Bobby Jeffrey, who was standing at the door of the office, glanced indifferently and then moved away!

Staring at the boss who is not as tall as his desk.

Bolivar Teslak!

At this moment, the short dwarf in a brown suit had an ugly expression on his face.

In just one month, under the constant tracking of the two teams of the Investigation Bureau.

The forces that have been formed with great difficulty in the past four years are gradually being eroded by the investigation bureau!

Even, his liquidity has reached an extremely dangerous point.

Through the overseas bank account that was wired into the killer's account and the bank account that paid the mole!

Protoss directly followed the vine and took away more than a dozen accounts under the dwarf's name, directly cutting off [-]% of the source of funds!

"The step you took to recruit Philip was simply the most stupid act!"

Jeffrey, who once served as the captain of the Third National Guard, did not love his titular boss in front of him at all.

He said coldly, "What should we do now?"

The dwarf glanced at Jeffrey, who blamed himself, and pressed Riot's temple and asked, "How many more Ultimate Sentinels?"

"There are two hundred left in the end!" Jeffrey replied lightly: "If you hadn't insisted on questioning Philip, our base in France would not have been discovered by the police...or if you hadn't sent someone... ..."


The dwarf said in a deep voice: "Are you questioning my choice? Captain Jeffrey!"

Jeffrey pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth and didn't continue talking.

If it weren't for the fact that he could earn a hundred thousand dollars a week from the whole dwarf, he would have left a long time ago!

At this moment, the dwarf is almost at the point of orphans and widows.


Just as the dwarf was thinking of a way, the siren of the base sounded instantly.

Jeffrey standing at the door also changed his face!

"Damn it, how on earth did they track us down."

The short dwarf looked at the gorgeous fighter plane that landed directly and vertically on the monitor, and slammed the table fiercely and cursed.

Afterwards, the dwarf looked at Jeffrey at the door and said, "Release the last ultimate sentinel, and we withdraw!"

"Ha ha!"

The short dwarf frowned at Jeffrey who smiled suddenly.

Jeffrey held his rifle in his arms and looked at the dwarf coldly and asked, "Mr. Teslak, where else can we retreat?"

"What do you mean?"

Jeffrey shook his head, looked at the dwarf with a pitiful look and said indifferently: "Mr. Teslak, do you still have the money to hire me and my team members?"

"...You want to betray me?"

Jeffrey made a tsk-tsk sound while shaking his head and said, "It's just a transaction from beginning to end, Mr. Teslak!"

Teslak pays Jeffrey's team!

And Jeffrey and his team are protecting the lives of their employers during their employment!

Indeed, the moment Jeffrey saw the Sentinel robot when he was hired, he thought that there would be a dragon in the future!

But now the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Surely Geoffrey would never be on a doomed ship again!

Those who know the times are Junjie!

boom -


Blowing up the entrance of the base exposed to the outside world with explosives, Jie looked at Linside and said relaxedly, "This is their last base?"

Nadia next to her nodded, and said with a smile, "I chased this group of bedbugs from France to Germany, and then from Germany to Africa. This time, I chased them directly to Vietnam."

Lindsay also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "This time is not bad, at least this is a rainforest area, it won't be like the time in Paris!"

Hearing Lindsay's words, Jie and Nadia shook their heads one after another!

Twenty-four days ago, on the Seine River in Paris, the three of Lindsay fought more than fifty sentinel robots that were five stories high.

Wait until the battle is over!

The buildings on both sides of the Seine River and even a block and a half near the Seine River were completely turned into ruins.

If the United Nations hadn't recognized the legitimacy of the Bureau of Investigation, maybe the French government would have directly slapped the list of losses on the table of the Bureau of Investigation.

But even so, the Paris police still detained the three of Lindsay for more than ten hours!

It wasn't until Mick slapped the table directly and said that he gave up the pursuit that the Paris police received a call from above.

Holding his nose, he sent the three of Lindsay directly to the airport, and even sent two fighter jets to watch the three of them fly out of France!

"I think I should be able to take a good rest when I go back this time." Jie, who had turned into a bloody moon sword hero, said to himself: "Sunny Beach..."

Lindsay looked at Jie looking at him head-to-head, shook his head involuntarily and said, "Aren't we on vacation?"

Jie looked at the impenetrable Yulin around him, and looked at Lindsay with the look that you are teasing me.

at this time!


"The Wind Barrier!"

Quickly drew out the Tang Dao, and Jie, who retreated quickly with a slash, watched a hot ice blast instantly on the barrier and turned into an ice wall standing on the muddy ground!

The expression was very relaxed and he complained: "When did these rags learn to sneak attack?"


Watch the giant sentinel robot coming out from the depths of the base.

"I hate these broken coppers and irons. Every time I finish playing, I always feel exhausted and uncomfortable!"

Nadia held the parting hook tightly in her hand, and looked at the sentinel robots coming out of the base one after another, with a very uncomfortable expression!

At the beginning of the design!

These sentinel robots were originally designed to restrain the existence of mutants, but the three of Lindsay did not have the X gene!

In addition, on the current timeline, there is no way for the dwarf to collect enough mutant genes!


He never collected the most important genetic data of Mystique!

Although these sentinel robots can also simulate the ability to analyze and simulate opponents during combat.

However, the effect is far more than a half!

If the effect is [-]% feedback, at the moment of the battle with Qin in the capital of Malta, Qin will be directly smashed into pieces.

It's not that he was repelled by the shock wave!

"Catch that dwarf, and our mission is done."

Lindsay also hated the weather in this rainforest, so he could only cheer up the two complaining guys.


The storm sword in his hand suddenly flashed blue, and the energy surged instantly, directly killing the sentinel robots that kept pouring out!

Jay and Nadia have a look!

They also clenched their weapons tightly.

The final assault on the dwarf's last hideout. . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"SHIELD Academy? Is it from that mysterious organization?"

"you guess!"

Mick raised his head and glanced lightly at Skye who was sitting opposite him, and then once again set his eyes on the newspaper that just came out this morning!

Three days ago, Lindsay escorted the gray-headed dwarf, who had been squatting at the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation, in the sight of the reporters.

Instant boiling!

All the media are speculating on what charges the Bureau of Investigation will prosecute the mastermind behind the tragedy in the capital of Malta and in Paris!

Even the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which has always had a low sense of existence, issued a statement, directly notifying the investigation bureau!

Bolivar Teslak can only be tried by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately angered the sound American court system.

Numerous celebrities have grabbed the Hague court on their social accounts and spouted angrily.

The meaning in the words is that you want to bring the criminals located in the United States to trial, are you qualified?

Or is it that I have been a younger brother for so many years, and I can't do it if I am ready to rebel!

All in all!

The people who eat melons these days are not short of news after dinner.

When the dwarf was escorted to the investigation bureau, Mick had already taken Skye and the Protoss aboard the Skyline One heading to Washington.

There is no way, although the education system of the Variation Academy under the name of the Investigation Bureau has been established for three years.

But to be honest, it is still not as good as the SHIELD Academy under SHIELD!

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