I found... as long as the number of words reaches 2000, I can spend the rest as I like. Anyway, as long as the number of words does not exceed 400, it is still 6 points, which is great...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally... the third generation planned to let Guanyue Maiyi end the battle directly.

However, after being persuaded by Danzo, he changed his mind.

Konoha can't just have Guanyue Maiyi alone, no matter how strong Guanyue Maiyi is, only one strong person is not enough.

And the war...although it is cruel, I don't know how many people will die, but... this is the best opportunity to produce strong people.

This is Danzo's words.

And the third generation also agreed.


The older generation of ninjas is not so much a war as it is to protect the imp.

This time...it's their training ground...although it's a little cruel.

But... only after experiencing pain, people will grow and become strong.


But now.

Three generations changed their minds.

Whoever loves to sit in this seat of Hokage!I quit!


Guanyue Wuyi was drawing a book as usual.

This time I drew my own.

The third volume of Sailor Uniform Training Book.

Guanyue Wuyi in this book has gone further and further on the road of RBQ, and I still don't even have experience in this area...


Oh, what a pity.

It really seems that I want to do what I like to do openly in the text...

But now... for this book not to be blocked, for my own future, I can only rely on drawing books to fantasize!

What a terrible life.

It's a waste of such good conditions...

When you don’t help the vast number of male compatriots after you transform, won’t the number of single dogs increase?

But this is a serious place after all, and you can't do some unscrupulous things.

Alas... So, I can only draw a book and think about it for myself, damn it!

[If a girl wants to clear a single dog, she can join the group, group number 291773266, the group owner is me, single dog. 】

"That... Lord Moon Watching Dance Clothes."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Looking at the person dressed in Anbe, Guanyue Maiyi paused and said.

In other words, the three-generation old man hasn't done any business with her for a long time.

Now it's business again?

"This is what Hokage-sama asked me to hand over to you."

With that said, the people from Anbu handed Guanyue Maiyi a sealed scroll.

"Yeah... I see. So is there anything else?"

"No... no more."


Guanyue Wuyi nodded and continued to draw the notebook in her hand without saying anything.

On the other side, the Anbu people looked at Yue Wuyi, and walked to the bookshelf where there were already many people.

The bookshelves that originally had only a few scattered books have been filled with various books.

A group of people read the free books here, and after enjoying it, they go to the side to buy a new one. After all... there is only one copy of each kind here, and there are still a lot of people waiting.

I looked at the remaining books on the bookshelf and chose two with good covers.

The people in Anbu looked up.

It's not surprising that other people are on the sidelines.

Isn't it Anbe? What's so strange, Gen has been here before.

After a while, I took two new books, bought some goods, and went to the counter to check out.

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