"The effect of "Black Flower. Garden" is activated, and a "Rose Token" (Plant Dark 2 Star Attack/Defense 800) on your field is specially summoned in attack mode! "

"Come on, it's you, special summon, roar! Really red-eyed dark iron dragon!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon can remove from the game a face-up Dragon-Type monster on the field and Special Summon it from your hand. Once per turn, during your main phase, you can "True Dragon" from your hand or your Graveyard. Special Summon [-] Dragon-Type monster other than "Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon" on your side of the field. "

"Decoy dragon, except!"

As the cute little body of the Bait Dragon disappeared from the field, a puff of dark dust was blown up in the air, and there was a sound of metal rubbing from the flying dust, but this time the feeling was obviously different, it was a kind of firmness. Hard, sharp grinding feeling, and then a huge black dragon surrounded by iron armor gradually appeared. The edge of the huge dark iron armor was as sharp as a knife, and the red light in the eyes was not just pure electronic light like the scrap iron dragon. Moving with the aura of wisdom.

"The effect of the real red-eyed dark iron dragon is activated!"

"Special call, Scrap Iron Dragon!"

I saw the real red-eyed dark iron dragon raised its head and roared, opened its dragon mouth and shot a black flame towards the sky, the black flame shot straight into the cloud, blackening the entire cloud, and then there was a familiar creaking sound from the black cloud, really Clouds scattered in all directions, and the scrap iron dragon descended from the sky and returned to the field.

"The Scrap Iron Dragon effect activates, destroying the Rose Token on my field and the black flower garden on your field! Scrap Iron Explosion!"

The huge steel wings were raised, and countless small missiles were released. The sound of explosions continued to resound, and the falling missiles burst out patches of smoke and dust. The smoke and dust were blown away by the explosions of the falling missiles. Unbelievable sixteen nights.

"Waste iron dragon, red-eyed dark iron dragon's attack power recovery!"

Scrap Iron Dragon ATK: 2800

True Red Eye Dark Iron Dragon ATK: 2800

"The last blow, the real red-eyed dark iron dragon, attacking Rose Token (attack 800), the dark dragon black flame!"

The red-eyed dark iron dragon opened its mouth again, and a mass of black energy that made it impossible to doubt its horror began to gather, and then spurted out, washing away everything on the sixteen night field.

Sixteen Nights and Autumn: 1500-0.


Liu Xu won.

Chapter 005 Seal of the Soul

The girl whose score was zero was very weak because of the materialization of the game. She half-kneeled on the ground and panted softly.

Because of the physical effect of the last attack, her clothes were damaged in many places, but she didn't realize it.

It wasn't until the mask on his face cracked open and fell to the ground that Qiu raised his head in a daze, his eyes filled with disbelief, and whispered: "I lost... I lost... I lost!" ...my dream...it doesn't matter, Dewayne, as long as Dewayne is still around...he will help me realize my wish..."

"Ci'ao, I actually forgot about that guy, the leader of the utopia movement, the villain Divine who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals..." Liu Xu heard Qiu's words, and remembered that there seemed to be such a sinister and evil guy, Through deception, many people with mind power followed (including Sixteen Yeqiu), and wanted to train them for military use, "Qiu, you will not forget what I said to you before the game started, right?"

"Words? What words?"

Qiu Lili stood up, and it could be seen that she was struggling to do this movement. Only then did the girl realize that the clothes on her body were no longer able to cover her body. screamed loudly.

Witches are girls too!

When this happens, it's natural to be terrified.

Qiu Qiao blushed, crouched down in embarrassment, and said angrily, "You, you don't...don't watch..."

There is no shortage of beauty in the world, let alone the eyes to discover beauty, but it would be nice if the coat and suspenders were also broken, ahem...

No matter how you say it, Yu-Gi-Oh is also a rhythmic animation. It’s not like riding a thousand horses or going up in the sky. Showing your arms and legs is already the limit.

"Pretending to be confused is not a good habit." Liu Xu shook his finger, which made him look a little evil, and what he said was even more evil, "As the winner, I have the right to make a request to you. The so-called wish Bet against me, as the 'Black Rose Witch', I won't do such shameless things as breaking my promise and gaining weight!"

While speaking, Liu Xu walked slowly towards the girl who kept knee-hugging and squatting.

"you you……"

Qiu Qiao blushed, ashamed and angry. Although Liu Xu didn't specify what his request was, she seemed to have sensed something. The smile on his face was too evil.

"No, don't come here!"


Under high mental tension, Qiu blasted out a tyrannical thought force wave.

Nian Libo swept across, the ground cracked, and the air tore apart, but Liu Xu's progress was not affected.

The thought force sent by Qiu passed through his body and did not cause any harm to him.

Liu Xu showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and met Qiu's puzzled eyes and said: "When the winner does not announce the end of the game, any malicious behavior or hurtful behavior of the loser is invalid. Oh, by the way, this hurt also includes self. harm."

Standing two meters in front of Qiu, Liu Xu sketched in the void with one hand, and the black flame condensed into a mysterious rune. He said solemnly: "As the winner, I, Liu Xu, demand that the loser Sixteen Nights Autumn, become my follower, from now on, body and mind belong, never leave, never betray, never betray."


no response?

