Sol, who was receiving endless thunder and lightning, was furious when he heard this.

Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer in his hand, swung down instantly.

Accompanied by the rolling thunder, Iron Man Tony Stark was instantly submerged in the sea of ​​thunder!

at this time!


Mick appeared between the two in an instant, and waved his right hand lightly.

Thunder disappeared!

The clouds dissipated!

The stars all over the sky appeared in the sky once again!

quite a while!

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Mick looked away from the rough sea.

He turned his head and looked at the two people behind who were cross-eyed.

Thor held Mjolnir in his hand, and looked at Tony Stark opposite him with a rather unkind expression.

As for Tony, he has taken off his steel armor and is discussing with Poz how to repair a quarter of the villa that has disappeared.


Mick put his hands in his pockets, looked curiously at Saul with disheveled blonde hair, and asked, "Are you opposing the marriage itself, or are you opposing your inability to make decisions?"

"Is there a difference?"

Mick smiled and said, "Of course there is a difference. If you oppose the marriage itself, it means that you are far from being the successor in Odin's mind."

"...I can't make the decision if I oppose it?"

Mick snorted and said, "Same!"

"..." Saul!

After a pause, Mick said calmly, "Do you think that this marriage is due to me, Thunder God Kingdom, climbing up to your Nordic God Realm, or the other way around?"

Saul was at a loss for words. Although Saul, who knew the identity of Mick's creator god, was very reluctant to admit it, he still said in a low voice, "It's the opposite."

Mick laughed and didn't continue talking!

As the Kingdom of Creation God, it is naturally higher than other kingdoms of gods.

the most important is!

There are only so many familiar gods, and even more rare ones that can be seen on the outside.

Unless, Laura likes a deity with a strange shape or a unique hobby!

But thinking about it, probably not.


In the next second, Mick directly opened the portal, and Laura, who was still looking up information in the secret room, pulled over when it was already bedtime in London!

Laura, who was dragged over, was still sitting cross-legged on the ground with her face covered.

Blinking her eyes, Laura got up straight from the ground and glared at Mick!

"This is the prince of the Nordic Gods, Thor, the god of thunder!"

"This is my Thunder Kingdom, Laura, the daughter of the underworld."

Laura glanced suspiciously at Sol, whose blond hair was disheveled like a kennel, holding a big hammer, and wearing a red cloak.

He cast his gaze directly at Mick, not understanding what this meant!

"I discussed with Richard and Emilia for a while, and I think it is necessary for you to get along for a while."

"What..." Laura blinked, then thought of something, and said directly to Mick, "I'm only 20 years old!"

Thor, who is already more than a hundred years old, twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing Laura's age.

Mick nodded indifferently, and said: "I know, but don't worry, for the gods, the most important thing is longevity."

For a while, the scene was very embarrassing!

Especially Tony and Potts, they are even more confused about their discussion!

quite a while!

"I want to tell Hill." Laura immediately rolled her eyes, took out her mobile phone, and then glanced at Sol, whose hair was like weeds, and said directly: "It's nonsense, who is this uncle? Are you dreaming of eating tender grass, could it be... I would rather commit suicide."

As he spoke, he put the phone next to his ear, rolled his eyes at Saul, and walked to the side to complain to Hill, who was already on the phone.


Sol, who was directly stunned by Laura, came back to his senses, and shouted at Laura with a flushed face: "How dare you laugh at the son of Odin..."

"Seriously, third-rate actor!"

Tony next to him interrupted Saul, glanced at Laura, who was wearing a sportswear, youthful without limit, and then said very pertinently: "Are you serious? To be honest, at your age, eating young grass is outdated." gone."

"Damn mortal..." Sol directly raised his Mjolnir towards Tony.

Like a blond lion with bloated hair, he roared hugely at Tony!

Feeling the oncoming wind, Tony squinted his eyes involuntarily.

However, there is no timidity at all!

next second!

After hanging up the phone, Laura ran to Mick again, without looking at Saul next to him, and said directly to Mick: "Sill told you to send me back now, otherwise, you begged her One month's posture will be useless."

Mick laughed!

In the next second, the portal was opened and the expressionless Laura was sent back!

Tony and Potts looked at each other, wanting to laugh!

ding ding ding-

Mick took out the cell phone in his arms and looked at the caller ID.

He glanced around at the three people standing in front of him.

It also disappeared in front of them. . . . .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are you crazy? Mick Edinson!"

Hill, who walked out of the portal directly, didn't have a good face at all, and directly yelled at the helpless Mick.

Why did Hill have such a big reaction?

Mick had no clue at all!

Facing the furious Hill, Mick wisely chose not to refute anything.

after an hour!

Hill brushed his messy long hair and glanced at Mick with a smile on his face.

Angry and laughing!

Hill's reaction is not unreasonable, facing Mick's argument that the gods should be combined with the gods.Hill disagreed from the bottom of his heart.

In particular, half a month ago, he and Emilia visited the Mother of the Gods in the Nordic God Realm as the Queen of Heaven and the Queen of the Underworld, and learned of Thor's actual age.

It is even more strongly opposed!

Hill felt that if Laura and Saul were really combined, she could even see what her daughter, Candice, would look like in the future!

Candice was married off by her ruthless and cold father with the same words.

Thinking of the future scene, the husband standing next to Candice is much older than her in terms of age!

Simply shudder!

Thinking of this, Hill couldn't help but close his eyes, not letting himself think about it!

"I'll say it again, Edinson!"

Sitting on the sofa, Hill folded his arms expressionlessly and looked at the smiling Mick who gave an ultimatum and said: "If you plan to meddle in Laura's marriage indiscriminately, I guarantee that in the future, you will be able to do so for a long time." During the time, you can fall asleep with your pillow alone."

After a pause, Hill even laughed sarcastically, swung his arms up and down, and said, "God, Laura is only 20 years old now, do you want her to marry a [-]-year-old old man? And Still a hippie deity, unbelievable!"

Mick opened his mouth, wanting to tell Hill that time is never a problem for the gods!


Under Hill's gaze, he nodded!

"Very good!" Seeing this, Hill smiled, stood up from the sofa and said, "Now, take me back to Washington."

"..." Mick!

the next day!

Mick, who was holding a glass of bourbon, walked from the castle to the outside in high spirits.

Looking at the rising sun, he narrowed his eyes slightly!



"The joint meeting of the Big Three is just today, and you are already half an hour late."


When Mick rushed to the meeting room of the Big Three in the Pearl Building as the former director of the Investigation Bureau.

Magneto King Eric and Professor X Charles are already in place, and the projections of the directors and executive directors of other states also appear in their positions!

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