In Fan Zeng's words: "The handwriting of a three-year-old child is better than his handwriting."

Xiang Yu: "Hehe!"

Chapter 015 A Qing

In the original book, it took Yi Xiaochuan two years to lay the foundation for him to become king and general in the Qin Dynasty, but Liu Xu only took three short months.

Quiet and thinking about moving, Liu Xu went shopping that day, because Xiang Yu failed the homework exam this morning, Fan Zeng was punishing him to copy the classics.

Suddenly, a song came from the west end of the long street: "My sword is sharp and the enemy is afraid, my sword is victorious and the enemy has no leader... My sword is sharp and the enemy is frightened, my sword is victorious and the enemy has no leader..."

Eight men in black sang loudly, striding forward as if no one else was around.

Pedestrians stayed aside. These people were all swordsmen from Jixia Academy of Qin State.

Judging by their appearance, they were obviously drunk and rampaging on the long street.

In modern terms, it means picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Nima, this is counting crabs!

Liu Xu frowned.

Eight swordsmen from the Qin Kingdom walked up to Liu Xu, the leader of whom was drunk, squinted at him, and said, "You... what are you looking at, and then I gouged out your eyes..."

Liu Xu was about to take action against the rude guy in front of him, when he suddenly heard bleating sheep, a girl in a light green shirt came driving a dozen goats from the east end of the long street.

Before the group of goats came to the eight Jixia Xuegong swordsmen who belonged to crabs, they bypassed them.

A swordsman with a high level of alcohol swung his long sword and cut a goat in half from head to buttocks. It was as if a line had been drawn and cut carefully. Even the nose was divided into two parts. The essence of swordsmanship is really appalling.

"Good swordsmanship!"

The seven swordsmen cheered loudly.

The girl waved the bamboo stick in her hand repeatedly, and drove the remaining dozen goats behind her, and said, "Why did you kill my goat?" Her voice was delicate and tender, and there was also a bit of anger.

The sheep-killing swordsman slashed the long sword splattered with sheep's blood in the air repeatedly, and said with a smile: "Little girl, I will split you in half like this."

Liu Xu shouted: "Girl, come here quickly, they are drunk."

The girl said: "Even if you are drunk, you can't bully others casually."

The swordsman raised his sword and circled around her head a few times, and said with a smile: "I wanted to cut off your little head, but I just saw how beautiful you are, but I really couldn't bear it."

The seven swordsmen laughed together.

"Girl, come here!"

Liu Xu saw that the girl had a melon-shaped face, long eyelashes and big eyes, fair skin, very beautiful appearance, slender figure, weak and slender. Alluring beauty.

The girl turned her head and responded, "Yes!"

The swordsman stretched out his long sword to cut her belt, and said with a smile, "That's also..."

After only two words, the girl shook the bamboo stick in her hand and poked it on his wrist.

Bamboo sticks, see also bamboo sticks, could it be that in the Qin Dynasty, bamboo sticks were the standard equipment for masters.

The swordsman felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and with a clang, the long sword fell to the ground.

The girl picked up the bamboo stick, and the blue shadow flashed slightly, piercing into his left eye.


The swordsman yelled, cupped his eyes with his hands, and roared repeatedly.

The girl stabbed lightly and skillfully these two times, stabbing her wrist and hurting her eyes, acting as if nothing happened, but for some reason, the swordsman couldn't dodge it.

The remaining seven swordsmen were taken aback. A burly swordsman lifted his long sword and stabbed the girl's left eye with the tip of the sword.

There was a chichi sound from the sword strokes, which showed that the sword was full of strength.

The girl didn't even evade, the bamboo stick pierced out, and the hair came first.

With a "poof", the bamboo stick pierced the swordsman's right shoulder.

The strength of the swordsman's sword was lost immediately.

The girl's bamboo stick came out and pierced into his right eye.


The man howled loudly like killing a pig, swung his fists wildly, blood dripped from his eyes, and his expression was terrifying.

This girl blinded the eyes of two swordsmen with four strokes, everyone saw that she just swung the stab casually, and the opponent was injured, all of them were shocked.

Surprised and angry, the six swordsmen each raised their long swords and surrounded the girl.

Following Xiang Liang's martial arts training for three months, Liu Xu has already mastered swordsmanship. Seeing that this girl was only fourteen or fifteen years old, she poked and blinded two Qin masters with just a bamboo stick. Extremely superior swordsmanship, could not help but be surprised and delighted.

The master is in the folk.