"My charms and inscriptions are correct!"

Liu Xu, who failed to be handsome, was a little embarrassed, but Qiu's eyes, which had become frightened and transitioned to despair, calmed down after not feeling any strange phenomena or changes.

"Great master!"

At this time, Xiao Hei's voice rang in Liu Xu's ears. Although he added "great" as a modification, he still felt very upset that this guy didn't contact him immediately, and ran out only after the contract expired.

"If the other party is not willing, the seal of the soul cannot be imprinted." Xiao Hei's voice sounded again.

"It's so troublesome!" Liu Xu frowned.

"It's not troublesome at all. Although the other party is required to be willing, coercion is fine! As long as the other party submits, it's fine, the process is not important."

"It's okay like this? It's too immoral!"

Liu Xu was dumbfounded. No wonder it was called the Book of Darkness. It is obviously a name of truth, kindness and beauty like the Seal of the Soul, but it can be realized through dark methods.


A scream came from Liu Xu who was sighing in his heart.

Liu Xu came back to his senses and looked up. It turned out that when he was communicating with Xiao Hei just now, Qiu wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that the hellfire burning around is not a decoration. Although it is just a projected flame, the effect is definitely not comparable to the power of the flame in the real world.

"Girl, fortunately this is not the real fire of hell, otherwise it will not only hurt your body, what do you want me to do to save your soul then."

Liu Xu looked at the girl who fell on the ground. There were marks of flames on her body.

Walking up to Qiu's body with strides, Liu Xu hugged the curly girl without avoiding the blazing fire of hell.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu stared at the still burning hell, and silently recited a mantra in his heart. The fire gradually faded and finally disappeared.

"As the winner, I, Liu Xu, ask the loser, Sixteen Yeqiu, to become my maid. From now on, I will not be transferred by people's will, never leave, never betray."


The imprint of the mind in the void suddenly burst into a burst of intense light, and then exploded with a bang, dotted with black fragments wrapped around the bewildered girl, before finally disappearing.

After the black light disappeared, the place on Qiu's body that was burned by the fire of hell also returned to normal.

The imprint of the soul was imprinted deep in the soul of Sixteen Yeqiu, and a master-slave relationship was formed between the two, which was maintained by natural and unpredictable forces.

Liu Xu put Qiu in his arms on the ground and helped her to stand still.

"It's done! We could leave now, but before we leave, let's go and see the true face of this man who is so determined." Liu Xu snapped his fingers, and a black and red dress appeared in his hand, and handed it to Qiu, "Put this on, I don't want others to see what you look like now."

Qiu naturally reached out to take the clothes and put them on silently. After putting on the dress, she was shocked to find that she was so obedient.

Chapter 006

"Take me to find Devine!"

Although Qiu was unwilling in his heart at this time, his body seemed unable to disobey Liu Xu's words, so he turned and walked towards the building of "Xanadu".

The most hateful thing is that Liu Xu even slandered Diwayne. Qiu thought that in this world, only Diwayne was sincere to her.

He took her in when Qiu was homeless, and accepted her when she was spurned by everyone. He gave her everything, but in Liu Xu's mouth, Diwayne was a bad person who just wanted to take advantage of her outstanding personality. The superpower of the duel of will (duel of thought power) to complete his wishful thinking Utopia campaign ambition.

"You seem very upset, but Devine is indeed an out-and-out bastard!"

"Shut up, you are not allowed to insult Diwayne, he helped me when I was most helpless."

Liu Xu was also silent when he heard this, yes, it was true that only Dewayne accepted her when Izayoi was most helpless, even if she had ulterior motives, but for Izayoi who only had darkness in his heart at that time, Dewayne His appearance is undoubtedly the only ray of light in the darkness of his heart, like a savior.

But this also proves more and more that Shiliuye's heart is very eager for love and care, longing for someone to be friends with her and give her warmth. Liu Xu even affirmed that the desire for warmth in Shiliuye's heart has almost reached the limit Degree.

Seeing the building of "Xanadu" from a distance, Liu Xu's eyes were like lightning, it was...


He is waiting for Qiu to come back.

Liu Xu snorted coldly, asked Qiu to wait for him here, and casually cast a small spell of sharing eyesight on her.

"who are you?"

Seeing Liu Xu swaggering over, Diwayne clearly felt something.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I want to unmask your hypocrisy."

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Devine's voice was cold.

"You train mind duelists not for some bullshit ideal, but to train them to become soldiers."

"You're talking nonsense!" Devine said angrily, "Who the hell are you?"

"Are you talking nonsense, you know it in your heart..."

Before Liu Xu finished speaking, an ice bomb whizzed and hit him.

He drew out a card at random, and the limited magical artificial man greeted him brazenly, blocking the ice bullet released by Devine with his mind.

"Do you want to kill someone to silence you?" Liu Xu said coldly, "If that's the case, then let us see the truth!"

"It's up to you!"

Diwayne was cold, although he didn't know why the other party would know his secret, but Diwayne was very confident in his own strength, and he was not afraid of challenges.

"The winner can make a request to the loser." Liu Xu took out a deck of cards and put them on the duel tray. "Do you have any last words to say?"

"You will pay for your arrogance."

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