Coulson opened his mouth, but stopped talking!

After falling on the seat, Mick stroked his clothes and sat down.


"I don't remember when, the earth is your territory?"

Mick said lightly, and with a wave of his right hand, he pushed a bottle of cold beer in front of Sol.

Sol glanced at the golden liquid in the bottle in front of him, and picked up the bottle with his handcuffed hands.

Gudongdong drank a few mouthfuls.

After putting it down, he said, "The golden wine of Xandar."

"Have eyesight!"

Mick nodded, turned his head and took a look. He could only see the inside from the outside, but he couldn't see the one-way glass outside.

After that, he said to Sol, "Sol, let me ask you a question."


Mick asked: "Do you think a god can combine with a mortal?"

"God!" Hill outside couldn't help but patted his forehead.

Coulson looked sideways.

It occurred to him that something else seemed to have happened in New York since he'd been here.

Otherwise, why can he understand every sentence, but why can't he understand it when combined.

Sol glanced at Mick in surprise, although he didn't understand the question, he still said: "Of course not, we have a long lifespan, mortals..."

As he said that, he even sniffed and smiled!

On the timeline of Mick's intervention, Sol experienced traffic jams on the Rainbow Bridge.

Although the inertia made him still hit by Jane's vehicle, to be honest.

Jane and Sol haven't spent ten hours together!

After hearing this sentence, Mick looked at the one-way glass again, and raised his eyebrows at Hill with his arms folded!

It seems to be saying, look, now two to one!


Coulson seemed to have a hundred thousand whys spinning in his mind.

Can't go away for a long time!

quite a while!

Mick looked at Sol and said, "Okay, I'm leaving."

"Wait..." Sol.

Mick stood up and turned to look at Sol.

Under Mick's gaze, Sol bowed his head again without speaking!

Mick smiled and shook his head!

After going out.

Hill couldn't believe it and said, "That's it?"

Mick glanced at Coulson whose eyes turned into question marks, and said lightly, "Let him go."


"Otherwise, what do you want to imprison him? He is a god and a prince of the kingdom of the gods."

Mick said lightly, and walked directly outside. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"that's it?"

"if not?"

Mick glanced at Hill who was catching up, and said lightly: "Do you want me to prepare a welcome banquet for him?"


Mick is also a creator god after all, at least he has to be classy, ​​isn't he?

There's nothing wrong with Thor being Thor!

But at the moment he is a mortal, and he can't let Mick, who is full of firepower enough to destroy the nine star fields of Asgard, condescend to make friends with Thor.

After a face-to-face meeting, being familiar is already Mick's biggest bottom line.

As for the others?

Mick said that S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D., not Mick.

There's no need to hurry up and do things for S.H.I.E.L.D., it's a lot of trouble to investigate the bureau yourself.

There is no time to manage S.H.I.E.L.D.

at this time!

Coulson also came from behind.

"What's wrong? Hill asked!

Coulson said in a daze, "Someone came to visit him."

"..." Hill!

But when Hill turned his gaze to Mick, the latter smiled slightly and said, "Don't look at me, maybe he really has friends on Earth?"


Mick looked not far away, where the hammer was hidden by the heavy curtain!

Also, a god standing next to the hammer, holding the hammer, with an embarrassed expression on his face!


If Loki was born as the illegitimate child of Odin and the Frost Giantess, Mick might choose Loki as the target of Laura's mate selection!

However, Loki was only adopted.

Without Odin's blood flowing through his body, it is destined to be impossible to become Odin's successor!

In addition, growing up in Asgard is also a strange existence to the frost giants in the frost kingdom!

One is that they cannot take over the throne of Odin, and the other is that the Frost Kingdom will not let Loki become their king.

Although Mick appreciates Loki more than Sol, it's a pity.

quite a while!

Coulson looked at Selvig, a doctor of astronomy standing at the bottom of the steps with an absurd expression, frowned and said, "You said his name was Donald Blake?"

"Dr. Donald Blake!" Eric corrected.

Coulson turned his head and glanced at Hill next to him, who shook his head.

"Your colleague is dangerous, Dr. Selvig!"

Selvig shrugged, and said in a helpless tone: "He was distraught when he found out that you took away all our research results, and a part of his life just disappeared..."

With Mick's endorsement, Coulson, who already knew Saul's true identity, dealt with Selvig, who had outstanding acting skills, with a sullen face.

As the ID card named Donald Black appeared in the computer system.

Coulson felt that it was necessary to notify the department in charge of the identity agency, it was too frankly easy to break through.

Looking at the photo of Saul on the screen, it appeared under Donald's name openly!

I just feel that the government staff are simply a bunch of pigs!

A god came to the earth only yesterday, and the ID has already appeared in the system.

What a fool!


After Coulson and Hill whispered a few words, Coulson said to Selvig: "Okay, you can go in."

Coulson felt that it would be better to take advantage of the present if he let Sol go out without reason.

Borrow the donkey down the slope!

And now!

Mick stood upright in front of Loki who looked surprised and puzzled.

Loki looked at the golden gears around him, and looked at Mick warily.

"External gods!"

Upon hearing this title, Mick felt a little helpless.

Since when is the earth considered the territory of Asgard?

It can't be because their mythology first appeared on the earth, so it can't be defined as their territory.

Although Mick wanted to argue with Loki on this issue, he thought that Asgard would eventually be terminated.

I can't even bother to explain it.

No matter who the earth belongs to now.

But in the end!

Everything will belong to Mick!

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