Under Nicole's persuasion, fellow mutants who were captured expressed their willingness to help Nicole escape.

Just now, while the three guards guarding them were changing shifts.

A fire mutant whose name Nicole doesn't know.

At the moment when he was pressed on the operating table by two mad scientists to prepare for slicing.

At the cost of his own life, the most beautiful ball of fire bloomed.

In Nicole's opinion!

The blooming fireball symbolizes the eve of the end of your own nightmare!


A partner who was extracted with mutant powers also turned into a boulder at the cost of his life.

It directly shattered Nicole's cell!

If the operation tonight is not successful, then tomorrow is the time for her to go to the operating table.

Nicole touched the surgical lines on her abdomen!

"Quick, quick!"

"Damn it, go check if there are any test items!"


In the next second, Nicole ran towards the direction where the sound came from, and ran quickly in the opposite direction.

at the same time!

A bird's-eye view clearly appeared in Nicole's mind, on this extremely accurate picture.

Dots of many colors are densely packed.

Behind her, there is a handful of dots that are constantly changing from white to red.

This means that there is malice towards Nicole, or that it has bad intentions.

White ones represent passers-by.

As for expressing goodwill, it is blue!

Nicole often thought, if she had used her mutant ability to check it out when she got here, maybe such a thing would not have happened.

But although Nicole's mutation ability is very powerful, it is not the kind of incomparable precision.

Just like pulling monsters in an online game, once Nicole walked out of the sight of the red dot.

It will gradually return to the white of passers-by.

Even, only Nicole has seen and marked the guy, the red color will not fade away.

It is also because of this radar-like mutant ability that Nicole dares to travel alone!

In the dark alley, Nicole, who has her mutant ability activated all the time, quickly shuttles through the chaotic maze-like alley!

She wants to escape.

She is going back to America.

She wants to make the beasts here pay with their lives!

Fortunately, Nicole, who used to be a basketball cheerleader, has better physical fitness than ordinary women.

Run quickly towards the west!


It is the seat of the US embassy.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a small island country to allow the United States to establish an ambassador level here.

But because there are too many island countries in the Mediterranean Sea, the U.S. Treasury Department has to reduce excess expenditure.

Touching their buttocks, they closed the liaison offices of the surrounding island countries, and directly assigned an embassy to the Mediterranean island countries.

Just as Nicole was heading towards the US embassy, ​​where the explosion was located.

A group of armed soldiers appeared in front of the ruins.

"Captain, one is missing."

A soldier with an assault gun in his arms walked up to the captain with eagle-eyed eyes and an iron-blooded aura to report.

The captain glanced at the corpses of a dozen mutants brought out from the ruins.

Looking around, he said in a deep voice, "Find it for me."

Just now, he got news from the base that the team that went to the United States to operate could have failed completely.

It is preparing to lurk underground again, and wait for the time to rise again.

With such a thing coming out, he could imagine how angry that little dwarf boss would be.


Seeing that Nicole, who was at the embassy after turning three blocks, couldn't help showing a relaxed expression!

However, the sound of the helicopter in the sky and the searchlight shining on her instantly made Nicole nervous again.

"found it!"



"Notify the ground troops!"

The helicopter's co-pilot watched Nicole struggle under searchlights and the American flag flying overhead three blocks away.

Immediately said to the headset: "Stop her, she is going to the US embassy."

But what a pity!

Facing the crisis of life and death, Nicole, who burst out her potential, quickly crossed the last block.

The moment she ran to the door of the American embassy.


It was a dozen militants.

"damn it!"

The black-clothed captain looked at Nicole who was directly flipping over the iron door, and cursed.

Picking up the rifle is a chug!

next second!




The headlights on the walls of the embassy sounded instantly, just like daytime!

A squad of American soldiers stationed in the embassy appeared in the corridor on the second floor in less than a minute.

He was fully armed and holding a machine gun, watching the group of people of unknown origin.

Nicole, who was directly pulled from the iron gate by two soldiers, was pressed against the iron gate.

Seeing the group of soldiers walking slowly in front of him, the soldiers who were close at hand smiled!

and said loudly to them:

"I'm Nicole Dela, the daughter of Illinois Senator Adelaide. I'm a mutant. I was sentinel by the terrorist organization here..."

Two hundred and fortieth chapters: MCB attacks (12)


Even though she was pressed tightly against the iron bars by two American soldiers, Nicole's smile was very bright!

When Nicole said that she was the daughter of a US state congressman, the expressions of the two American soldiers holding her arms behind her obviously softened.

The pressing force is slightly relaxed!

"Philip, get out."

Vance, the vice-captain of the Sentinel Operations Team, looked at the cloudy weather, and Philip, holding a rifle, said, "This is the US embassy, ​​let's go back to the base."

Although Vance also really wanted to shoot Nicole who was already in the US territory.

But he dare not!

It is estimated that the sentinel organization behind him is even more afraid!

Terrorizing a mutant law enforcement agency is one concept, but shooting directly at the US embassy is another concept.

The former is an act of terror!

The latter is declaring war with the world's most powerful country, the United States.

In the embassy, ​​a diplomat in a suit and leather shoes who had just woken up from the bed led the military attache to the iron railing.

They are not afraid of Philip and the others shooting!

For a while!

The scene seemed to be frozen here, but as the alarm bell sounded in the distance, Philip took a deep look at Nicole who was smiling brightly.

Take a deep breath.


Then, he said in a deep voice to the team members behind him, and fled to the distance without looking back!

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