They all nodded towards Mick, showing respect, and praised: "Lord God!"

Mick smiled and nodded in return.

Hill glanced at Shannon, then at Kelly, and then directly set his eyes on Mick!

Mick asked, "Why?"

Hill didn't speak!

quite a while!

Suddenly, Mick introduced Shannon and Kelly to Hill.

Following Mick's narration, Hill's complexion gradually improved.

I have to say that sometimes women's brain circuits are actually very strange!

Don't worry about why Mick is a god, but worry about other miscellaneous things!

After seeing Hill and Shannon talking enthusiastically over there, Mick glanced at Shannon and Kelly's attire and said: "I remember that there should be very few creatures in the Thunder Continent, why..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the bow and arrow Kelly was holding in his hand.

Shannon glanced at Kelly, who was bowing his head, and then said to Mick: "When Shannon was playing with a bow and arrow in the [Temple of Love] yesterday, he accidentally shot a golden arrow at the Thunder Continent, killing a mortal soul and A lioness in tandem."

"..." Hill!

"..." Mick!

Afterwards, after Shannon and Hill spoke a few more words, they took Kelly's hand and escaped directly from the Kingdom of Thunder, and went to Thunder Continent to solve the disturbance caused by Kelly's random shooting of arrows!

After the two disappeared in front of Mick and Hill, Hill shook his head involuntarily.

quite a while!

Mick appeared in the shrine with Hill, stood in the hall, and wiped the void with his right hand!


The blueprints of the nine galaxies appeared in the air in an instant, shining golden light!

"This is……"

Mick glanced at Hill, then pointed to a corner of black mist and said, "Here, hell!"

Hill blinked, a little confused!

Mick smiled softly and said, "The final destination of the dead."

"I know, but..."

Hill gave Mick a blank look, why didn't she know what hell meant.

Mick said lightly: "Hell has been established for too long..."

Because the Qianyuan Pearl has accelerated the flow of time in this universe, even though Marvel Earth has only passed less than three days!

But here!

Thousands of years have passed.

At this moment, Qian Yuanzhu discovered a fatal problem. Although he also analyzed part of the authority of death, he could not establish a kingdom belonging to the undead out of thin air!


However, because the law of death has not been analyzed [-]%, it is impossible for the speed of time to be reflected in the hell kingdom established from the beginning!

In other words, it has been a thousand years since the Heaven's Punishment Universe, but less than three days have passed in the Hell Kingdom!


The dead undead caused disasters, if Qianyuanzhu hadn't stopped the flow of time in time.

I'm afraid that Heaven's Punishment Universe will encounter its first big problem.

There are only dead creatures, but no newborn creatures!

Big crisis!

At this moment, Hill frowned and glanced at Mick, and said, "So, you want to use the witch?"

Mick shook his head, his eyes were clear.

The conscience of heaven and earth, when Mick was nurturing the witch-heart demon just now, he just liked the witch-heart demon!

After encountering a crisis in the birth of the Heaven's Punishment Universe, Mick decided to help the Witch Heart Demon last night!

After the Witch Heart Demon takes control of Hell, Mick can completely let the Witch Heart Demon move Hell to his Heaven's Punishment Universe!

No matter how bad it is, it is possible to open a sub-hell!

after all!

If Mick and Qian Yuanzhu set up a hell by themselves, they would have to find people everywhere.

Therefore, when Mick was looking for him to ask for the Spirit of Vengeance from the Witch Heart Demon, Mick did not refuse!


Mick never expected that Silly Baitian had evolved, and even tried to calculate himself under the instigation of others!

This makes the good-faced Mick uncomfortable. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mick gives an olive branch!

As a result, the other party not only refused, but also forcibly took the olive branch away.

This made Mick so angry!

What I give you is yours, you can't force it!

He has always looked at his face more than his so-called dignity, which shows that Mick is annoyed!

Whether it's a silly, white and sweet ultimate evolution into a scheming man?

Or someone behind the scenes activates the evolution button to allow the Witch Heart Demon to evolve.

Calculations are calculations!

Can't change such a fact!

Harmony makes money, Mick has always adhered to this concept, even if he can flatten the entire Marvel Universe with a single slap!


It's hard to find other fun places when power is above the world level!

After being promoted to God, especially when Qian Yuanzhu decided to seize the source, Mick also changed his principles!

In one way, the world is a playground, or in other words, treat it as a development game!

The moment Qianyuanzhu became Marvel's avenue, it was also Mick who sat on the Thunder Kingdom with peace of mind.

Be like a certain Cyclops and decorate yourself with flowers!

Celebrate yourself with poetry!

and so!

The deal with the Witch Heart Demon was reached a long time ago, and Mick also intends to implement the principles set at that time.

Strive to achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

But what a pity!

After gaining the throne of the king of hell with full confidence, the witch heart demon changed.

Maybe it's because he thinks that when he sits on the throne, he can fight against Mick!

after all……

"Still too young."

Mick sighed softly, causing Hill next to him to look sideways from time to time, hesitant to speak, looking like an iceberg gradually melting.

quite a while!

Hill looked at Mick with a slight smile: "I remember, you said last time that witches have existed for hundreds of years."

Mick nodded and laughed.

When his right hand was raised, with a click like a sound of golden lightning, Mick, who put on the God Emperor's battle suit, raised his thunder gun and pointed at the universe map!

In that dark place where countless undead gather, the golden light in the eyes and the thunder complement each other!

The voice was indifferent but filled with the sound of a golden weapon: "If he doesn't give it, I will take it!"

A calculation is a calculation, no matter whether it is the initiative or someone behind it, nothing can change this fact!


Mick felt that it was time to use a war to send a message to all dimensions!

Denying his face is a very dangerous thing!

That's great, when you are successful and famous, find a few troubadours on the Thunder Continent!

Whitewash this behavior, and after a thousand years, no one will know why this war started!

Countless beings will only know the wisdom and benevolence of God's punishment tomorrow!

Hill blinked, looked at Mick who looked like he was wearing golden armor, pursed his lips, and said nothing!

After all, Hill is a native of Earth.

In how to uphold justice and heart, it does not involve other dimensions!

quite a while!

Mick took Hill's right hand directly, and when the latter was in a daze, a golden light enveloped the two of them.

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