Liu Xu was greatly surprised, and approached silently like a shadow, listening to the movement in the room.

A gentle male voice sounded: "Pin Dao understands Moshuai's opinion. In general, there is no problem. We can talk about the details slowly. However, the support of Daomen will only be after the matter is settled. If this prerequisite If you are not satisfied, don’t mention it all.”

Then came Zhao Deyan's voice: "Don't worry, Daoist Qi. After all, we have the same interests. Zhao is also a person who knows how to advance and retreat. Naturally, he will not force himself to do something that cannot be done."

There was a big wave in Liu Xu's heart. A Taoist master surnamed Qi had only one option, which was Qihui, the Lord of Louguan Taoism. Zhao Deyan actually had something to do with him?What is the purpose of their cooperation?Zhao Deyan doesn't have any roots in the Central Plains, so why should he talk about cooperation with the master of the most powerful Taoist sect?

Qi Hui sighed: "Fan Qinghui is really too strong. Back then, her master, the previous master of Cihang Jingzhai, chose Yang Jian. After Yang Jian unified the country and established the Great Sui Dynasty, Buddhism developed rapidly and was extremely respected. Later, Fan Qinghui made his debut At that time, when she was traveling in the world of mortals, she actually chose Yang Guang. Later, Yang Guang successfully defeated Yang Yong to win the throne, and Fan Qinghui contributed a lot. Now, she chooses Li Shimin, and she wants to play this set of tricks. gone."

After a pause, he said again: "Cihang Jingzhai is also lucky. The successive masters of the house are all geniuses. Originally, the status of Jingnian Chanyuan was far above them, but now they are overwhelmed."

Zhao Deyan laughed obscenely a few times, and said: "As far as I know, Fan Qinghui's master has slept in Yang Jian's bed, so has this bitch Fan Qinghui been favored by Yang Guang?"

Chapter 1519 The eldest grandson Wugou, the suzerain of the demon phase

Qihui laughed dumbly and said: "At that time, Buddhism was already very powerful, and Fan Qinghui didn't have to be humiliated by this Israeli. Besides, no matter what, Pindao still admired her very much. , affecting the changes of the country and society, and coercing Buddhism, Taoism and demons for decades with the body of a woman. If Liu Xu, the White Lotus Sect, has not emerged in recent years, no one can really hope to match him."

Zhao Deyan was a little depressed and said: "Zhao has always looked down on him before, always thinking that Liu Xu is just a brat, who would have thought that this young boy would soar into the sky and become the number one person in the Holy Sect, and it still feels like a dream. "

Qi Hui said: "Liu Xu is really a miracle, but it's a pity that the teachings of the White Lotus Sect are too monotheistic and very xenophobic, otherwise the poor Taoist would have thought of cooperating with him. But you don't have to belittle yourself, the master of magic, you are really out of the ordinary Everyone expected."

Zhao Deyan said: "It's just Yu Yin, the elder, who executed it with trepidation, and dare not take credit for it."

The hidden Liu Xu's thoughts changed sharply: "It seems that Zhao Deyan is cooperating with Qihui to fight against Buddhism, but what bargaining chip does he have? On the surface, Zhao Deyan is getting mixed up with Daming Zunjiao and others, and he is on the side of Prince Li Jiancheng; The Taoist sect is very low-key, except for Ning Daoqi standing on the side of the Buddhist sect to support Li Shimin, there is no inclination at all. Is Zhao Deyan wooing the Taoist sect to support the prince Li Jiancheng? But what do they mean by dredging from the bottom of the pot?"

After a pause, he thought again: "The doctrine of the White Lotus Sect is modeled after Western Catholicism. It is relatively exclusive, but it is not conducive to attracting and integrating other religions. I have neglected this point. In fact, I can also cooperate with it in Taoism."

At this time, the two people in the room seemed to have finished their conversation, Qi Hui said his goodbyes and left, while Zhao Deyan stood still for a while, but with a movement of his body, he floated away.

Liu Xu wondered, "Where is this guy Zhao Deyan going sneaking around late at night?"

It didn't matter so much, Liu Xu took advantage of his realm, hung Zhao Deyan from a distance, and followed him.

The more he followed, the more he found it strange that Zhao Deyan's direction turned out to be towards Tiance Mansion.

He came to Prince Qin's mansion, walked around a few times, and felt that no one was following him, so he crossed a wall and entered the mansion.

Seeing this, Liu Xu was even more surprised, and followed in secretly.

