It tastes like a salted fish mixed with horse manure and exposed to the sun after being submerged in sea water!

At this moment, I finally saw Mick's dwarf face filled with endless anger!

When he was just escorted to the Bureau of Investigation, he expressed his request to see Mick countless times.

He wanted to know why he was defeated by Mick.

But it's a pity that Mick didn't take the dwarf seriously at all, and he didn't even have the interest to look at it!

Mick was also looking at the dwarf, his brows furrowed!

The surrounding employees also looked at this side from the corner of their eyes, as if they were looking forward to how their chief would go crazy!

quite a while!

Mick frowned and said lightly: "Take this damned bedbug out quickly, the air quality here has dropped by [-]%."


The short dwarf was instantly angry, and Esper and Renn led him towards the armored vehicle that was already ready outside.

When passing by Mick's side, he struggled even harder, looking at Mick's eyes filled with burning anger.

Although Mick has never been able to figure out how this guy got so angry!

Qin, who came from behind, smiled, and after nodding, the two of them also walked directly towards the door.

Just walked out of the building, the reporter at this moment has already passed through the side door and sat in the venue specially used for holding press conferences!

Looking at the short dwarf who was being pushed onto the armored vehicle by two people and still struggling to turn his head, Mick smiled, and said to Qin who was beside him: "No wonder some circus clowns are played by dwarves, but this flexibility is more we are good."



Mick shook his head helplessly, looked at the armored vehicle that was closing the door, and sincerely hoped that Esper and Ren, who were guarding the dwarf, would not be fainted. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Today is April 2009, 4. Bolivar Teslak, charged with 16 counts of murder and [-] counts of attempted murder and terrorism, will go to New York federal court today for trial... ..."

"Teslak's defense lawyer, Johnson from TNT Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that the Bureau of Investigation once blocked him out of the door and did not allow him enough time to meet with Teslak. Johnson said he A lawsuit will be filed shortly in a New York court..."

"There is only one thing we are after, the death penalty! Federal Prosecutor Polk expressed confidence when he was interviewed by reporters..."

When the armored car of Tesla was going to the court, New York Apple Radio also opened a very interesting program, and even invited a notorious lawyer Justin to be a guest.

"So, Justin, what do you think the federal court's most likely verdict will be..."

"Um... I was fortunate enough to read the lawsuit submitted by prosecutor Polk in the federal court two days ago. I have to say that the death penalty is impossible, and the worst result is life imprisonment..."

"When Nabok was interviewed by reporters..."

"Come on, who in New York doesn't know that the whole of Prosecutor Polk is the emergence of the Bureau of Investigation...I mean, who are you kidding, there is no evidence in Polk's lawsuit that can show the horror of the Bureau of Investigation The attack was directly related to Teslak..."

Listening to the nonsense coming from the car radio, Mick couldn't help but smile, and immediately turned off the radio.

If possible, Mick also wanted to order Teslak to be killed directly when he captured Teslak.

When Lindsay and others wiped out his last support, everyone was still thinking that as long as the dwarf moves, he will be killed immediately!

But what a pity!

The dwarf didn't have any defenses, and was arrested by Lindsay and the others calmly.

There was no chance for Lindsay and others to get mad at all. When the dwarf was brought out of the base, the people from SHIELD also arrived.

Lindsay couldn't do anything secretly anymore.

He could only pinch his nose and bring the dwarf, who was caught and still confident, back to the investigation bureau!

During the period, although the agent from S.H.I.E.L.D. had some complaints about the treatment of the dwarf, it was not enough to confront the investigation directly.

He has only one responsibility, as long as the dwarf doesn't die!

and so!

Mick and his detectives had to pursue the judgment of the federal court, and strive to kill the dwarf reasonably in the court!

Although Mick had a lot of opportunities to secretly kill this dwarf in advance.

But to be honest, Mick felt that killing him secretly would dirty his hands!

