At this time, the appearance of sentinel robots slaughtering everywhere is almost a surprise.

But it was the fright that hit Mick!

Mick believed that when the sentinel robot directly slaughtered the capital of an island country.

What will the international public opinion look like, and what will the so-called World Security Council look like!

As long as the Security Council intervenes, Mick can completely intervene in this job!

The global encirclement and suppression of this organization is aboveboard.

no way!

Once it comes to foreign countries, Mick only feels the limitations of the investigation bureau!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, even if he can encircle and wipe out the entire behind-the-scenes gangster, Mick will release water at the last moment!

A terrorist organization hiding in the dark can just make Mick's investigation bureau remove the word "federation"!

Straight into: World Mutant Crime Investigative Service!

very perfect!

These plans were all Mick thought of the moment he saw the sentinel robot coming out.

"Director Edinson..."

Mick glanced at Ambassador Cohen who ran out and interrupted directly: "I assure you, Ambassador, these robots are definitely not the handiwork of our investigation!"

Cohen's angry expression suddenly froze!

Mick smiled softly, glanced at the buildings that had been smoldering and collapsed from time to time, and said, "Mr. Ambassador, I think you should report the chaos in Malta to the country now."

After a pause, Mick looked at the burning presidential palace, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Now, Malta has entered a state of anarchy, and they need the great United States to uphold justice."

"..." Cohen!

In the conference room!

Ms. Sheila in the connection looked at Mick very seriously and said: "In view of the current situation in Malta, the State Department officially authorizes you, Director Edinson!"

Mick, who was sitting on the chair, waved his hands and said lightly, "I can't do it!"


Ms. Sheila was taken aback, looked at Mick with a smile on her face and said, "Director Edinson, this is what the president means. We need to help any country in chaos to maintain stability!"

Mick continued to shake his head, looked at Ms. Sheila in the video and said lightly: "At the beginning of its establishment, the Bureau of Investigation had only one purpose of action, which was to be responsible for mutant crimes and mutant crimes!"

"Then add one now!"

Ms. Sheila looked at Mick in a deep voice and said, "Director Edinson, you and your Bureau of Investigation have the obligation and responsibility to cooperate with the White House's actions."

"Impossible!" Mick stood up, put his hands in his pockets, looked at Ms. Sheila and said, "If you want us to intervene, let the World Security Council give us the right to enforce the law globally."

"This is impossible!"

Ms. Sheila's voice suddenly rose to a higher level, and she said in disbelief: "This resolution is absolutely impossible to pass, and the United States cannot influence the World Security Council, let alone a hegemonic country, Director Edinson!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Mick's mouth, as if mocking.

Isn't the United States a hegemonic country?

It's as ridiculous as a rabbit saying seriously that we are herbivores!

Mick looked at Ms. Sheila with a slight smile, and said, "Ms. Sheila, I suggest you inform the president to convene the World Security Council, otherwise..."

Mick smiled again and said, "The whole of Malta is probably going to be turned into ruins."


Mick directly cut off the connection with the country.

Cohen next to him was dumbfounded, and then pointed at Mick with a trembling right hand.

quite a while!

He ran towards the inner room like a little girl who had been insulted, and he wanted to explain to Madam Secretary of State.

It was Mick's operation just now, not his!

After Cohen left, Qin, who had been silent all this time, took a deep look at Mick who was arranging her spotless and wrinkle-free suit, and said coldly: "This is your original intention, isn't it?"

Mick froze his hands for arranging his suit, then straightened his hands again, looked at Qin and said, "This is also to protect mutant compatriots in other countries."

Jean looked at Mick with a hint of sarcasm!

Mick didn't care at all, and walked slowly to Qin's side.

Looking at Qin who was half a head lower than himself, he smiled slightly and pressed Qin's shoulder.

Focus on Qin's eyes!

“Change always requires a little sacrifice, it’s inevitable,” Meek said.

"So, without getting the global law enforcement powers you want, you're really letting people here be slaughtered?"

Qin's words and her eyes were full of undisguised disappointment with Mick!

When Mick heard Qin's question, he smiled slightly, and didn't take it seriously.

If you want to get something, you must pay something first!

This is the law of nature!

The lion catches the sheep in order to get a rich dinner, and in the process, the lion must give his time and physical strength.

In this world, there will never be something for nothing.

Never before!

In the future, there will not be any!

"That's a hundred thousand, Mick, not a hundred thousand ants!"

Looking at Mick who has been silent, Qin said excitedly: "Even if the government here knows the inside story, these people are innocent."

"So I'm still here instead of going straight back to New York with the team."

Mick smiled softly and said, "I'm just giving some people a choice, giving me global law enforcement powers, or... sit back and watch this place become an empty city."

Seeing the capital of Malta turn into a scorched earth, Mick felt no burden.

But for some people who claim to protect the peace of the world, the scorched earth here is the red fruit hitting them in the face.

As for, they gave Mick the right to enforce the law, as for whether they will settle accounts after the fall.

Mick has no psychological burden!

If you want to settle accounts after the fall, you have to see if you have the strength to resist Mick's counterattack!

So far, in the eyes of these people, Mick has always been doing things within the rules.

At the very least, on the surface, what Mick did was in full compliance with the rules they directly specified.

No one can pick a thorn!

Therefore, Mick also hopes that these people can also act within the rules, otherwise!

Everyone's face is ugly!

Half an hour later!

America Connection is connected again!

"I'm listening, Madam Secretary!"

Looking at Ms. Sheila with a gloomy face on the screen, Mick put his hands in his pockets, with a smile on his lips!

"Director Edinson, you have won, and from now on, you will have fully legal law enforcement support among member states of the United Nations!"

"Thank you!"

Mick got what he wanted.

Big smile! !

Chapter 20: MCB Attack ([-])

New York!



"Skye, what are you doing in there, did you fall in?"

With an impatient face, Camilla slammed on the door of the bathroom, and said loudly to her roommate who had squatted inside half an hour ago: "I swear to God, Skye, you won't open it again..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the toilet was opened.

"It's your turn, Camilla!"

Skye, who was wearing a pair of jeans, walked out of the toilet and smiled at Camilla with the only notebook he bought at a big price.


He walked out of the room without looking back.

Damn it, you shouldn't have accepted this task.

Skye, who was going down the stairs quickly, was a little manic in his heart!

Two months ago, on January [-]th, [-], Skye, who had just lost his residence, took a task online in order not to sleep under the bridge.

The task is very simple, it only needs her to help track an address at a certain time.

At first Skye refused, but saw the man directly transfer $[-] to his account.

Skye was dumbfounded.

When I heard that if I help send the IP address to someone, I can get the remaining $[-]!

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