Seeing six swordsmen surrounding her with all their swords, she thought that no matter how good her sword skills are, a young girl is no match for six masters, so she immediately said in a loud voice: "You six big men bully a little girl, it's really embarrassing! .”

As he said that, Liu Xu slapped the long sword on his waist with one hand, the sword came out of its sheath, and pointed at the swordsman of Qin State.

The girl sneered and said, "Six fight one, and you may not win."

Raising his left hand slightly, the bamboo stick in his right hand had already stabbed a swordsman in the eye.

The man raised his sword to block, the girl had already spun the bamboo stick and stabbed another swordsman, Yue Xiong.

At this moment, the long swords of the three swordsmen stabbed at the girl.

The girl's movement was extremely dexterous, she turned to one side and dodged all the swords in the future.

With a "poof", the stick hit the wrist of a swordsman on the left.

The man loosened his five fingers involuntarily, and the long sword fell to the ground.

But when the other five swordsmen used their long swords, they turned into a sword net, with blue light shining.

But he saw the young girl flickering back and forth in the sword net, the sleeves and belt of the light green cloth fluttered, which was very beautiful.

Only the sounds of "ah yo" and "choking" were heard continuously, and all the swordsmen fell to the ground with their long swords hilts, and retreated one by one, some raised their hands to press their eyes, some squatted on the ground, everyone was stabbed blind One eye, or damage the left eye, or damage the right eye.

The girl stood up with the stick in her hands, and said in a coquettish voice, "If you kill my sheep, will you pay for it or not?"

The eight swordsmen were horrified and angry at the same time, some roared loudly, and some trembled all over.

These eight people were originally very brave swordsmen of the Qin State, even if their hands and feet were cut off, they would not be afraid to show weakness, but at this moment they were suddenly defeated by a shepherd girl, they really couldn't figure it out, under the shock, There is chaos in my heart.

The girl said: "If you don't pay me the sheep, I'll even poke your other eye blind."

When the eight swordsmen heard this, they all took a step back in unison.

Liu Xu put his sword back into its sheath and said, "Girl, I will pay you a hundred sheep, and these eight people can let them go!"

The girl smiled at him and said, "You are a very nice person, and I don't want a hundred sheep, just one is enough."

Liu Xu yelled, "Get out of here."

The eight swordsmen walked away dejectedly like defeated roosters without weapons in their hands.

Liu Xu walked up a few steps and asked, "Miss's name?"

The girl said, "What did you say?"

Liu Xu slapped his forehead, he did as the Romans did, and his speech became polite.

He coughed and asked, "What's the girl's last name?"

The girl said: "My name is Ah Qing!"

Ah Qing, this name is so familiar...

Herding cattle, Ah Qing... Ah Qing... Ah Qing...

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said loudly: "Yue Nv Jian, Ah Qing!"

Chapter 016

"what's your name?"

Ah Ching!

She turned out to be Ah Qing!


Shepherdess, Yue Nv Jian.

Whether it's cheating or cheating, or conspiracy, Ah Qing must be caught in the bowl.

"Hey, I want to ask you something!" Ah Qing stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Liu Xu's eyes.

"Oh, oh..." Liu Xu came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "My name is Liu Xu, Miss Ah Qing, please come to my house for dinner."

Ah Qing said: "I won't go, I want to drive the sheep to graze."

Liu Xu said: "I have a big grassland in my house. If you drive the sheep to eat, I will pay you ten more fat sheep."

"Do you have a big grassland at home? That's great." Ah Qing clapped her hands and laughed, "But I don't want you to pay for the sheep. You didn't kill my sheep."

She knelt down, stroked the cut body of the sheep, and said sadly: "Good old Bai, good old Bai, I killed you, I...I can save you from death."

Liu Xu said to the servant who was following him behind him, "Sew up the two parts of Lao Bai's body and bury it next to the girl's house."

Ah Qing stood up, with two teardrops on her face, but joy in her eyes, she said, "Liu Xu, don't want them to eat Lao Bai?"

"Naturally not." Liu Xu said awe-inspiringly: "That's your good old white, good old white, no one is allowed to eat it."

"You are so kind." Ah Qing sighed, and said, "I hate people slaughtering my sheep and eating them, but my mother said that if the sheep are not sold to others, we will have no money to buy rice."

Liu Xu said: "From today onwards, I will send rice and cloth to your mother on time, and you don't have to sell any of the sheep you raise."

Ah Qing was overjoyed, hugged Liu Xu, and shouted: "You are really a good person."

Ah Qingjiang, do you want to be so easy to deceive?

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