One servant and two masters?Liu Xu shook his head, it couldn't be such a coincidence!

"How is it! The patient introduced to you is not bad!"

"Not bad! Really good! Treat you to dinner on Sunday!"

"Come on, don't delay your business, hurry up and do your market research." The little nurse finished eating the oranges, clapped her hands, and began to urge him.

"Okay, then I'll go to work first, and I'll come back to you later."

"Go, go." The little nurse waved at him.

The hospital is overcrowded. In addition to patients, doctors and nurses, there are more family members of patients.

Liu Xu was walking towards Yang Shu's ward, when suddenly someone shouted from the front left.

"No money? What kind of porridge did you buy without money? Refunded? What are you kidding!"

Liu Xu followed the prestige, but saw a female nurse wearing a pink nurse uniform carrying a plastic bag of rice porridge, her face was flushed, and she almost cried.

The porridge seller was a middle-aged man in a dirty white coat with a fierce look on his face.

"Guo Haizao?" Liu Xu pushed aside the crowd with all his strength, and squeezed to her side in a few steps.

Guo Haizao was even more ashamed when he saw Liu Xu.

"Fang, no, Brother Liu, Brother Liu, can you lend me two dollars?" Guo Haizao looked up at Liu Xu as if looking at a savior, his eyes were red.

Liu Xu immediately took out two yuan, handed it to the stall owner, and said, "My friend forgot to bring the money, so make it up now."

Guo Haizao immediately said: "Thank you Fang, Brother Liu." After speaking, his face turned red and he was even more ashamed.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "If you're not used to calling me by my full name, just call me the landlord."

He knew that Guo Haizao might not be able to remember his name. After all, the two of them met once, and Ran Jing only called him the landlord.

"Thank you, landlord." Guo Haizao expressed even deeper gratitude.

"A bowl of porridge is definitely not enough for you. Come have breakfast with me." Liu Xu said.

In fact, the reason why he chose this hospital is because Guo Haizao works here, but Liu Xu can also ask her directly to inquire about the patient's condition. Just now, it is true that the nurse on duty is good-looking, so he deliberately teased her of.

Guo Haizao quickly said: "No need, I eat a small amount of food, a bowl of porridge is enough, thank you landlord, I will return the money to you when I go to your house."

"Think of it as food fund money, and it's Ran Jing's treat."

Guo Haizao was very stubborn, shook his head and said, "No, it's not easy for you to make money. When I return the money to you, you invite me to dinner, and I will definitely not refuse."

Liu Xu laughed and said, "No wonder you are Ran Jing's girlfriend."

"I didn't mean that..." Guo Haizao was anxious.

"Let's not block others from doing business here." Liu Xu said, grabbed Guo Haizao's wrist, squeezed out of the crowd, glanced back on the way, and soon came to the fast food market.

"Do you really want to pay back the money?" Liu Xu let go of his hand, turned around and asked.

"Yeah!" Guo Haizao nodded vigorously, her chin almost touched her creamy breasts. She was beautiful in a pink nurse's uniform, and the nurse's cap on her head was even more cute.

"Then you owe me an extra chicken leg today! Follow me, unless you like me holding your hand."

Guo Haizao blushed immediately, and followed behind Liu Xu helplessly.

Chapter 077 Unfamiliar

Guo Haizao is very energetic and has such a good temper, which is definitely much better than the policewoman Bai Yanni. Liu Xu had already designated Guo Haizao as a tenant when they met for the first time.

Liu Xu found an empty table, asked Guo Haizao to sit down, and quickly came back with several bags of things.

"This chicken leg belongs to you." Liu Xu pushed the chicken leg in front of Guo Haizao, and then began to eat what he bought.

After eating, Liu Xu and Guo Haizao walked back.

"Remember to bring money with you in the future. I thought you were very careful, but I didn't expect you to be as sloppy as Ran Jing." Liu Xu said.

Guo Haizao was slightly distressed, and said, "It's not that I forgot to bring the money, but I lost it, maybe it fell out accidentally. Fortunately, I didn't bring a wallet, I only brought a few dozen dollars to buy food."

"Be careful in the future and be more prepared."


"Okay, go to work, I won't bother you anymore."

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go upstairs and get you money."

"Let's talk later."

Watching Guo Haizao enter the hospital, Liu Xu suddenly remembered that he himself was going to the hospital too, um, he was dizzy when he saw the beautiful woman.

inpatient department.

Liu Xu has never done sales before, and this time he is facing his first client again, but he is not at all cowardly.

Push open the door.

"Mr. Yang!" Liu Xu walked in.

The person lying on the hospital bed was in his forties. Although his cheeks were thin, he was not at all haggard and listless as a patient should be.

Yang Shu didn't speak, just looked at him steadfastly.

Liu Xu also looked at him, Nima, it really is that poplar tree, it looks exactly like Zhang Jiayi, then his wife Tang Hong is Yan Ni.

