"Nice job, cleaning the battlefield!"

Qin showed a rare smile, said so to the vulture team, and then nodded to a biochemical man in charge of the big screen.

next second!

The big screen dimmed instantly!

"Why are there always people still hunting down mutants, Mick?"

Qin sat back on her seat with a tired face, and asked a little puzzled.

Mick smiled and said, "Then tell me, why are there still criminals in this world?"

Looking at Qin, who was extremely tired from busy overseas offices during this time, Mick could only say comfortingly: "There is never a shortage of crimes in this world. What we can do is to deter these criminals and let them understand that when you commit a crime It's up to you, but don't expect to escape us after committing a crime."

no way!

This world is too unfriendly to mutants, and the biggest reason is that they don't suffer from scarcity but inequality!

Just like two ordinary people playing together, both of them are very ordinary, referred to as two ordinary people!

Suddenly one day, one of Pu Chou awakened and turned into a mutant. What's more exaggerated is that Pu Chou suddenly became an extremely handsome guy because of his mutant ability!

What would the other pucho think!

Those who are more generous will continue to be friends with him, but how long can they last.

If you are careful, you will think, why everyone is ugly, and you suddenly become handsome.

This is not fair!

Then the evil thoughts will last forever, and the ghost knows what will happen! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So you're saying we can only make it up after the fact?"

"if not……"

Mick and Jean came out of the command operations center one after another, and they stood outside the glass window wide enough to overlook Yellowstone Park.

Mick smiled softly, glanced at Qin with frowning eyebrows, and said lightly: "I can't deduce a special algorithm to wipe out all those who may attack mutants in their infancy."

Qin raised her eyebrows and said, "Can't you? It's better to do it like this than to make up for it afterwards."

Mick looked at the solemn piano and opened his mouth.

quite a while!

Mick shook his head and said: "The future is uncertain, and human beings are a kind of complicated animal. Even if the algorithm we design is infinitely close to perfection, but..."

Jean stared at Mick, her eyes beckoning.

"No matter how perfect the algorithm is, what you mean now is to use infinite possibilities to convict a person who has not yet committed a crime." Mick looked at a white cloud that seemed to be close at hand, and said lightly: "That way , What is the difference between us and the villains!"

Indulging in such an algorithm starting point is conducive to changing the investigation situation, but everyone will not accept this.

It's like a person who lives honestly in the world, but one day he is thrown directly into prison.

The reason turned out to be that he might commit crimes in the future.

Who can accept it!

"I've seen the on-site photos sent by the Rome office." Qin stood beside Mick with her arms around her, paused, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the person lying on the operating table is not a living life at all. ..."

Mick also nodded, but there is never a way to prevent it in advance.

The only thing that can be done is to quickly solve the case as soon as it is discovered.


Feeling that the topic became inexplicably heavy, Mick immediately changed the subject and said, "How is Scott doing recently? Are you still in Chicago?"

"I don't want to talk about him."

Qin's face turned cold instantly, and she walked towards the elevator entrance directly under Mick's gaze.

Mick was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head!

Half an hour later!

Sitting in the office, Mick signed his name on an application report for overseas office financial expenses, and handed it to the blond secretary standing in front of the desk.

After the latter took the report, he glanced at Mick, who was still obsessed with various applications and reports, and sighed inwardly.

Headed outside!

There is no way, there is a bureau chief who doesn't like unspoken rules, and the blonde secretary is considering whether to specialize in field agents!

According to last month's financial reform, the salaries of agents and agents in charge of the field are subsidized compared with those in the interior.

It really made the back office employees and the blond secretary jealous.

But thinking about the unstable work schedule of field agents, the blond secretary shook his head in his heart.

At the very least, as the director's secretary, she is already a sixth-level agent. Among the female employees who joined her, the best one has just been promoted to a sixth-level agent.

Unlike her, after being selected as a secretary, she immediately became a sixth-level agent.

Although the promotion to the seventh-level agent is far away, it is also a high-paying and zero-risk occupation.

Unless there is another HQ attack!


Just as Mick took a bite of the finger biscuits with three-point ingredients, he heard exclamations from all around him!

Look up!

I saw an extremely coquettish guy spread his hands and slowly landed on the ground.

The armor opened, Tony Stark tightened his cuffs, and sat directly on the chair opposite Mick with a smile.

"Tony, you know me, it's lunch time, refuse any small talk."

Without eating or sleeping, Mick felt the need to carry on.

"Justin Hammer just held a press conference, announcing that the steel armor is in the quantitative stage."

Mick glanced helplessly at the pancake in his hand, and then looked at Tony Stark on the opposite side.

In the end, I rewrapped the finger biscuits helplessly, and I don’t know if the finger biscuits that I took a bite of can be replaced like the previous one.

"The military intends to protect Justin Hammer?"

Tony Stark nodded unhappily.

From the incident of Ivan Vanke's jailbreak, to Justin Hammer, who was associated with the announcement of the press conference.

Although Tony was very reluctant to admit this, it was obvious that Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanke were together!

One is that he has deep resentment towards his father.

One is to have deep resentment towards oneself!

It's all Stark's enemies coming together, which makes Tony very unhappy!

However, since the announcement of the closure of the weapons manufacturing department, Stark Industries' influence in the military has been greatly reduced.

After all, the military needs powerful weapons. Since Stark Industries has unilaterally announced the termination of the contract, the military cannot lose its temper.

"What is there to worry about?"

Mick suddenly smiled, so Tony Stark felt a little inexplicable!

If Justin Hammer didn't go with Ivan Vanke, maybe the Bureau of Investigation would not bring him down so quickly.


Don't forget, Ivan Vanke is not the kind of soft ball that anyone can make round.

Thinking of something in the original plot, Mick asked Tony, "Do you have any sample photos?"

Tony took out his phone directly, called up a screen, handed it to Mick and said, "This was just sent to me by Potts."

Mick smiled lightly, and when he took the phone, he teased, "Are you and Potts still together?"

Tony froze instantly!

Mick shook his head, and looked down at the appearance of the steel soldier on the phone screen.

Shaked his head!

If you don't die, you won't die. This sentence is still a wise saying!

"Presumably his presentation should be coming soon."

When Mick returned the phone to Tony, he said lightly, "What are you going to do?"


When Mick looked up at Tony again, the latter said in a deep voice, "There is only one Iron Man."

A smile appeared on the corner of Mick's mouth!

But then he shook his head and said, "It's not enough."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and directly transmitted a file with the reading permission of Level [-] agents to Tony.


Tony opened the email, watched a video sent to his mobile phone, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He has no real evidence to prove that Ivan Vanke and Justin got mixed up.

But right now!

The scenes in this video were filmed in a private hangar in Monaco.

Justin Hammer was tasting red wine like a gentleman, and as an armored vehicle drove up, Ivan Vanke walked down.

It has to be said that Justin was very careful, he hacked the prison's monitoring and bribed the prison guards.

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