When passing by the lawn, Mick once again saw the soul of the beautiful mature woman and the juicy girl!

The footsteps stopped for a while!

"What are you doing here?" Mick walked up to the large and small undead, and said to the beautiful mature woman.

After all, this is the first time Mick has seen an undead with such a high soul speed since he experienced the law of death!

Besides, Mick once saw a person die, his soul stayed in front of him for two or three seconds, and then he was taken away by the dimension of hell.

At least, in the past few days, Mick has never seen an undead that can stay for such a long time after death!

I have never seen any undead being led to heaven!

As for whether heaven exists or not, Mick can't figure it out, even if there is.

Mick also didn't perceive the existence of a dimension belonging to heaven, or the divine breath!

The words just fell!

The beautiful mature woman was taken aback for a moment, seeing Mick's eyes on her, she seemed a little excited: "Can you see me?"

Mick nodded!

"Great..." The latter was obviously more excited, hugged the little girl and said to Mick: "Are you a psychic? I have found many psychics, but it seems..."

Psychics, a feature of the United States, claim to be able to communicate with the dead, and even allow the dead to meet their loved ones in person!

As for whether it is true or not, Mick feels that if he has not seen it, he has no right to speak, and he does not make any comments!

But in general, Mick felt that American psychics had something in common with a certain profession in the East.

"Little girl, what's your name..." Mick squatted down and looked at the little girl who seemed to be only seven or eight years old with a scared expression and showed his kindest smile!

The little girl glanced at her mother, saw her mother's encouraging eyes, clenched her current arm, looked at Mick and said:


"Kelly Gibbs..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Mick was in a very rare trance for a while, then shook his head, and New York glanced at the orange building not far away.

Roy Jethro Gibbs!

A veteran marine sniper, while dispatched to Iraq, his wife and children were assassinated by a drug dealer in Mexico.

His wife is Shannon, his childhood sweetheart!

Daughter, in his basement there is a boat being built, named after his daughter, Kelly, Kelly Gibbs!


"Why haven't you been led into hell?" Mick sat cross-legged on the lawn, looked at the undead Kelly holding a furry toy in his arms, smiled, and asked Shannon curiously!

This is also what Mick is most curious about, although he has seen many dead souls during this time!

But none are immune to the call of the hellish dimension.

It seems that this is somewhat similar to the East, the undead who has persisted for the longest time.

Seven days later, under the watchful eye of Mick, he was drawn in by a dark hole that opened.

Shannon stroked Kelly's hair, shook his head and said, "I don't know..." After a pause, Shannon glanced at the orange building with a look of deep nostalgia in his eyes: "Maybe...someone is still missing Let's do it."

Mick raised his eyebrows!

The undead of Richard's wife did not seem to be picked up by the hell dimension, at least the king of hell said so in person.

Could this be the reason!


There must be no one to worry about, so the undead don't have to leave. If this is the case, it is not a mess.

Mick couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, there must be other reasons for this situation.

quite a while!

Mick heard the movement of the car behind him and turned his head to look!

But seeing Gibbs with white hair holding a cup of coffee in his hand, he sat directly on the NCIS investigation vehicle in high spirits.

Behind him, a man and a woman are fighting for who is driving the key.

"He loves you very much!" Mick smiled and said to Shannon, who had been staring at Gibbs since he came out.

Can you not love?

Looking at the undead Shannon's red hair, Mick thought to himself, if Gibbs didn't love him, the ex-wives wouldn't all have the same red hair.

This is Cicada's use of those ex-wives as Shannon's stand-in.

"I know!" Shannon put his arms around Kelly, and when he heard Mick's words, he also showed a knowing smile.

But then his smile gradually dimmed and he said, "But, I can feel his heart is in pain."

Mick is silent!


In the investigation vehicle that started, when Gibbs was driving by the lawn, his eyes fell on Mick who was sitting cross-legged on the lawn!

There is also a trace of doubt in the eyes!

In his gaze, Mick, who was sitting cross-legged on the lawn, seemed to be talking to himself in the air.

As if, there was someone opposite him!

With a smile on his face, Gibbs withdrew his gaze and went to the place where the report had just been received.

Quantico Military Base!

In the investigation car, Di Nozzo, who was a little depressed after being robbed of the car keys by Mossad agents, also saw a scene where Mick seemed to be talking to himself.

Out of curiosity!

Lifting the camera hanging around his neck, he pressed the shutter in Mick's direction!


After taking the photo, DiNozzo glanced at Mick in the photo and smiled.

For photos like this, Di Nuozuo thinks that it is completely possible to set up a bidding model and present them to major newspapers!

What DiNozzo didn't see when he lowered the camera.

In the photo, facing Mick, it seems that two clouds of white mist are slowly forming!

After the vehicles of the Gibbs team drove out of the naval compound, Mick communicated with Shannon and Kelly for a while.

At the same time, I also learned something about them after they became undead!

At the beginning, after Shannon and Kelly were killed by the Mexican drug lord, although they could perceive other things, they really couldn't leave the place where they died.

Like an earthbound spirit!

Then, after a long time, when they could act, when they got home.

I saw the picture of Gibbs holding the two of them in tears, crying so sad and desperate!

Afterwards, Shannon found out that Gibbs had avenged them and killed the drug dealer with a bullet a thousand meters away!


No matter how Shannon communicated with Gibbs, or even stood in front of Gibbs, the latter did not respond!

In the days that followed, Shannon also sought out many well-known psychics in Washington.

Unfortunately, nothing was found, and at the same time, time seemed to have completely stopped for them.

Stay forever at the moment they die!

But Gibbs, under the watchful eyes of Shannon and Kelly, grew old a little bit.

His personality has gradually changed from cheerful to taciturn!

At the same time, Shannon also saw Gibbs's next three wives, and at first she was happy for Gibbs.

Think Gibbs has completely let go.


When Shannon saw the hair color of the three wives, he understood that Gibbs would never let them go.

quite a while!

"Actually, today I plan to have one last look with Kelly."

Shannon, who was also sitting cross-legged across from Mick, glanced at Kelly who was watching the two children playing on the lawn, and said to Mick, "Kelly and I don't want to watch him suffer anymore."

"What are you going to do..."

Mick looked up and looked at with a smile on his face, without a trace of resentment that an undead should have.

If Mick met Shannon without knowing it, he probably wouldn't think she was a dead soul at all!

"We..." Shannon's eyes were full of deep nostalgia, he glanced at Kelly and said, "We are planning to leave Washington, and Kelly hasn't been to other places yet."

Mick nodded!

Just when Mick was about to speak, the Qianyuan Pearl, which had been devoting itself to snatching the origin of the universe and aspiring to become the avenue of the universe, suddenly bubbled up.

"Mick, I just sorted out the laws of the Heaven's Punishment Realm, and you have already prepared your subordinate gods in advance, and yours... are still mother and daughter spirits!"

Hearing Qian Yuanzhu's extremely mean voice in his mind, Mick's trigeminal nerves were jumping violently!

I was just about to reprimand this Qianyuanzhu whose thoughts have become muddy after the ten sons...


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