There wasn't a single guard along the way, it was obvious that the high-level officials of Tiance Mansion arranged to meet Zhao Deyan, and soon, Zhao Deyan flashed into an inconspicuous room.

And Liu Xu also followed here, leaning against the window to listen.

A slightly hoarse but very charming female voice sounded in the room: "Is no one following you?"

Zhao Deyan replied: "Junior Sister, don't worry, if you want to follow me without being discovered, I'm afraid Ning Daoqi will be powerless."

At this time, Liu Xu peeked inside through the window crack, and saw that besides Zhao Deyan, there was also an extremely graceful and beautiful woman standing in the room. She was dressed in extremely exquisite clothes, which were actually the clothes of a princess.

Fortunately, Liu Xu has always been calm, otherwise he would have screamed out, because there is only one person in the palace of the Qin Dynasty wearing the costume of a princess, the famous eldest grandson empress of later generations.

Of course, at present she is only Princess Qin, eldest grandson Wugou.

The eldest grandson Wugou lives up to his name, he is very clean and delicate at first glance, with light makeup, thin crescent eyebrows, and a small Qiong nose, but a pair of beautiful eyes are shining like stars, shining with wisdom, making him look extremely intellectual.

However, the eldest grandson Wugou turned out to be Zhao Deyan's junior sister?

Liu Xu kept thinking: "It stands to reason that these two people shouldn't have crossed paths. Could it be that the father of the eldest grandson Wugou, the eldest grandson Sheng of the Sui Dynasty, was Zhao Deyan's master? Before Zhao Deyan appeared, many people thought that the Demon Xiangzong had disappeared, so the master of the Demon Xiangzong who has been hiding in the dark is Changsun Cheng."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help screaming inwardly, thinking: "If this is the case, isn't Li Shimin's eldest son Wugou who is sleeping beside him, and his most important subordinate, eldest grandson Wuji, all from the Demon Sect?"

Although he had slept with his grandson Wugou's mother, Gao Ruyan, but he didn't know that his grandson Wugou was actually a member of the Demon Sect?

At this time, the voice of the eldest grandson Wugou came: "Qihui will find out this secret. Now, except for the Great Master and the Good Mother taught by Daming Zun, even Taoist sects know about it. Although it's okay for them to know about it, the most afraid is If people from the Buddhist sect know about it, it will be very bad."

Zhao Deyan said: "It's not good for the Taoist sect to let the Buddhist sect know about it. Qihui won't be so stupid. And the Daming Zunjiao is under my control, so don't worry about it. Hmph, Lou Guan Dao seems to be a bit inclined towards Prince Li Jiancheng on the surface, but In fact, it is still in the wait-and-see stage, holding chips and waiting to bet."

"Like Ning Daoqi, although he is clearly on the side of those monks and nuns, but with his reputation as the number one Taoist, it is doubtful that there are no other Taoist masters under his command. I am afraid that Qihui and Ning Daoqi have long been The secret agreement, the apparent discord between the two is for outsiders to see, but it is actually a two-way bet, so no matter Li Jiancheng or Li Shimin will get on the chair in the end, the Taoist sect will get the most benefit."

Changsun Wugou sighed lightly: "Maybe it's not a bad thing to let the Daoist sect know about this, because even if King Qin wants to get rid of the control of the Buddhist sect after he ascends the throne, we can't do it alone, and we must rely on the power of the Daoist sect."

Zhao Deyan said: "Qihui has such an attitude now. If Li Shimin fails, the Taoist sect will show their support for Li Jiancheng and be a minister of the dragon; if Li Shimin wins in the end, then they will do their best to help us check and balance the Buddhist sect, and Ning Daoqi will do the same." Take action to resist Fan Qinghui."

After a pause, he sighed again: "It's just that even if everything goes according to plan, if Li Shimin really ruled the north, I'm afraid it will only be a situation where the north and the south are divided. The reason why I was willing to go to Yangzhou to attack Zhu Yuyan at the mercy of Fan Qinghui was because I hoped Mess up the south and cause the White Lotus Sect to collapse. As long as Li Shimin rules the world, then your son, junior sister, will be the leader of the new dynasty, and the long-cherished wish of Moxiangzong can also be fulfilled. It's a pity that those nuns are useless, they only killed Song Que, But it allowed Liu Xu to escape."

Speaking of this, Zhao Deyan showed a ruthless expression, and said: "I have been in Turkic business for many years, and if necessary, I can let the Turkic wolf army go south, which can be used as a surprise strategy!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu's previous doubts suddenly became clear, and the truth turned out to be like this.

