shook his head.

With a move with his right hand, he directly took the big Ivan who was blocking the door into the small world of Qianyuanzhu.


Looking at Lindsay and Beckett who came in from the door, he said, "Put the documents that can prove your identity on the table."

Lindsay and Beckett looked at each other, then nodded towards their team members!

Head outside and pull out their IDs, pistols, and other things that can prove that they are American!

Cohen next to him was dumbfounded, and said to Mick, "Director Edinson..."

Mick interrupted Cohen, glanced at Cohen with a smile and said, "It's not in the United States now, and they don't wear badges. You say my face is known all over the world, but what about them?"

Just when Mick was about to rush over by himself, this Cohen directly took out a book of [Times]. On the cover, Mick in a suit and leather shoes was particularly eye-catching!

So handsome!

So full of wisdom!

Although Cohen didn't say a word, Mick and Ms. Sheila immediately understood what he wanted to express!

But now!

Cohen glanced at Lindsay and Beckett, whose names he didn't even know, and the four players behind them.

A moment of silence!

quite a while!

Cohen pressed the table and said to Mick: "You must never hurt other people. Go in and take photos proving that there is an underground base, that's all."

Mick laughed!

With his hands on the table, he leaned towards Cohen.

"Or else!"

Mick narrowed his eyes and stared at Cohen and said, "How about showing you the photos of us smashing into ruins!"

It's not Mick's style to go in and take pictures and then come out.

"No!" Cohen said loudly!


Looking at the fat baby Ivan who was released by Mick once, Lindsay and the others at the door twitched their eyebrows.

Cohen even grew his mouth!

Mick said coldly: "It's either peace or ruins, you choose!"

Just when Mick lost his temper?


Cohen looked at the fat baby, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and said with great difficulty: "I want to ask the local people for instructions."


"What did you say?"

Mick glanced at Cohen and said, "Ask for instructions at every turn. Are you an ambassador or the Secretary of State? I'll be responsible if something goes wrong. If you really deserve the credit, we only need blood to pay!"

"You can't say that."

Cohen wanted to cry, but was dispatched to Western Europe as an ambassador. Cohen had long given up on going further.

In a few years, he will be able to retire, return to Texas, buy a ranch, and he will be able to take care of himself for the rest of his life.

I don't want to have to endure any strong winds and waves in the past few years.

in particular……

Cohen looked at Big Ivan who was placed in front of him by Mick Chiguo and forced him to admire.

There is an urge to call and say to put down the burden!

But thinking of the rich pension a few years later, and what Mick said.


quite a while!

Cohen loosened his eyebrows, glanced at Lindsay and the others, and then said to Mick, "I only have one request."


"Your target is the base that we don't know if it exists. If you can't find it, you withdraw, and you can't harm the citizens of Malta."

"And if you find it?"

"Do what you should do, but there must be a living person, at least a living person who can confess to all of this."

After Cohen finished his request, he immediately looked at Mick with his neck raised, with an expression that if you don't agree, I'd rather kill myself!

Mick smiled.


He said to Lindsay and the others: "You know what to do!"

"Blood debt!" Lindsay glanced at Beckett and replied coldly!

"Go! Be safe!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!

The 17th Chapter 15: MCB Attack ([-])

"That's not good!"

The deputy director Qin Gelei, who had been sitting beside him without speaking, looked at Cohen who was walking outside while wiping his sweat.

Suddenly my heart was full of sympathy for him!

On the opposite side, a brutal bureau chief who doesn't want to talk about peace, it's not easy to fight to this point with reason.

When the fat baby appeared again just now, even Qin felt a trace of fear!

After all, this is a big killer!

The voice of peace is famous!

Mick smiled, tapped his fingers on the table, and said lightly: "Do you believe this guy promises to bless us with real evidence?"

Jean rolled her eyes!

No Limick.


Walking on the streets of Valletta, although Mick and Ms. Sheila argued for a long time.

But the time here is only around seven o'clock in the morning!

Looking at the rows of closed shops, Esper asked curiously, "Are these shops still open?"

He was still thinking just now, even if he went abroad, why would he have to eat a foreign breakfast.

Nadia, who was walking with Espoo, said: "It seems that at the end of last year, the Maltese government passed a resolution saying that shops are not allowed to open during rest hours, and offenders will be seized or something."

After coming to New York, Nadia always likes to run to the back office when she is not on a mission, and ask the back office employees, almost all of whom are from Ivy League schools, about the problems she encounters in her studies.

and so!

At this time, Nadia is no longer the fallen girl who is obsessed with Xinghe Paradise.

After so many months of precipitation, Nadia even got a certificate from the New York Community College a month ago!

"Really? This decree will also pass?" Ryan interjected next to him.

I can't believe it!

quite a while!

While the group was chatting and laughing, they saw a castle built on a cliff!

There is the Presidential Palace of Malta!


After discussing with Beckett for a while, Lindsay pointed to the side of the cliff towering above the sea and said in a deep voice, "We will attack from there."

How many people have a look!


"How to get in, dig a hole?" Looking at the thick rock, Esper couldn't help complaining: "Maybe that base is right under the presidential palace."

Lindsay did not speak, but took off the glasses he had just put on and handed them to Esper.

"what is this?"

Esper took the glasses, made some complaints, put them on, and looked towards the cliff.

next second!

Good guy!

After wearing this special eye, Esper immediately saw the outline of a base hidden in the mountain.

quite a while!

After returning the glasses, Esper looked at the sea under his feet and asked another question.

"How do we break through the mountain, do we get there without being discovered."

"do not worry."

Partner Ryan patted Esper's shoulder and said, "You forgot that we got the hero costume last month."

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