"I am a qigong master, and I can use qigong massage to treat diseases." Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu got straight to the point.

"I don't need any qigong or massage." Yang Shu directly refused.


"Aren't you going out yet?" Yang Shu yelled again when he saw that he was stuck there for a long time without moving.

"I can cure you."

"Heh, at such a young age, I really don't have a good mouth, so I dare to say anything."

Yang Shu mocked lightly. He may have been in a bad mood when he learned about his illness recently. According to his usual habits, he would never say such angry and hurtful words in person, even if he was facing a small salesman.

Because he himself was a taxi driver, and her wife Tang Hong is a successful strong woman, many people say that he relies on his wife, but in fact, Yang Shu helped Tang Hong a lot when she started her business, but these outsiders don't know it.

"Why don't you try it? My qigong massage doesn't require medicine or surgery. If it doesn't work, you don't have to pay, and you won't lose anything." Liu Xu felt aggrieved, but he In saving Yang Shu's life, "Giving others a chance is also giving yourself a chance!"

"Giving others a chance is also giving yourself a chance!" Yang Shu murmured and repeated, "That's a good statement, obviously you are a novice, so I'll give you a chance by saying this to you."

"You agree?"

"Yes, I'll give you a chance. It doesn't matter if you convince me or anything else. As long as you can impress me, I will buy your things and pay you." Yang Shu's deep and deep voice was full of trepidation. There is no doubt.

"I'll give you a massage, qigong massage, as long as you do it once, your condition will improve, and if you do it a few more times, your cancerous lesions can be completely eradicated."

"Come on, young man, what are you going to do?" Now that he had promised, Yang Shu was very cooperative.

"Take off your shirt." Liu Xu instructed Yang Shu to climb up on the hospital bed, "Where does your pain hurt the most?"

"Yes, it's here." Following Liu Xu's palm pressing, Yang Shu told him the location of the lesion.

"Okay, I'm starting to work!"

Liu Xu pretended to be massaging his hands, and at the same time made a posture of exerting power pretending to be a ghost.

He controlled the true qi to intercept the diseased qi of the poplar.

"The disease cannot be cured in one go." Liu Xu thought to himself.


"It can't be done!" Liu Xu withdrew his anger, "Let's do this for today, and I'll treat you next time."

"Dad!" A voice like a silver bell came, the door was pushed open, and a slim figure walked in.

She was wearing a long black dress, which vaguely outlined the plump buttocks. The high waist curve made her long legs even taller. The black short-sleeved gauze shirt was casually draped over her shoulders, occasionally revealing Yan Xiuren's collarbone.Against the backdrop of a pair of large round silver earrings, the small earlobes flicker in the smooth long hair.A simple jade pendant is pulled by a light yellow string, looking for wonders in the faintly visible white mountains.Against the background of the small Qiong nose, the cherry red and moist lips carried a taste of happiness and anger.The eyebrows are curved and black, the phoenix eyes are full of spring, and the watery eyes are full of charm, but on the face there is an arrogance and indifference that should not be approached by strangers.

The figure found Liu Xu next to him when he entered the door, and asked, "Dad! Who is he? What's going on?"

"Qingqing, this is..." Yang Shu thought for a while, as if he still didn't know the other party's name.

"My name is Liu Xu, you are..." Liu Xu came back to his senses, but the expression on his face was beyond weird.

Shouldn't poplar's daughter be poplar sapling?How did she become Gu Qingqing? Should she be called Yang Qingqing now?

"Dad, who is he! Why is he in your room?"

"Well, he is a qigong master, and he came to me to sell qigong massage to cure cancer."

"Qigong?! Cure cancer?!" Gu Qingqing saw the alien's expression all over her face, "Dad, do you even believe this?"

"It's not a letter, but I think the young man is honest, so give him a chance."

"He's really good at it, he even tricked people into our house." Gu Qingqing said unforgivingly, "Is there a Wang Lin?"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, he didn't even bother to explain, he will know everything after checking the cancer cells later.

Now even if Liu Xu said that it broke the sky, Gu Qingqing probably wouldn't believe it.

"Mr. Yang!" A crisp voice happened to be the little nurse in pink uniform who was on duty at the door, "Director Wang asked me to get an IV drip."

"Come in!" Poplar nodded.

"We meet again." Liu Xu blinked at the little nurse.

"Nurse Xiao He, do you know each other?" Yang Shu asked.

"I know..." The little nurse shrank her neck, "I don't know you well..."

Chapter 078

"Do you understand his situation?" Gu Qingqing interjected.

"I don't understand..." The little nurse replied timidly, while quickly putting on the IV, "I'm not even familiar with it!"

"Is he not a bad guy?" the little nurse asked.

"No, no, I'm just asking casually." Seeing that the drip was hung up, Yang Shu said to his daughter, "Qingqing, help me find Director Wang. Forget it, I'll go by myself!"

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