

Looking at the endless camp, Guanyue Wuyi let out a slight breath: "There is no high ground that looks uncomfortable..."

Earth escape · earth array wall.

A high wall rose, Guanyue Wuyi nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, she jumped onto the wall, looked at the camp of Shikoku ninjas below and smiled with satisfaction.

Is it a sense of superiority to stand on a high ground like this...

That's right, although there are many enemies, but... the advantage is on this side.

Wood Dun·The tree world is coming!


"what happened?"

Hearing the noise from the outside world, Ohnoki frowned slightly, and the next moment, a tree trunk began to grow rapidly, piercing through the tent in an instant and rushing towards everyone.


Onogi let out a cry of surprise and turned around with a punch.

The art of earth escape and rock boxing.

On the side, Ai, who had just become the fourth generation of Raikage not long ago, emitted the light of Lei Dun, and instantly chopped up all the Mu Dun in front of him.

"Hey! Old man!"


Onoki's face was a little gloomy: "Our action is still too late..."

The tent is broken.The traces of the outside were exposed.

At this time, the original camp changed...it became a primeval forest...here...the blood flowed out from the cracks in the trees, it was...the ninjas of Shikoku.

Looking at the figure standing on the earthen wall, Onoki's expression darkened.


"It's amazing... powerful range ninjutsu."

Hatake Sakumo stood in the distance and looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He still has doubts about Guanyue Maiyi going to end the war alone, after all...he didn't return to Konoha at that time.

but now...

With just one move, the enemy army was wiped out. Just look at the blood stains in the tree trunk.

Definitely a lot of people died.

Of course, there are still many alive, after all, there are many enemies.

"Ah...it seems that there is no chance for us to play."

Jilai also nodded at the side and sat down, took out a scroll and took out a stack of books from inside to read.


"Huh? Don't be surprised? I'm the author, and I'm collecting materials!"

Anyway, everyone already knows what kind of personality I have, and Zilai didn't bother to hide it.

Just look at it blatantly!


That's what he did all the time in camp.

I don't know how many times I was beaten by the ninja.

Recently...he was thinking whether he should write again, he felt that the book was bought so fast...

But after thinking about my own style of painting... Sure enough, I should code slowly...

Namikaze Minato smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say and could only focus on the battlefield.


Onoki's face was gloomy, and after a while he said

"Lei Ying, you have a loud voice, please help everyone to retreat and return to their village."

"Huh? Will Konoha take advantage of the situation to kill everyone?"

"Do not..."

Ohnoki paused and said: "There is only one person on the opposite side, no matter how strong we are, we are still alone. Although we did not have time to retreat, but...as long as we persevere, we will be able to buy time to retreat...Let's stop her!"

Fourth Raikage and Fourth Kazekage paused, then nodded silently.

Raikage exhaled slightly, strengthened his voice with Thunder Tunnel, and then began to shout at the highest volume: "Everyone! No matter if it's from that Ninja Village! All retreat! We will stop here, the faster the faster, the faster! Good! The opponent is a monster! We don't know how long we can last!"

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