In less than a second, the inside of the coffin had become empty.

Withdrawing his own power, Mephisto's body, who looked eighty-five, trembled comfortably.

When he opened his eyes, he looked like an old man in his fifties or sixties.


Mephisto turned his head and glanced at Mick who was smiling and waving at him.

Although he was extremely disgusted in his heart, he had to squeeze out a gentlemanly smile.

Just as he was about to turn around and return to his hell dimension, Richard, who had been pretending to be a transparent person, said aloud, "Wait..."

Mephisto paused, then turned to look at Richard.

not talking!

"my wife……"

Before Richard finished speaking, Mephisto said directly: "Do you want to resurrect her?"

Richard was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Although Laura next to her didn't speak, she also had this thought.

When Laura was young, her mother, Emilia, was in a plane crash and has been missing ever since!

By the time Richard found it on the snow not far from the missing place, Emilia had been frozen to death alive.

It was also because of Emilia that Richard started his transformation from a scientific view to a supporter of occultism!

Mephisto glanced at Mick, and then said to Richard: "Although I also made this deal with you, it's a pity!"


Richard seemed a little agitated. If he was in a sane state, he would not have dared to question a god who was in charge of his affairs.

After all, for Mephisto, how to offend in life is your own business.

But after death, how to calm his anger is Mephisto's business.

Mephisto said with a rare sigh: "Unfortunately, your wife's soul did not reach hell, so..."

After speaking, turn around directly.

next second!

Completely dissipated in the air.

Just kidding, Mephisto was dug and buried by Mick one after another, and a good vengeful spirit was directly robbed by Mick in a semi-threatening manner.

Not sure when it will come back.

This time it was even more so, directly signing three unequal treaties.

Even if Richard's wife's soul is in hell, even if Mephisto wanted to make a deal with Richard, he would not do it in front of Mick.

The rewards are small and the risks are great!


Compared to making a deal, Mephisto cared more about the child he gave birth to with a mortal woman five years ago under the pseudonym Rock.

Right now, the fruits he planted can be ripe and fruitless, and there is nothing more important than changing the body.

Trading or something, you can take it easy!


After Mephisto left, Richard fell to the ground softly and heavily.

The soul is not in hell...

There is no way to revive...

All of this completely shattered the faith that had been supporting him since Emilia's death.

I feel bad, I want to cry!

Mick pondered carefully what Mephisto said just now.

At least!

Mick didn't feel that Mephisto was lying, that is to say, Laura's mother, Richard's wife, the soul of Emilia was either eaten by something as a snack.


Still staying at the origin of her death, for some reason, she didn't go to hell in the first place.

Or more!

Mick rubbed his chin, thinking, there is Thor or something in this world, because there is also heaven.


Mick thought about it again, then shook his head!

This nerve-wracking problem was not considered again.

after an hour!

Mick directly put down Laura and Richard the wild man who lost his soul at Crawford Manor.

Then I took my family back to Edinson Castle!

"Ding ding ding--"

Just as he walked out of the portal, a rag bag that was carried by Meng Yi had a big hole in it.

The trophies harvested from Himiko's ancient tomb this time fell from the bag clangingly.

Mick glanced at it, the corners of his eyes twitched, and said lightly: "After cleaning up, pick a few imaginary things and put them in the treasure house. I don't have any eyesight at all. Why take a urinal back?"

"..." Hill!

"..." Protoss and Red Queen!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ivan Vanko escaped from prison."

Early the next morning, Hill, who had just hung up the phone, walked in from the outside and said to Mick who was sitting on the sofa reading today's newspaper.

Mick nodded without looking up!

Compared with the original plot, Justin Hammer at this moment is even more desperate.

Facing the first-degree murder accusation of the Bureau of Investigation, there are only two paths before Justin Hammer!

Either survive or perish!

In the absence of the latest success, in the face of the urgent investigation, even the military has two opinions!

Give up Justin Hammer, but Hammer Industries, which they indirectly hold, may be hit hard!

The other one is to try to protect Justin Hammer, but he is willing to directly have direct friction with the Bureau of Investigation, which is now gaining global law enforcement power in its heyday, and it is more likely that the mutant soldiers and officers in the army will defect!


Justin Hammer didn't want to go to prison and the only way left was to successfully develop his steel mecha.

After seeing Ivan Vanke's Ark reactor technology with his own eyes, Hanmer, who was frowning, suddenly became active.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to directly help this Matt Killer escape from prison.

To help Ivan Vanke is to help himself, not to mention, the two have a common enemy.

Iron Man, Tony Stark!

quite a while!

Mick folded today's New York Daily and put it aside, looked at Hill and said with a smile: "Compared to this matter, I am more curious..."

After speaking halfway, Mick suddenly stopped talking, but looked away from Hill.

Landed on the lawn outside!

"What..." Hill looked at Mick who didn't continue speaking in the middle of the sentence, and blinked!

next second!

Mick stood up directly from his seat. In Hill's words, he just showed that false and enthusiastic smile and walked towards the door.

Hill was taken aback, then turned to look outside the door.

But on the lawn outside, a young man wearing a light blue suit, with shiny hair combed, full of evil spirit appeared at some point!

"Haha, Witch Heart Demon, long time no see!"

When walking towards Wu Xinmo, whom he had not seen for a long time, Mick opened his stalwart arms, hugged Wu Xinmo enthusiastically, and patted Wu Xinmo's back with a big laugh!

"Cough cough..."

The Witch Heart Demon's pale face like a vampire turned flushed instantly under Mick's enthusiasm, and when he came back to his senses, he tried his best to break free from Mick's embrace!

Hill, who just followed Mick out, leaned on the pillars in the corridor and looked at Mick, who was struggling to perform on the lawn, with inexplicable eyes.

Hill found that as long as Mick showed a somewhat disobedient smile or enthusiastic expression, it would show something.

Either preparing to deceive people, or on the way to deceive people!

It's been a long time!

Witch Heart Demon, who had stood up again, tried hard to calm his flushed face while arranging his messy suit.

After receiving a glass of bourbon from Mick, the Witch Heart Demon went straight to the point and said, "Edinson, I need your help!"

Mick took a sip of bourbon, raised it, and said with a smile: "Of course, we are friends!"

From the moment he met Mephisto yesterday, Mick was sure that the Witch Heart Demon would find him soon.

after all!

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