"..." Mick!

Half an hour later!

Everyone stood on the lawn, looking at Father Christine standing in front of a pothole!

"God Almighty Father, you are the source of life, you saved us through your Son Jesus..."

"The above is asked, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Son, he is God, and you and the Holy Spirit, living and king forever and ever..."

"Amen!" Everyone lowered their heads and said the last sentence!

Even though Mick thinks that this so-called holy father is at most a low-level god, according to Mick's grade.

There is no need for this at all!

But still the same sentence, people walk in the rivers and lakes, rules are very important!

In the afternoon!

Mick and Hill stood on the lawn of the manor, watching the guests who came to the funeral leave one after another!

"It's a blessing that Richard can have a friend like Anna."

Hill leaned on Mick's shoulder, looked at Anna standing at the gate of the manor with a flickering gaze, even though her face was tired, she still entertained the guests with a smile, raised her head and said to Mick!


Mick smiled, put his arms around Hill's shoulders, and looked at Anna in a black dress not far away.

Even if Mick thought of something.

But it doesn't matter if it's false or true.

Anna really helped Crawford Manor to prop up the inside and outside when Laura lost her temper!

At the very least, these guests who came to watch the ceremony also said a few words to Anna at the gate of the manor before leaving.

Instead, just walk away!

It lasted until dusk came, and the Crawford Manor returned from the boiling in the morning to its previous calm!

"I'm sorry, Mick!"

After dealing with the others, Anna walked up to Mick and Hill with a haggard face.

Said with a trace of apology.

Mick smiled and said he didn't care.


Mick glanced at the weather and said to Anna, "I think we should go too."


At the gate of the manor, Anna thanked Mick and Hill again who were about to get in the car!

Mick waved his hand, and got into the Lincoln car when he arrived without paying attention!

When the Lincoln car left Crawford Manor and approached the Thames.


After Mick handed a glass of foreign wine to Hill with a smile on his face, he was just about to clink glasses.

The movements of the hands were slightly sluggish!


Mick said lightly: "Come out."


Hill was taken aback when he heard Mick's nonsensical words, and then watched the leather chair next to him being opened from below!

Laura, dressed in black and with a stubborn face, got up from below.

Afterwards, sat on the leather chair without saying a word!

Mick couldn't help shaking his head.

"Laura, why are you here?"

Hill blinked, and directly called Laura to sit next to him.

After tidying up Laura's messy long hair, Hill said to Mick, "We have to send Laura back."

"No, I'm not going back!"

When Laura heard it, she immediately frowned, but under Hill's rare and stern gaze, she restrained her frizz.

He lowered his head and said, "I want to go there and have a look."

Hill was taken aback.

Mick, who was holding a wine glass, kept his expression unchanged. He looked at Laura who lowered her head and said calmly: "You will go to Buckingham Palace the day after tomorrow to receive the queen's blessing."

The day after tomorrow was the day when Laura officially walked into Buckingham Palace to pledge her allegiance to the Queen as the eleventh Countess of Crawford.

The ancient and rigid aristocratic system will not allow any accidents to happen that day!

"I do not care……"

"I care!"

Laura's expression was stiff, looking at Mick who suddenly said that, she became a little confused.

Mick smiled lightly, shook his glass and looked at Laura and said, "You don't know?"

Laura shook her head in a circle!

"Obviously, Richard not only confirmed your orthodox succession to Buckingham Palace last month, but also put me in."


Mick smiled lightly, and directly handed Laura a document that Agris had handed to him just before he left!

Laura, who was covered in circles, took it, flipped through a few pages, and blinked immediately!

Last month, Richard not only stipulated that Laura would inherit the title of Earl Crawford after his accident, but also appointed a nobleman, namely Mick.

Duke Mick Edinson III, as guardian to Countess Lara Croft!

Different from guardians in the legal sense!

Guardians of the nobility have been born even longer, since women were allowed to inherit titles of nobility.

At the very beginning, many ordinary people would... how should I put it.

Hook up!

Yes, some ordinary men directly took advantage of the situation by hooking up with noblewomen.

Transform yourself into a nobleman!

As a result, the ancient aristocrats were naturally unhappy, and it was already a big concession for women to be in charge.

Let some muddy legs directly become nobles without any effort, it's like flies getting into the cake.

Tolerable or unbearable!

Thus, the aristocratic guardian system came into being!

The purpose is to put a shackle on those young female nobles who inherit the title lightly!

Without the approval of the noble guardian appointed by the upper class, any marriage will be invalid!

In this way, some mud-legged people are prevented from taking such crooked ways to take positions.

It is even more guaranteed!

Nobility and purity of noble blood!

quite a while!


Laura put down the document signed by the House of Lords and Richard's signature, which was in effect, Laura directly covered her cheek and said so in disbelief!

To put it simply, with this document, as long as Laura is not willing to give up the surname Crawford!

From then on, all of Laura's marriages needed Mick's approval to be effective!

Otherwise, even if Laura ran to Las Vegas with a wild man.

The House of Lords will not recognize the legitimacy of this wedding!

Mick chuckled, and after drinking a glass of foreign wine, he nodded lightly!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Noble guardian!

In the past, this required the consent of the designated person to take effect.

But times are advancing!

Up to now, although most of the privileges of noble guardians have been lost, the last one is still retained!

After all, unlike before, the designated guardian could give the noblewoman under his guardian a nephew or something.

As a result, a nobleman was annexed without bloodshed.

But, that was before, after all, every noble has a real fief and so on.

After the merger, there is no loss at all, at most it is despised by others.

However, until now, the title of nobility is slightly higher, other territories and the like.

Forget it!

As for the Crawford Group, even if Mick wants to merge directly, it remains to be seen whether other investors agree.

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