This time he was fooled, and almost took the entire organization into it.

Not only that.

His own death is also meaningless.

Trusting others too much.

But... he doesn't know what Nagato's plan is now.

he wants...

Let's have a good chat when Nagato comes back.

"By the way, let me tell Nagato the information here, he should be very happy."

"Ah, it's good to tell him, it will save him nothing to worry about."

Konan nodded and smiled.

The next moment, a large number of pieces of paper flew into the air, gathered together and flew towards the distance.

This information will eventually be passed on to Nagato.

After all...he hasn't been away for long.

"So, Yahiko, what do you want to eat tonight? In order to celebrate your return, I'll cook you dinner myself."

"Well... I... as long as Xiao Nan does it, I can do anything."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The time is up...but before that, find a way to hold Moon Guanwuyi!

Obito said as he pressed his hand to the ground—psychic art!


"Hmm... ah———————————————————————————!"

"Jiushina's cry is really loud."

Lake Biwa looked at Xin Jiuna, who was constantly screaming during childbirth, and said something inconceivable.

"'s okay..."

Minato said with some embarrassment.

He always felt that Xin Jiunai was a little bold.

Including when doing various things at night...

If it weren't for the enchantment at home...

"It's really... unimaginable."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Lake Biwa paused, and it seemed that it would take some time to see Kushina's appearance, so he started chatting with Minato.

"How is it? Are you tired of Hokage's mission?"

"Well, it's alright."

Minato smiled and said, but think about it... the back hurts from being squeezed by Kushina every day, and it's okay to wake up so late.

Seems like it should be an easy job.

Look at places where the third generation uses that crystal ball to watch women's bathhouses all day long, to see if there are any perverts.


Naruto is an easy thing to do...

Well, relatively.

In the future Seventh Generation, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, who is known for his physical strength, even fainted after using the shadow avatar, saying that Naruto's seat is more tiring than fighting the Fourth Ninja World War.

Of course...the probability that Naruto is a ⑨ is almost [-]%.

Because he was probably the first one in seven generations to faint because of government affairs.

As for the aftermath of the Ninja World War?

Sorry, the shadow at that time was Kakashi.

That bastard who said there would be no Chakra.


"It's born, it's a little boy."


"Huh? What sound?"

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