As for defeating Ke Dazhi, who is only ruling the roost among young masters, it is simply a piece of cake.

At this time, Liu Xu also felt that the performance was almost done, so he suddenly shouted, his palm strength became a little stronger, and his fierceness pierced through the Kuangsha knife curtain like a thunder, and hit Dazhi directly.

Dazhi couldn't imagine that his opponent could still explode after fighting for so long, so he could only try his best to fight back in a hurry.

Suddenly, with a bang, Da Dazhi was pushed back three steps in a row by the force of his palm, and Liu Xu also took advantage of the momentum to take a step back, showing that he had the upper hand.

If it's a life-and-death fight, it's nothing, but in a martial arts contest, Da Zhi has already lost a bit.

Everyone in Tiance Mansion was overjoyed, and they cheered thunderously; but the prince of Changlin Army was completely silent.

After a while of commotion, Li Yuan looked at Liu Xu with great interest, and exclaimed, "I never thought that there would be such a remarkable young man in Chang'an City. Your name is Qin Chuan?"

Liu Xu hurriedly stepped forward to pay respects, and said a few words in praise of Li Yuan.

Li Yuan said with great joy, "Very well, I appreciate talented young people the most. In addition to the prince's twelve taels of gold, I can also reward you with some extra things. Well, let me think about it..."

At this moment, Liu Xu interjected, "Your Majesty, Caomin dares to ask for one thing."

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard the words, and secretly scolded this bastard for taking an inch, if he asked for something important, it would be difficult.

Chapter 1507 Love the princess and take the bait

As an emperor, Li Yuan naturally has to maintain a graceful and universal attitude in front of so many ministers, so he said with a smile: "You are the first one who dares to be so rude in front of me. Haha, but young people are full of vigor. Say it, as long as it is not the moon in the sky, I promise you."

However, Liu Xu cast his eyes on Li Xiuning who was beside Li Yuan, and said loudly: "Caomin implores the emperor to allow Caomin to dedicate this victory to the beautiful princess!"

This request was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone couldn't help looking at Li Xiuning.

But Li Xiuning's pretty face turned red all at once, she was surprised and happy, she was at a loss for a while, but she didn't know how to respond.

But after all, the Li Clan is more powerful than Hu Feng, and soon people laughed knowingly and began to make fun of him.

After Li Yuan was stunned, he also laughed, looked at his daughter dotingly, and said in a joking tone: "It doesn't count if I agreed to this matter, you can ask Her Royal Highness yourself, haha."

Seeing the emperor's attitude, everyone became more relaxed, and they all had the mentality of watching the excitement.

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Liu Xu walked to Li Xiuning's seat, looked at the Li family princess with fiery eyes, and said with a smile: "I hope to dedicate this victory to the most beautiful woman in Chang'an City, the unknown princess." Is Your Highness willing to accept it?"

After finishing speaking, he bowed to the ground.

After all, Li Xiuning is no longer a girl with yellow flowers, and her personality is actually extremely decisive. At this time, her emotions have calmed down a little.

At this time, she saw that the young master who had just defeated Dazhi hailed herself as the number one beauty in Chang'an, and dedicated the glory to herself, and she couldn't help feeling proud.

Women always like to hear good things and be praised, Li Xiuning immediately felt that this heroic and extraordinary man in front of him became more and more pleasing to the eye.

She was still blushing, and under everyone's attention, she helped Liu Xu up and said with a coquettish smile, "Okay, okay, I just accept it, get up quickly."

When Li Xiuning helped him up, Liu Xu took the woman's jade hand, then kissed the back of the hand lightly, and said softly: "In my hometown, a hand kiss is to express love to the woman I admire."

Li Xiuning didn't expect that the bold guy in front of her would kiss the back of her hand in public, and she couldn't help being stunned for a while, but she didn't feel any disgust at such rude behavior, but felt very excited, she even I feel that the desire hidden in my body seems to be aroused by this kiss.

The bystanders were shocked when they saw that this kid dared to secretly kiss the back of the Princess's hand, but then saw that Li Xiuning didn't reprimand, but blushed, and didn't even pull out the little hand that was being held, so they applauded and laughed even harder. Immediately, the entire Tai Chi Hall was filled with laughter.

Li Xiuning came back to her senses, and found that countless playful eyes were directed at her, but her little hand was still tightly held by the man in front of her, she couldn't help being shy and pulled it out forcefully.

Liu Xu looked at Li Xiuning's blushing pretty face, and said to himself: "Hey, a woman blushing must be thinking of her husband, little girl, she took your body when you were unconscious before, let's continue our relationship this time, Feel it when you're awake."

Of course, he didn't show his nasty thoughts at all. Instead, he showed a respectful expression on his face, and apologized to Li Xiuning for his abruptness.

Li Xiuning was very upset, so she just said something coquettishly, and Liu Xu accepted it as soon as she saw it, and took the opportunity to leave.

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