Passers-by - scattered.

Kakashi exhaled and walked in.



Guanyue Wuyi hurriedly got up from the bed, and the tentacles surged on her body to form a dirty women's dress.

There are some defensive barriers on the gate of my house. Although it is not too strong, it cannot be destroyed by ordinary C-level and D-level ninjutsu.

And my own home was destroyed, that is to say...

Konoha was attacked?

He also attacked the village, even his own home was attacked, and the gate was broken down?

Really bad.

Guanyue Wuyi turned her hand downwards and a long knife appeared in her hand, then she rushed out quickly, throwing the person down, and slashed at the person outside the bedroom door with the long knife in her hand, and then suddenly stopped the attack.

"What, it's you."

Seeing Kakashi Kanyue Mai who was pressed under him, he frowned.



Kakashi took a breath, looking at the moon-watching dance clothes on his body, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Really, what the hell are you doing?"

"That's what I should say."

Kanzuki Maii slowly stood up from Kakashi's body.

"Do you know what you are doing? You even broke into other people's homes without authorization. What are you thinking?"

"No, it's not a big deal either."

Kakashi also sat up slowly, and said with his eyes on Mai Kanyue.

"But there are some ninjutsu I want to ask you for advice. I heard that you may still be sleeping, so I will come in and have a look."

Seeing Kakashi's nonchalant expression, Mai Yueki gritted her teeth and said, "Really, you have to remember, I'm a girl, and this is a girl's room. From now on, no matter what the reason is, you can't do it without permission." break in!"

Kakashi was slightly taken aback.


He forgot!

Looking at Moon Mai, Kakashi's face suddenly turned red, but he couldn't see it without the mask.

Speaking of which... Guanyue Wuyi's height, figure, and appearance are all the best.

Thinking about Guanyue Wuyi's own notebook...

Well, it's pretty good in every way.

But why did I subconsciously ignore these before?

Sure enough... because I stayed with her for too long, did I forget...

"Hey! Why do you look at me like that?"

Mai Kanzuki covered her C-ranked chest and looked at Kakashi warily.

Hmm... Although I really want to have one... no... ten big Chinese rounds... ahem.

Be restrained. Be restrained.

Don't think about it anymore, for the future.

"No, nothing."

Kakashi withdrew his gaze, but suddenly wanted to read Kantsuki Mai's own book, and then ~ um, practice it.

But until then, business matters.

"There is a ninjutsu, I want you to guide it, how about it."


Guanyue Wuyi thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

Although she herself doesn't know if she can help, but... isn't Kakashi's strongest move Rachel?

Haven't we already met?

As for the kaleidoscope... that's only good when the wind is passing.

Could it be that some new ninjutsu has been researched?

Guanyue Wuyi expressed curiosity.

"Then... come with me."

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