Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, other people who were familiar with Namikaze Minato also started to give some gifts.

At this time, on the podium outside, the third generation began to give his retirement speech.

Hmm... Konoha's first time.

The first two didn't make it in time.

The third generation is also a little excited in his heart. Although his life has not been very good recently, this is after all Konoha's first retirement speech since its establishment.

In the future, it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

In addition, Konoha reached its peak under his governance...

Well, this actually has little to do with him. A certain person who doesn't understand government affairs at all, and who is aiming at rbq has contributed a lot.

"Next, please, let the new Fourth Hokage speak on stage."

"Oh oh oh oh——"

The villagers of Konoha began to cheer.

Guanyue Wuyi thought about the meaning of these cheers in her mind.

"I'm finally stepping down. It's good to change to the fourth generation. The fourth generation is young and the fourth generation is handsome. The quality of the book this time must be higher than that of the third generation!"

"I want to read the fourth generation's book!!"

Well, let's go back and draw some more notebooks of the fourth generation.Men and women, men and women, group P, Kushina pure love all have to have, maybe two copies.

Although she doesn't care about money now, it still feels great that her book can sell well.

Namikaze Minato, who was about to go on stage, shuddered and felt a strong chill.

The succession ceremony of the Fourth Hokage went smoothly, without any accidents.

In order to take care of Kakashi, Minato also transferred him to Anbu.

Things are going well.

"Congratulations, then, Minato."

After that, Minato, Kushina, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hatake Sakumo, Kanzuki Mai seven together held a celebration banquet for Namikaze Minato as Hokage.

"Hey, Mai, what did you send Minato?"

Kushina asked with some doubts.

"Well, do you know soon after you go back and see? Don't worry, you will be happy."

After Wu Yi casually said something, she continued to eat the barbecue in front of her.

Kushina looked at Guanyue Maiyi, and sighed helplessly after confirming that she really didn't want to say it.

"That... Mai-chan. May I ask you to be merciful in the future?"

Namikaze Minato sat aside and said with a smile.

It was completely unexpected that I could become the Fourth Hokage so quickly.

But...seeing Sandai's pitiful expression, and...he probably guessed something.

It must be because of the book!Absolutely!

If I become Hokage, I won't be drawn as well, right?

I heard that Hokage's books are very popular.

"Oh? What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Kanyue Mai looked at Minakaze Minato with a puzzled expression.


"No, nothing."

Minato felt that if he continued to talk, there would be more in the book.

After inviting a meal, Minato and Kushina went back with a lot of things. Today is still the third generation to go to work, let him rest for the last day.

"Hey, Minato, hurry up and see what Mai gave."

"There's no need to be so anxious..."

"Okay, okay, let's see."

Kushina said and quickly took it apart.

And then... a whole bunch of stuff came out of it.

Chastity belts, love potions, vibrators, bondage devices, oral balls, beads... and a notebook.

The cover is Kushina.

There are also two notes.

One is written "Please read the letter first."

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