But now... my chest has reached C-level, and even the speed of my brain has slowed down a lot...

I guess...this means that no matter how big the future is, it will become a seven-second memory...by then, the names I have already forgotten will be forgotten...

It's too scary to think about it.

In this way, Guanyue Wuyi returned to her sex toy store and opened again.

As for getting stronger?

Ahem, haven't I been doing it all the time? →_→




Orochimaru looked at the scenes in front of him, and his snake-like pupils showed satisfaction.

These things can be used in the future... I am one step closer to my goal...

"Hehe, interesting... Sure enough... such a thing is very interesting..."

"Then... let's move on to the next item..."

on his other side.

Has a pair of sharing eyes and supercilious eyes.

These... he hid them from Danzo, and as for the caged bird of the branch... Orochimaru took a month to remove...

Not only that...

Looking at the corpse in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in Orochimaru's pupils.

That's... the body of God Payne! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dirty Reincarnation!

Uchiha Madara's will controlled the seal on a person's hand. The next moment, the sacrifice in front of him began to flip, and after a while, a figure appeared.

That's... the real Madara Uchiha!


Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes, shook hands and said: "What a weak body, why did you call me out? What happened? My will."

"Ah, that's right."

Madara's will nodded and said: "Next... I feel that it is too dangerous in this world to investigate some things and collect power..."

Uchiha Madara thought of the fact that his avatar was dissolved almost instantly by the Otsuki Kappa Pose, and his complexion darkened.

However, he himself was too dark to be seen.

"So, I need to tell you all the information I know, and it will be the same after that. There are some things that you need to think about carefully below."

"Well...I see."

Uchiha Madara nodded, he was sure, the way of speaking in front of him...like himself.

The next moment, a large amount of information poured into Uchiha Madara's brain.

enormous information.

The conspiracy of Uchiha, Hinata, Otsutsuki, and Sage of the Six Paths.

Indra and Asura thing.

"I see..."

After a while, Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough... as his will said... there are so many powerful beings in this world... then... things are very simple.

Defeat them all without a single one left!

The current strongest man Moon Moon Mai, the founder of the Ninja sect, the Sage of the Six Paths, the origin of Chakra Otsuki Kaguya, the grower of Chakra fruit Otsutsuki Taoshi...

All count.

Not one left, all defeated!

Then... make yourself the strongest!

At the same time, we must also think about how to make the world peaceful.

Since the Sage of the Six Paths has also joined in, it means that the Sage of the Six Paths will not work.

To get out of your own way.


Uchiha Madara began to tremble.

In this way...walk out a path that no one has pioneered...defeat everyone and become the strongest...

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