If we say that the last time I saw Mephisto, he was only forty-five years old!

Well now!

At this time, Mephisto said that he was an old man in his eighties, and no one would believe it!

quite a while!

Mick stared at Mephisto and said, "I can smell your decaying breath, Mephisto!"

Mephisto didn't speak, but just set his eyes on the inside of the coffin that had just opened the coffin lid.

It seemed that lying inside was his lover!

"Who is he?"

"Lord of Hell, Mephisto!"

"real or fake?"

Mick glanced at Hill, who had his eyes on Mephisto, and the latter's eyes were obviously full of surprise and weirdness.

"His time is almost up for this body," Mick explained.

After finishing speaking, Mick turned his gaze to Mephisto and said, "Great King of Hell, I am not wrong."

Mephisto didn't answer this question, the wrinkles on his face were like pancakes that had been left for two days.


Looking away from the coffin, Mephisto looked at Mick and said hoarsely: "Master Gu Yi has passed away, and this news has spread in the endless dimension world."

"So..." Mick looked relaxed.

Anyway, he is only responsible for taking care of the existence of the ancient repair society. As for other dimensions, Mick said that as long as the earth does not explode, the problem is not big at all.

Even if the earth blows up, he can just move his family to live on a private planet that he just bought from the Cree Empire on his honeymoon trip.

Left and right are just moving again!

"Master Ancient One has passed away, Edinson..."

As these words were spoken, Mephisto, whose breath was almost decaying, was like a carp.

In an instant, he changed from an old man in his dying years to a fierce tiger that preyed on anyone.

He stared at Mick with cold eyes, he could not forget that Mick tricked Ghost Rider away from him.

Even, he could clearly feel that his stupid son was always doing something mysteriously after returning to the dimension of hell with him, and he was suddenly withdrawn from the state of being ready to usurp the throne at any time.

In front of him, he was as honest as the lowest ghoul in hell!


When Mick's momentum changed instantly in Mephisto, he could send everyone behind him.

at the same time!

The kaleidoscope magic wheel on both hands appeared instantly, directly incorporating this area into his mirror world without any effort.

"Hey, where are they?"

When Hill and the others stood up behind them, Laura fixed her eyes and said involuntarily.

"It's still there, but we can't see it!" Hill turned his head and said lightly!

Hill, who has seen this method before and is confident in Mick's strength, is far less panicked than imagined!

Even if the opponent is the so-called Lord of Hell!

But Hill has the same confidence as a little girl in Mick's strength!

at this time!

There was a sudden rustling sound outside the place where the bones of a thousand maids were placed.

boom -

Hill turned his head and saw that a skeleton of a maid fell from a height onto the floor tiles, and stood up unsteadily.

There was a hissing sound in the white skull, and two soul fires were ignited in the eye sockets!

"what's the situation?"

Laura looked in disbelief at the bone maids who crawled out of the space one by one, with green fire in their eyes.

He even rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating!

"They...resurrected." Richard said in a deep voice as he looked at the tunnel filled with bone maids in surprise.


At this moment, a bone skeleton whose bones were much larger than the other bone maids suddenly fell from the highest point on the floor tiles.

The bone instantly separated the head from the body.

However, the bone body stood up instantly like a zombie, and then the skull, which rolled three times on the ground like a ball not far away, flew back to the ground where she should have stayed!

next second!


This bone was surrounded by ghostly will-o'-the-wisps, the moment she stepped out of the will-o'-the-wisps.

She has completely returned to her former appearance, her face is icy cold, and her face is covered with patterns like ghost symbols!

She was wearing an armor from Queen Himiko's era, and the armor was as tightly attached to her body as a layer of skin!

The armor-covered hands tightly held a gleaming samurai sword.

He stared coldly at Hill, who was covered in nanoparticles all over his body!

"You stand back..."

Hill, who was exuding gorgeous blue light, turned his head towards Laura and Richard and said in a deep voice.

As for the Protoss and the others, Hill didn't even look at them!

next second!


Meng Yi received the instructions of the protoss, and let out a roar like the roar of a giant bear.

Appearing directly among the bone maids, like a barbarian full of talents and specializations.

Three times, five divisions and two divisions directly smashed the dozen or so resurrected bone maids who surrounded them into scum!

After changing her clothes, Hill, transformed into a future policewoman, knelt down on one knee, held up the ion storm sniper rifle that automatically switched modes, aimed at the maid warrior who was watching her, and directly pulled the trigger!


In the next second, a dark blue energy bullet burst out from the muzzle of the gun.

The revived maid warrior, with a hint of sneer on Hua's face, directly raised the samurai sword she held tightly in both hands.

Like a meteor, it aimed at an energy bullet that flew in front of her and slashed fiercely!

At this moment, what was originally just a single energy bullet was as proficient in the art of transformation.

In the blink of an eye, an energy bullet instantly turned into an energy barrage accurate enough to cover the entire body of the maid warrior.

Like a big net covering the sky, basically ignoring the samurai sword that has cut a water chestnut, it roared and covered the maid samurai!

next second!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


In the mirror world, the figures of Mick and Mephisto are rapidly staggering in the air.

Just five seconds later!

Some of the scenery in the mirror world were all razed to the ground, and the sky filled with yellow sand almost covered the entire space!


In the brown-yellow yellow sand, there seemed to be golden thunderbolts that suddenly appeared and then disappeared in the void!


Mick put his hands behind his back, stepped on the void, his eyes were completely surrounded by golden thunder, and the power of God's Punishment divine power was all over his body!

Mick's golden eyes looked cold and turned into a head with horns and fleshy wings on his back. Mephisto, who seriously affected his appetite, said indifferently: "Are you provoking me?"

"how is this possible!"

Mephisto looked at Mick suspiciously, feeling deeply surprised.

When they met for the first time, although he could feel the same power of the universe as him in Mick.

But right now!

He actually felt an infinite power from Mick's body that almost surpassed his divine power, like the supreme god of creation!

How can this make Mephisto reconciled, thinking that tens of thousands of him came to the conscientious manager hell, and he has been fighting in the sea of ​​corpses and blood since he was born.

It took a lot of effort to carry a machete from the starting point to the throne of the king of hell.

And right now...

Mick looked at Mephisto in bewilderment, without giving him any time to think.

Directly with his right hand, he summoned a golden thunder!

The golden thunder fell from the air into Mick's hands and turned into an unrivaled spear.


The spear shot instantly, submerged into the void, and appeared directly in front of Mephisto, who was still in a daze, the next second.

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