Chapter 1520 The truth of history, one emperor through the ages

Sun Shenghui, the patriarch of the Demonic Sect of the previous generation, had a keen eye for the potential of the Li Clan early in the morning, and married his daughter to Li Shimin, and his son also joined the Li Clan; while the formal disciple Zhao Deyan was ordered to go to Turkic outside the territory to manage strategies, Secretly cooperate with Li Shimin.

Changsun Wuji has never practiced magic martial arts, and Changsun Wugou doesn't know martial arts at all. This secret is hidden from the world, and few people know it.

Think about Li Shimin's battle of fame, when Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guangbei went to patrol outside the Great Wall, but was besieged by the Turkic army at Yanmen Pass, which was in danger.

Li Shimin, who was only [-] years old when he got the news, was not afraid of danger, and temporarily mobilized a small number of soldiers and horses, sent troops to Yanmen Pass, frightened the Turkic army back, and rescued the emperor.

From this point of view, this miraculous rescue may have been tricky. Even if Zhao Deyan did not get the position of Turkic national teacher at that time, he was probably the minister of the Turkic humerus, and it would be fine to spread some false news.

If the Turkic army had received the news that the rescue army of the Sui Dynasty was approaching, it would not be surprising that they would have fled in a hurry, but it would have made Li Shimin's reputation as a genius commander.

But if this is the case, it shows a problem, that is, Li Shimin already knew at that time that his wife and eldest grandson Wuji were members of the Demon Sect, and he had already used this help early in the morning.

Later, when Cihang Jingzhai found him and said that he could support him, it was an unexpected joy. Li Shimin pretended to be a snake, cooperated with Buddhism, and borrowed the power of Buddhism to make his reputation climb to the top.

As for Zhao Deyan's secret talks with the Daoist sect now, Li Shimin is probably an insider, but he is taking precautions to win over the power of the Daoist sect. Once he ascends to the throne, he will check and balance the Buddhist forces and make his emperor comfortable.

This scheming, this forbearance, Li Shimin, is worthy of being an emperor through the ages!

Liu Xu thought about the original history of later generations. After Li Shimin ascended the throne of God, Taoism developed far faster than Buddhism, and later even surpassed Buddhism.

In the early Tang Dynasty, everyone had a copy of the Tao Te Ching, and many dignitaries believed in Taoism. Even many princesses in the Tang Dynasty became Taoists when they became monks.

Daoism is at its peak, and Li Shimin is also creating a prosperous world, but it is a win-win situation.

At the same time, due to the great efforts of the Mo Xiangzong, who belonged to the Momen when Li Shimin came to power, Li Zhi, the emperor after Li Shimin, was also the youngest son of Empress Changsun.

His mother's queen is considered to be a member of the Demon Sect, so Li Zhi, who is the emperor, also has a good impression of the Demon Sect and does not reject it.

Because of this, being born in Ming Kong, a demon sect, was able to skyrocket, break through the obstacles of Buddhism and Taoism, and finally become the Queen of Zetian, with the sun and the moon flying over the sky.

When Empress Zetian was old, Li Longji, the spokesperson of Taoism, successfully rebuilt Li Tang and called Tang Xuanzong.

With Xuan as the name, it can be seen that the influence of Taoism at that time had reached its peak.

During the reign of Kaiyuan and the advent of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Taoist sects have firmly held the right to speak for decades.

Later, during the Anshi Rebellion that led to the end of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, An Lushan and Shi Siming were both Husbands and believed in Buddhism. They definitely had a relationship with Buddhism.

As for Concubine Yang's identity, it is worth pondering. She has been bewildered by the emperor for many years, and has an ambiguous relationship with An Lushan. Could it be that she was the descendant of the magic sect at that time, and benefited from it?

Hmph, just hearing this secret, this trip to Chang'an is worthwhile, if used well, it can easily create great chaos between the Li clan and the Buddhist sect.

Besides, if you find a chance and threaten you with revealing this secret, beautiful Empress Changsun, are you willing to take off your clothes and sleep in bed?Let yourself enjoy the beauty of Li Shimin's wife?Ha ha.

After listening for a while, Liu Xu found that there was no more valuable information, so Liu Xu left quietly.

A few days later, at night, in Ji Qian's room in Shanglin Garden, Chang'an, Ji Qian and the maid, Yin Xiaoji, wept into a ball, looking anxiously at this young man lying on the ground, haggard, motionless, like a dead person man.