Besides, this time they prepared very sufficient materials, and all kinds of evidence they found from various bases can show that the attack on the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau was directed by the short dwarf.

Wait until the car has just driven to the gate of the federal court on Fifth Avenue.

Mick saw the crowd of mutants holding signs on both sides of the federal courthouse.

They all protested against the dwarf's secret inhumane behavior.

As soon as I got down, there was an endless stream of flashing lights with clicking sounds.

"Director Edinson..."

"Director Grey..."

Wearing sunglasses on their faces, Mick and Qin walked straight into the court under the escort of the federal court guards with expressionless faces!

Behind him is the dwarf Bolivar Teslak, who was taken over by the court guards...

Mick and Jean did not directly enter the main hall, but were invited into the side hall by the guards.

Will be watching the upcoming trial here!

"Good day, Mick!"

Not long after sitting down, the chief judge of the Federal Court, David, who had played poker with Mick, walked in with a cheerful face and hugged Mick with a smile.

"Good day, David!"

Mick also hugged David with a smile on his face, and said in surprise: "David, don't tell me, you will be sitting on the judge's bench later."

David, who is already sixty-five years old this year, smiled brightly and said, "Mick, I don't think you will want what I have to say."


The two laughed even more!

After exchanging pleasantries, Mick looked at David's leaving back, shook his head, and said to Qin, "We're finished."

"What's the matter?" Qin was a little puzzled, the court hadn't started yet.

After sitting down again, Mick said, "David is one of the thirty-six people in the American judicial system who do not support the death penalty."

Qin frowned: "No way, what we are charging is terrorist attack!"

Mick said indifferently: "David is a Catholic, and he is still a very devout one. In his mind, even Satan deserves a chance to repent."

"..." Qin!

In the afternoon, Mick and Qin walked out of the federal court without saying a word.

According to Mick's estimates, even when the [-]-person grand jury convicted the dwarf of various crimes, David still did not take the death penalty, but commuted his sentence to life imprisonment without bail!

"damn it!"

As soon as she got in the car, Qin made a rare swearing, and she was in a very unhappy mood.

Mick, who was sitting in the driver's seat, smiled slightly and said, "You don't think I didn't expect such a situation, do you?"


Qin didn't quite understand what Mick meant, but three hours later, when the car stopped at a roadside.

Jean finally understood what Mick meant!

Under Qin's gaze, in the parking lot outside the Clinton Prison not far away, the dwarf who was about to be transferred here to serve his sentence was howling and struggling violently under the suppression of two bailiffs.

He was directly locked in the helicopter by the bailiff.


Seeing the helicopter suddenly disappearing from sight, Qin, the co-pilot, asked in surprise, "How did you do it?"

Mick smiled slightly: "They have no reason to refuse a sum of money that can retire early."

"Where are you going to send him?"

"Number Nine!"

Mick smiled slightly, then started the car and left the road.

No. [-] Prison of the Bianzhang Bureau did not exist in any words, nor did it make any remarks.

Even Qin only knew the existence of Prison No. [-], but didn't know the specific location.

Prison No. [-] is the only prison guarded by biochemicals, eliminating all possibility of leaking secrets!

There is also a [grave] intelligent full-time monitoring specially made by Protoss for Prison No. [-]!

After a long five hour flight!

The helicopter carrying the dwarf slowly landed on the tarmac of Prison No. [-].

"Damn it, where are you taking me..."

"You bunch of mutant bastards, damn it..."

The two cyborgs lifted the hooded dwarf who kept shouting in the air with no expression on their faces, and walked slowly towards the prison entrance.

The short dwarf in mid-air suddenly felt humiliated!


When the red light at the entrance of the prison scanned the dwarf, the signal light at the door flashed red! ! !

Grave Intelligence's voice rang in the dwarf's ears:

"Welcome, Prisoner No. [-]. This is Prison No. [-]. Here, you will have enough time to confess your crime..."

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