quite a while!

Mick took the sunglasses from Meng Yi's hand, and after putting them on, he glanced at the ashen-faced General Austin, smiled slightly, and said, "General, Justin, I must send him to court. Last time, if you don't want to see Justin charged with the death penalty, I think you should go back now and fight us in court!"


Sitting in the back seat of Cavalier XII, he directly ordered Meng Yi to drive.


After watching Mick's vehicle leave here, the three orderlies in the distance walked directly to General Austin, hesitating to speak!


General Austin's complexion was livid, his eyes flickered with unkindness, and he was trying to figure out how to deal with Mick.

in the car!

"Go directly to Base 303!"

Mick glanced at the information on the tablet, rubbed his temples, and ordered Meng Yi, who was driving the car!

He nodded violently, and pressed his thick right finger directly on a button on the steering wheel!

next second!


But seeing the driving Knight XII leave the ground in an instant, the four thick wheels tightened directly inward.

With a burst of pure blue flames at the rear of the car, the speed of Knight XII suddenly accelerated.

A streak of silver-white liquid began to cover the entire body like a streamer.

After everything is covered, from the outside, there is no shadow of Knight XII at all.

Completely invisible!

Glancing at the blue sky and white clouds outside, Mick dialed the communicator of the alien spirit who was still roaming around.

"Protoss, the vacation is over, right?"

Mick rubbed his temples, glanced at the protoss who appeared on the screen, wearing casual clothes, with a cold face, and said helplessly.

After a pause, Mick looked at a few passers-by walking behind the Protoss, frowned slightly and asked, "Aren't you and the Queen of Red still looking at the pyramids the day before yesterday? Where are you?"

"Hong Kong!" Protoss said lightly, his tone was very light, as if he was still fighting with Mick.

Although Mick didn't know why this happened.

Ten minutes later, Mick watched the video of being unilaterally hung up by Protoss Dou Qi, and smiled helplessly!

An hour later, after Knight XII landed at Base 303 in a certain mountain in Wuyu, he opened the car door!

"Hi, Mr. Edinson, nice to see you again."

"Hello, Dr. Dingo!"

With a smile on his face, Mick shook hands with Dr. Dinger, whose skin was a bit tempting and his hair was also gray, but he was full of energy.

Accompanied by Dr. Dinger, Mick said with a smile: "I heard that Dr. Dinger's god-level implant has been completed?"

Dingo nodded. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walk down a pure white and bright corridor that is [-] meters long and bends down.

Not long after, the entire 303 base, which was as big as five football fields, completely appeared in Mick's eyes!

If the 101 base is dedicated to the research on the potential development of the human body itself, then the 303 base focuses on the research of external equipment. Developed by biochemical people!

And Dr. Dinger is the chief engineer of this 303 base.

Walking into a circular breeding tank, Mick raised his eyebrows as he watched a set of breeding suits soaked in the nutrient solution slowly take shape!

When Mick's eyes fell on the two long lines extending upwards on the head of Gengzhuang, the corners of his mouth began to twitch slightly!

Looking down at the nameplate of the cultivation tank, the words "God Killing Breeding Equipment" instantly caught Mick's eyes.

Good guy!

Mick sighed slightly in his heart, always feeling that during the period of his deep sleep, the research direction of the entire 303 base was completely distorted by the protoss and the red queen.

"Doctor, how long will it take for this to take shape!"

Mick shook his head, moved his gaze away from the purple gold phoenix crown in the breeding tank with difficulty, and asked Dr. Dinger standing next to him faintly!

Dr. Dinger replied almost as soon as Mick's words fell: "This is the first set of god-killing weapons that our base has just developed not long ago, but there are still a few problems that have not been solved for the time being."

"Oh..." Mick was even more surprised when he heard this. In the database of the Protoss Empire, Dr. Dinger is a first-class scientist. If Dr. Dinger hadn't tried to turn the entire Protoss Empire into a biochemical empire ...