Liu Xu stood far away, and said, "I'm afraid Yin Xianhe suffered inhuman torture. Although I tried my best to save his life, under the torture, his mind became ignorant."

With tears in her eyes, Ji Qian cried, "Is there a way to get Xianhe back to normal?"

Liu Xu said, "There is still a way, but it's very difficult."

Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji raised their heads in surprise, and hurriedly asked.

Liu Xu frowned, and said in embarrassment: "My agreement with Master Ji is that I will rescue Yin Xianhe, and Master Ji will give me my virgin body and my innocent daughter's body for my enjoyment. Now let Yin Xianhe To recover and heal, what needs to be paid is beyond the scope of this agreement."

In fact, in Ji Qian's heart, after Liu Xu rescued the person, she tried to delay and deny the agreement.

It's just that the current situation is stronger than others, and there is no qualification to negotiate conditions at all, and it is very likely to lose all the cards.

Yin Xianhe's normal condition is absolutely helpless, the doctor can only beg the man in front of him.

Ji Qian had tears in her eyes, looked at Liu Xu mournfully, and sobbed, "Then...then what do you want?"

Liu Xu showed a lewd smile, looked at Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji, and said, "It's very simple, you just need to add some chips. Master Ji, your maid Xiao He looks like a virgin, so let her join her." Accompany me, you all stand by your side, and I will help you rescue Yin Xianhe."

Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji couldn't help being stunned, Ji Qian looked at Liu Xu bitterly, gritted her teeth and said, "Despicable, you are taking advantage of others' danger, is it a man's doing?"

Liu Xu said bluntly: "I am not related to you, so why take the risk to help you if there is no benefit? I am not short of money. Apart from your youthful and beautiful body, what else can make me fall in love with you?"

Ji Qian wanted to say something more, but Yin Xiaoji interrupted: "Okay, I promise you, as long as you can save people, you will be a cow and a horse, and I will admit it!"

Ji Qian's pretty face was pale, she looked at Yin Xiaoji, and muttered, but she couldn't speak for a moment.

Yin Xiaoji smiled sadly, took Ji Qian's hand, and said softly: "As long as you can save your brother and suffer a little bit, what's the point?"

Chapter 1521 Ji Qianhe'er, the situation is undercurrent

Liu Xu smiled darkly. In fact, Yin Xianhe has been controlled by the seven-needle control god for a long time, and his mental damage has been greatly damaged. It is not easy to recover?

Moreover, Liu Xu has no intention of saving Yin Xianhe at all. When Zhao Deyan finds that the people in the mansion are missing, he will naturally investigate. If Yin Xianhe reappears vigorously, it is very likely that he will follow the clues and find out that it was Liu Xu who rescued them. After all, Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji both know Liu Xu's identity, so it's not difficult to find out.

Such words are of no benefit to Liu Xu's activities in Chang'an as Liu Xu. On the contrary, Yin Xianhe is lying here, so it may not be discovered if he hides for a long time. As long as a few months pass, Liu Xu will be gone. Now that you're back in the south, do you care whether Yin Xianhe and Ji Qian live or die?

So, now Liu Xu is blatantly blackmailing Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji, but the two women have no choice but to cling to this only hope.

In the room, Yin Xianhe was sitting slumped on a chair, and on the bed not far away, his lover and younger sister hugged each other tremblingly, like two innocent little beasts comforting each other when a catastrophe was approaching. He stared at the demonic man walking towards them.

In all fairness, both Ji Qian and Yin Xiaoji are beauties who played roles in the original Datang novel, so their qualities are naturally not bad.

Ji Qian is about [-] years old, with a melon-shaped face, eyebrows like crescent moons and eyes like autumn water, fair and snowy skin, curvaceous figure, and extraordinary beauty.

She has been in the place of fireworks all year round. Although she keeps herself clean, she has also cultivated an aura of a witch with mysterious eyebrows. Even compared with a beauty of Bai Qing'er's level, she is not much inferior.

Yin Xiaoji is only fifteen or sixteen years old, not yet fully grown, and full of childishness, but what doesn't match that young face is a well-developed body, not to mention those slender and slender legs, which are simply impressive. old life.

The two women were nervous, helpless, and panicked, but they were helpless, and their pitiful appearance made Liu Xu lustful even more.

He walked to the side of the bed, sizing up the two female bodies with treacherous eyes, and a dangerous smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

As if he knew that there would be delicious meat again soon, the demon seed in Liu Xu's body was also very hot, as if he was urging him to be extremely active. He smiled evilly, took off his clothes in a few strokes, and got on the bed...

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