The beauty of the two women is the best choice, and they can be called peerless looks. Dining in the hall like this will inevitably attract countless eyeballs.

During the dinner, Lu Sanjin and Bai Jingfei came over to toast.

After the banquet was over, there was nothing left and right, and they went back to their rooms to rest in peace.

Ancient times are no different than later generations. Unless there are traditional festivals, there are almost no entertainment activities at other times. Well, of course, there are casinos and brothels that open at night to welcome guests. However, it is obvious that the time and place are not the time to enjoy the unique culture of ancient times.

After working all day, Ah Qing called for a pot of tea and asked the waiter to prepare hot water.

Not long after, everything was ready, and the waiter got the reward, closed the door and left.

Ah Qing poured a cup of hot tea, walked to the side of the shop with lotus steps, looked at Liu Xu's chiseled handsome face and said, "Brother, Sister Qing is so pitiful. On the wedding day, my husband unfortunately died in battle. Since then, Sister Qing has left a shadow in her heart, and she is determined to keep the chastity..."

Liu Xu took the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Ah Qing, don't worry, my brother is here to ensure that Sister Qing will get out of the trough of life, live a happy life, and usher in the peak..."

Ah Qing rolled his eyes at him, and said in a low voice, "It's dangerous only if you're around."

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat, with an embarrassing expression on his face, but he didn't speak.

Chapter 022

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

In the history of the Qin Dynasty, there are two famous merchants left in the annals, one is Wuzhiluo, and the other is Widow Qing.

These two great merchants made immeasurable contributions in the unification of the Great Qin Dynasty. Qin Shihuang rewarded them generously for this, and built the Nvhuaiqing Terrace to remember the achievements of the widow.

To put it bluntly, those who have read "Looking for Qin Ji" should know that Wu Shiluo and Widow Qing are very important, but don't mention "Qin Shimingyue"!

Now my relationship with widow Qing is extraordinary.

cough cough...

Who is coughing?

Stand up and see if I don't kill you!

Isn't the grace of saving life higher than the sky?

Cough and cough again, dragged out, and beaten to death with sticks.

Now that Widow Qing has appeared in his life, what about Wu Zhiluo?

Liu Xu drank the tea that the widow Qing asked Lu Sanjin to bring over, and thought cheerfully, "I wonder if there is such a beauty as Wu Tingfang?"

Of course, it is inconvenient for the widow Qing to deliver the tea in person, even if she has such a heart, she can't hold back that face.

"Ah Qing, you can share a room with Sister Qing at night! I'm worried that those assassins will come again if they don't give up..."

"I can also protect Sister Qing here!"

Ah Qing is very confident in her martial arts. After getting the Yue Nu Sword, she felt more and more that she and this sword were born as one, and her martial arts improvement was rapid.

If it is said that Ah Qing in the past was only good at sword fighting skills, but after getting the Yue Nu Sword, her internal strength is so powerful that it is frightening.

"If there are assassins, you must not take action, just protect sister Qing." Liu Xu urged.

"Oh, I know."

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Ah Qing didn't say anything more.

Of course she didn't know that Liu Xu didn't let her make a move because if Ah Qing made a move, it would be done in a matter of minutes, no, Miao Miao will finish the job.

Liu Xu had absolutely no second chance to be a hero to save the beauty.

As a result, I don't know if the martial arts displayed during the day were too terrifying, but Liu Xu fed the mosquitoes all night without waiting for the assassin.

The members of Longmen Escort were all wounded, Liu Xu discussed with Lu Sanjin and decided to divide the troops into two groups, with him and Ah Qing leading Qin Qing along the way, and the members of the Escort along the way.

In this way, the enemy can be confused, and secondly, it is easier for him to carry Qin Qing, and he can walk faster.

Having seen Liu Xu and Ah Qing's martial arts, Lu Sanjin didn't doubt his skills at all, knowing that Qin Qing was with him, and the security system would definitely be fine, but this would require the opinions of the parties involved.

Qin Qing had no objection to Liu Xu's proposal, so Lu Sanjin and Liu Xubing split into two paths and followed two paths.

Along the way, Ah Qing, the number one female swordsman in the world, is protecting her. There are no assassins at all, but the two women are both high-quality beauties. Although Qin Qing wears a veil, her figure is obedient...

Because of their beauty, there was a lot of trouble, and it was time for Liu Xu to come out with his sword, and the bees and butterflies he beat were not even recognized by his mother.

The road back to Shu is rough and difficult, and the ancient transportation is extremely inconvenient, whether it is land or water, it is not easy to travel.

But Liu Xu didn't care. With beauty by his side, he even hoped that this road would never end.

In ancient times, men and women were very defensive, especially for married women, it was even more defensive.

Although Qin Qing is more open to travel abroad because of helping the family's business, but if Ah Qing is not around, she will try not to get along with Liu Xu alone.

The more Qin Qing was like this, the more Liu Xu became obsessed with her and kept looking for opportunities to get close to her.

With Xiao Xianrou's looks and countless experience in picking up girls, Liu Xu even went for what he liked, and talked with Qin Qing about the way of doing business.

Qin Qing has completely admired Liu Xu's talent. Although he is young, he has strong martial arts skills and is full of talents.

This talent is not only in business, but even in poetry, Qin Qing thinks that Liu Xu is simply unprecedented.

For Liu Xu, this was simply too easy.

Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, so many legends, famous masterpieces...

Liu Xu just didn't think it was easy to pick up girls.