"Our existing energy crystals are completely unable to support the deployment of this set of god-killing reproductive equipment. The best result is the [-]th test. The moment the god-killing reproductive equipment was just opened, a hundred crystals The energy is directly consumed."

"and also!"

"According to our calculations, this set of god-killing weapons is not like the first version of the battle outfit or the reset version of the battle outfit, and it is obviously different from the hero outfit."

"I am listening!"

Dr. Dinger took a look at Mick, then said with some confusion, "The Godkiller Armor is alive!"


Mick frowned, and after hearing Dr. Dinger's words, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on the god-killing breeding suit named "God of War" that has not yet formed in the cultivation tank.

Then he said puzzledly: "Doctor, I don't quite understand!"

Just kidding, even if Dr. Dinger instills combat memories into the colony made up of nanoparticles, it won't turn them from dead to alive.

After half an hour.

Led by Dr. Dinger, Mick walked into a hall that was one-third the size of a football field.

The hall is very empty, and there is a lotus-shaped stage in the center.

This is a huge breeding tank!

In that huge breeding tank, even the rich to substantial nutrient solution couldn't stop the extremely gorgeous set of god-killing breeding clothes from shining like the sun!

In the nutrient solution, a set of gorgeous silver women's clothing slowly circulated from left to right, and on both sides of the clothing, a gorgeous sword and a shaped shield closely followed!

Does the plant itself emit a bright light, as if it is breathing on its own!

Mick couldn't help feeling a little bit of amazement, and turned his gaze to the proud Dr. Dinger!



Dr. Dinger stared at the god-killing reproductive suit in front of him as if looking at his own daughter, and said, "Yuan Project-Mountain is the code name of this god-killing reproductive suit. Using ancient oriental wisdom, the wind Named Huolinshan."

"It's as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, as immovable as a mountain..." Mick murmured the wisdom from "The Art of War" in his mouth, looking at the gorgeous outfit in front of him and said: "This Is it a set of defensive breeding equipment?"

Dr. Dinger nodded, but then shook his head again, and said: "This god-killing reproductive suit not only has the same defensive ability as the Death Star, but also can drive the power of the sun."

"At the same time, because of the four elemental stones given by Master Protoss, the cultivation equipment of Yuan Plan can appear!"

"But it is also because of this that this set of God-killing reproductive equipment of the Yuan Project will automatically choose its host. As long as he does not approve it, it will be impossible to exert the power of this set of God-killing reproductive equipment!"

"..." Mick!

At this moment, a word from the world of Xianxia appeared in Mick's mind!

That is: choose the owner of the treasure, bind with a drop of blood...

Can't help it!

A place that was about to be forgotten rose in Mick's heart!

In the small world of Qianyuanzhu, one of the legacies left by the ten sons:

Fairy Orchard!

Half an hour later, Mick sat in Dr. Dinger's office, looked away from a large pile of documents, and rubbed his temples involuntarily.

Afterwards, I directly connected with Protoss who was wandering in Hong Kong!

Seeing Protoss appearing in the video, Mick said with a headache, "Prosper, I remember I said not to touch the things in the Fairy Orchard."

"I didn't move!"

Mick's temples throbbed violently a few times: "Then can you explain what is going on in the 303 base with the sun fruit as the core of the god-killing reproductive equipment?"

The words just fell!

Mick looked at the broken video and blinked!

Before he came back to his senses, the video screen appeared again, and the star spirit with a cold face said lightly: "Just now my hand slipped!"

"..." Mick!

Looking at the protoss who can't even write a draft of a lie in the video, Mick finally realized it belatedly!

Protoss has really learned badly in the big vat of secularism.

Although the previous Protoss was rigid, they would not lie at all.

Mick just felt so tired!

quite a while!

The protoss in the video rarely showed a rather stiff expression of surprise and said, "You mean that set of god-killing reproductive costumes."

Mick was expressionless, and sneered straight in his heart.

He just watched, the protoss would make up nonsense like this!

Xingling said: "I didn't take it from the Fairy Orchard."

Mick laughed!

Xingling continued: "It was the fire-breathing cat that came out of the fairy orchard, I told you."

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