When Mead heard Zach's doubtful words, he couldn't help poking Zach and said in an exaggerated tone: "I heard that in the combat test, she was able to draw with Agent Lindsay who came to watch, and in the theory test It is the only perfect score."

"God, so fierce?"

When Mead heard Zach's exclamation, he didn't know where it came from. He nodded and said, "Now I understand why she will become a fourth-level agent after three months. It is said that her file The transfer was forwarded to Agent Lindsay's team."

101st and 102nd floors.

The special criminal investigation team led by Lindsay and Beckett is almost the guiding light for the entire field agents and agents.

Being able to grow to the entire level of Lindsay and Beckett means that they are also qualified to have their own special case investigation team above the 100th floor.

"Zach, what happened to the case on Forty-first Street the other day?"

Zach and Meade had just walked into their offices when they saw their team leader jump over from NCIS to them last year. Jack, who has rich experience in criminal investigations, asked the two of them loudly!

Zach immediately replied: "We visited the victim's neighbor yesterday and found that the victim had been to Mary's Bar. Mead and I are going to investigate now."

Jack nodded, and said to Zach: "Hurry up, the block you are in charge of, remember to call the headquarters if you need support!"

Zach nodded and watched the team leader Jack walk into his office!


Zach and Meade looked at each other and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

A few days ago, someone called the police on Forty-first Street, saying that they saw a guy with a cat tail jumping out of a neighbor's house.

When Zach and Meade arrived, they found a registered mutant who had lost all blood and was lying in the living room like a mummy.

In the past few days, the two have been busy with various visits and investigations.

But the monitoring that can monitor the victim's house seems to have been destroyed in advance.

There is absolutely no information available!

Fortunately, yesterday, the two people who visited the neighbor again accidentally learned an important clue from the neighbor.

Two blocks away, there is a place called Mary's Bar, which is said to be a place where mutants like to congregate.

If the victim was killed for something, then there may be clues in this Mary's bar!

"Get the equipment."

Zach said in a low voice.

"Do you know where Mary's Bar is?"

Meade asked suspiciously. After they learned the news yesterday, they had to ask the mutants living on that street.

Ah's Mary's Bar is basically a mobile, modified large caravan.

Every time the location is different, I heard that at [-]:[-] pm every day, the latest meeting point will be posted on a newly created mutant forum.

Also, new members are not accepted!

Zach shook his head and said, "I don't know, but you don't want to be urged by the team leader either."

Meade nodded, then said, "God, I'd rather be down there in the sun."

"Then it's over."


Zach and Meade pinned the IDs and police badges in the drawer to the body that had just changed into uniforms.

Walked out of the Pearl Building again.

"Where are you going?" Meade asked blankly, "That Mary's Bar is a ghost, where should we find it?"

Zach smiled mysteriously. Just when he was about to speak, he saw a beautiful light in the distance from the corner of his eye!

Shrink your eyes!

Under the watchful eyes of Zach, the rocket with a bright tail immediately emitted dense bullets, and shot towards the two of them as quickly as fireworks!

Zach was shocked!

Looking at the trajectory of the cluster rocket, he turned his head and shouted at the several agents at the door with tearing eyes: "PRG—"


Directly pulling Mead, who was still in a daze, ran directly towards the front.

boom -

In an instant!

When the warheads of the cluster rockets bombed like a barrage below the [-]th floor of the Pearl Building.

Almost every floor is covered.

There was a huge explosion sound in an instant, and the shock wave generated by the fire ball directly blasted the two of them to the front!

this moment!

It was as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, it was as if the end of the world had come!

next second!

The two struggled to stand up from the ground.

I only saw three or four groups of fully armed soldiers rushing towards the Pearl Building——

Chapter 4: MCB Story ([-])


"Three groups go to the black prison, come on!"

"One group, clear the field!"

"Second group, intercept!"

"Sentinel, lead the way!"

A man covered in armor jumped out of the armored vehicle, and continued to make various actions!

Directly opened the rear of the armored vehicle!

In the pitch-black trunk, with two red lights on, a robot made of other metals strode out of the armored vehicle.

Scanning the burning building in front of him with a pair of eyes, at the entrance of the Pearl Building, the mutants who were affected by the explosion and fell to the ground crying were marked by the sentinels.

next second!

The words [annihilation] appeared in the sight of the sentinel!


The sentry is moving!

As if breaking through the void, he directly caught a mutant who had just come to New York from another place to pay his respects to the Pearl Building, and then.

Gently squeeze your right hand!

Lifting the headless corpse, the silver-white metal on the sentinel robot began to wriggle, wriggling with the metal liquid.

I saw that the dead mutant's body began to shriveled up.

"found it!"

The third team, which was directly on the right side of the building and detected the space below, yelled loudly at the captain who was covered in armor.



I saw that with the activation of the strange things in the hands of the two team members, a large hole appeared on the ground instantly.

Drilling straight into the dark prison deep below.

Not a trace of excess dirt.

at this time!


Lindsay, transformed into a future soldier, jumped down from the 101st floor instantly, and the storm sword in his hand instantly drew three sword qi.

Directly divide the two fighters holding the strange device into two!

next second!

The moment the strange device lost control, an invisible force directly hit a burger restaurant across the street.

next second!

I saw a huge pothole instantly appeared in the burger shop, and the Stark Industrial Building behind the burger shop could be seen.


Lindsay, who was fully armed, looked at the tragic situation in the Pearl Building at this moment, and looked at the soldiers surrounding him, with a cold expression on his face!


In the next second, Jie, who was surrounded by a scarlet battle uniform, held a Tang knife in his hand, and stared at a cowboy hat, appeared beside Lindsay as if walking in the wind.

Followed by Nadia, holding a parting hook and covered in a scarlet mask.

"Have you notified the director yet?"

"The White Queen has already notified Director Edinson of the attack as soon as possible."

Nadia said in a deep voice.

Lindsay glanced at the pothole that was about to reach the floor of the black prison not far away, and shrank his eyes!

I instantly thought of Sharapova who was arrested before!

"Nadia, go to the black prison and watch, don't fall into their tricks!"

Nadia nodded, and quickly ran towards the Pearl Building.

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