Sasha's voice reached everyone's ears!

Laura fixed her eyes on the woods that heard the movement not far away, and a trace of expectation flashed in her eyes.

next second!

As big as a black bear, he cut off a huge tree in front of him with a knife that was big enough for two people to hug.

Appeared in Laura's sight with an unscrupulous attitude!

On his right hand, which was the size of a cattail fan, was pulling an English uncle with a thick beard!

Following Meng Yi's imposing walk, the bearded uncle is like a willow branch in the wind and rain!

Sway up and down and stay still!



As Meng Yi walked in front of everyone, he casually discarded the bearded uncle in front of Mick.

Then, stay still!

Laura just took a look, and then her eyes straightened, and she threw herself directly in front of the bearded uncle with an inexplicable expression!

She just smiled when she saw that scene, but now that she thinks about it, it's heinous!

Mick looked at Richard Crawford who had passed out on the ground, and then looked at Meng Yi!

He explained in a loud voice: "He jumped off the cliff by himself, I caught it..."

Laura glared fiercely!

Shaking his head, Mick waved his hand at Meng Yi and let Meng Yi go aside.

Immediately, they once again focused on the unconscious Richard!

Since the loss of his wife, he spent most of his life looking for a mysterious way to revive his wife.


If Laura is the lady with big breasts, Mick may believe that there is some kind of mysterious power in this island.

But what a pity!

This Laura is obviously malnourished!

Queen Himiko, who was said to be able to control the storm, became a virus carrier, and the supernatural became natural science...

The majestic building of Yamatai has become a small underground pit...

The Japanese soldiers disappeared, so the laboratory of the book naturally disappeared...

The storm warriors who guarded the queen became a thousand servings of ribs lying on the shelves, just a little bit of salt and pepper...

and also!

What makes Mick complain the most are the two biggest ones!

Richard, who should have been belching for a long time, actually became an expert in wilderness survival on the island.

And it's the top one!

The remaining one is the paddling mercenary who couldn't even find an ancient tomb on the island for seven years!

It's no wonder that the top mercenaries are all hired by various villains with high salaries, and they are active on various hidden fronts!

As for them, they were probably exiled to this island because of their poor professional skills.

Not to mention finding an ancient tomb, even if it takes seven years to find Richard who has become a wild man, it should be fine.

The results of it!

Ten minutes later, Richard, who was lying unconscious on the ground, let out a groan, and then raised his right hand to cover his forehead.

next second!

Opening his eyes like lightning, he pushed Laura who was lying on him away, and quickly walked to the edge of the cliff.

Hands on knees!

Face towards the sea at the bottom of the cliff.


quite a while!

The sound of vomiting stopped, and Richard still kept his posture motionless.

It seems that he recalled his experience before he fell into a coma.


Laura called out to Richard the Wildling.

Richard froze when he heard the voice, turned his head slowly, glanced at the crowd, and then his eyes fell on Laura who was full of excitement and joy.

Under Laura's gaze, Richard shook his head slowly and said with certainty: "No, you are not!"

Obviously, Richard's fantasy Laura is not like this.


Laura walked slowly towards the vigilant Richard, and said, "Do you remember this?"

As he spoke, he slowly put his right hand on his mouth, made a gesture and said to Richard with tears streaming down his face: "It's me!"

Richard, who could no longer tell the difference between beard and long hair, froze in place when he saw this gesture.

In the next second, a line of clear tears appeared on the edge of Richard's eyes, and then cleared two slender and smooth channels on his dirty face.

Not far away, Mick looked down at Hill who was holding his right hand tightly, as if he felt the same for the reunion of the father and daughter in front of him.

not talking!

After half an hour.

The picture seemed to become extremely strange.

"...Where did you go, Oxford or Cambridge?"

"...Dad... I didn't actually go to college!"

"...It doesn't matter, there is still time in the future, you are still young!"

"No, when you left me, I was still young!"

"So, you don't want to go to college?"


Just as Mick was watching a father and daughter who had switched from a family drama to an educational drama, the red queen next to him walked in front of Mick.

"found it!"

Mick nodded. Originally, he thought that since the reunion was over, he should retreat directly.

But if you think about it, it’s all here, so let’s go to the ancient tomb that is the least like the ancient tomb to take a look!

Anyway, Himiko is still a woman, even though she turned into a mummy!

Better than going to New Mexico to see Hammer and Hammer... that Nordic guy from Thor.

Just when Mick was about to head towards the mountains where the ancient tombs were buried, Richard the Savage, who was still adhering to the usefulness of education just now, stood up and said, "You can't go!"


Richard gestured to Laura not to speak, and then said: "Himiko, Holy Trinity sent Vogel to find his tomb, wake her up to gain her power..."

Mick interrupted directly, pointed to a small hill not far away with a smile and said, "You mean the group of paddling mercenaries lying here?"

Richard froze.

Laura next to him said in a low voice: "Dad, didn't you notice the sound of guns and guns here an hour ago?"

Richard's expression was dull, he looked at Laura for a while and explained: "I had insomnia yesterday..."

"..." Laura!

quite a while!

When he knew that all the paddling mercenaries who had been wandering with him on this island for seven years without gaining anything were all killed, Richard's expression was very rich.

after all!

Although he is on the island, and the paddling mercenaries are also on the island, but one is fleeing and the other is chasing!

Tom and Jerry can reach a deep friendship in the chase, there is no reason why Richard and Vogel can't.

It can be said that it is a reason that can support Richard's persistence until now.

It is the existence of Vogel!

If he was the only one on the island, Richard estimated that he would have gone crazy long ago.

Think so!

Richard was rather sad. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It exploded—"

About an hour later, Mick and his team came to the halfway up a mountain peak, and looked at this oval bronze gate, which was inlaid with economical mechanisms!

Just when Hill, father and daughter Crawford were amazed by this ingenious mechanism bronze door, Mick's voice rang directly in their ears.

"This is too barbaric!" Richard accused Mick of such a simple and rude behavior without hesitation.

In his opinion, even the gate of this ancient tomb is a work of art.

after all!

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