Escorting Qin Qing all the way back to Bashu, the relationship between Liu Xu and Qin Qing has also grown day by day, and the window paper is just about to be pierced.

For Liu Xu, the escort hero, the Ba family expressed their most sincere welcome.

Ba's house, banquet hall.

Liu Xu was busy socializing, and Ah Qing obediently stood behind him, like her personal maid.

Who would have thought that this little girl is a rare sword master in the world.

Waiting and waiting, Liu Xu finally met the famous widow Qing.

Under the costumes, Qin Qing is peerless and looks like a fairy.Compared with her, Ah Qing is like a young flower that is about to bloom, while Qin Qing is a blooming flower of female Qiao Yan, full of charm.

When Liu Xu saw it, he felt overwhelmed immediately, and couldn't resist Qin Qing's prowess at all.

What is the allure of the country?

Liu Xu now knows that Qin Qing is the "monster" who overwhelms the country and the city.

Fortunately, he first had Ah Qing, a beautiful and charming close-fitting maid, and his resistance gradually increased, otherwise...

Otherwise, you will be like those fat guys with big ears next to you, and your saliva will flow out.

On such an important occasion, it is naturally impossible for Qin Qing and Liu Xu to be very close, and there are only superficial thanks and politeness.

But in private...

In private, Liu Xu took advantage of others a lot, and it was the kind that Qin Qing had to be grateful to.

For example, the horse in the carriage suddenly startled, and Liu Xu flew to the rescue. Hugs and hugs were indispensable during the period, and Qin, who was still in shock, could not say much after clearing her face; Sudden heavy rain... Liu Xu saw all the clothes and dresses after getting wet, or when she was bathing and cleaning her body, she was frightened by a water snake and called for help. Qin Qing submerged her body in the water, only her head was exposed... and the most embarrassing thing was that once Qin Qing was urinating in the woods by the roadside, she encountered a millipede (centipede), which scared her paralyzed Sitting on the ground, Liu Xu rushed into the woods immediately when he heard that she was in danger...

Chapter 023 Tomorrow

At the banquet, Qin Qing sang a song all over the city.

She didn't stay for long, but left soon, but before leaving, Qin Qing glanced at Liu Xu indistinctly, which happened to be caught by him.

After the banquet, Liu Xu returned to his residence, but tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

In the end, he didn't sleep at all, thinking of the look Qin Qing gave him when he left...

Liu Xu got up and dressed, quietly left the room, and went to the garden in the backyard.

Qin Qing was admiring the moon in the garden, when he saw him coming, he looked happy, but shy, he didn't dare to look at him, his expression was extremely moving.

The two walked side by side in the snow-covered flower path. Although they didn't make any intimate movements, they felt closer than ever before.

Liu Xu said indifferently: "I'm leaving soon, don't know when we'll see each other this time... In troubled times, swords, lights and swords... oh..."

Qin Qing was taken aback, and said angrily, "You man! Why do you always think of using knives and guns?"

Liu Xu said: "This person has no advantages, but has a lot of disadvantages. He is talented in both civil and military affairs. He is wise and brave. He is also willing to do good. He loves to do justice. He doesn't see anyone suffering..."

Qin Qing burst out laughing, pulled down her cloak, stopped walking and said, "If you have something... Sigh! It makes people worry to death."

Liu Xu turned around, bowed his head to scrutinize her beautiful face, and said with a smile, "If I unfortunately die in the rivers and lakes, what will happen to Qin Qing?"

Qin Qing's face suddenly turned pale, and she said in a trembling voice: "Don't say that, okay? Are you scaring people enough?"

Liu Xu insisted: "Qin Qing hasn't answered me yet."

Qin Qing glanced at him, lowered her head and said softly: "At most, Qin Qing's life will be used to accompany you! Are you satisfied?"

Liu Xu was startled and said, "Qing'er!"

Qin Qing shook her head and sighed: "Unexpectedly, I, Qin Qing, can't help but say such things to a man, but I know nothing will happen to you, right?"

Liu Xu smiled and said: "Of course I won't die! I am the second best in other skills, but my lightness kung fu is definitely the best in the world. If I can't beat it, I can always run away."

After a pause, he continued: "I came here tonight to say goodbye to you sincerely. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't let go of my thoughts about you. In order to avoid the pain of lovesickness, I had no choice but to ask you to accompany me." By my side, holding a candle and talking."

Qin Qing's ears turned red immediately, and she lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "Do you know that if you make such a request to Qin Qing, what if you want Qin Qing to dedicate herself to you?"

She is indeed a world-renowned talented woman. She knows that there is no such thing as pure friendship between a man and a woman. If someone enters a room and just sleeps on the same bed without doing anything, she is definitely deceiving herself...

Liu Xu reached out and grabbed her fragrant shoulders covered with snow-white fur, and said softly: "Of course I know, please forgive me for not knowing how to pretend, I want to get your heart besides Qing'er's moving body, both If there is one missing, I will not accept the goods.”

Qin Qing made a symbolic move, and said angrily, "How can you treat someone as a commodity?"

Liu Xu bowed his head and kissed her left and right cheeks, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter what, in short, I'm going to fix you. We don't have to lie to ourselves in the future. Life is like a passing cloud, and the things that are missed can never be turned back." , I came to Qing'er after I figured it out."

Qin Qing's beautiful jaw almost touched the front of Yue Xiong, and said in a gnat-like voice: "When are you leaving?"

Liu Xu said, "Let's go immediately tomorrow morning."

Qin Qing said softly: "Let go of him first, okay?"

Liu Xu let go in astonishment.

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