Ming quickly ran over, it was still safe over there.

"Yo! Isn't this Naruto! How is it? Is there a good boy? Did you make Mom angry?"

"No no! No, Naruto is very good at home."

Naruto said quickly.That’s right, he’s very good at home, that’s why he ran out→_→


Minato nodded, but he didn't believe it all. How could he not know what happened to his own child?

The only thing he hopes now is that his next child will behave better.

That's right...

Kushina is pregnant again.

Originally, Kushina received huge damage when the violation was taken out of her body. Although it was cured by Guanyue Wuyi, the reproductive function was almost gone. As a result... I don’t know if Minato is too strong or Jiu Xin Naitai...cough cough.

In short, after five years, a new life is about to appear in the home of the fourth Hokage.

"How does Kushina feel?"

"I'm fine!"

Kushina said with a smile: "But, Minato...can you not have a child? It hurt so much when Naruto was born, it made me want to kill him now."

Naruto shuddered and quickly hid behind Namakaze Minato, "I... I didn't do it on purpose... I don't even have the memory of that time... How can you blame me."

"Hmph! Anyway, it's your fault."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, it's so late, I'll go cook."

"Well, please! Minato."

Minato smiled wryly, really, I want to be Hokage when I go out, and I have to cook when I come back, well... who made Kushina pregnant again, as for what Kushina said about not having children... Hmm...just pretend you didn't hear it.

Night falls.

Kushina looked at Minato with some doubts and said, "What's wrong? You seem a little confused?"

"Huh? Ah...is there? Haha, I didn't even notice..."

"What an idiot, isn't that obvious."


Namikaze Minato sighed and said: "It's about the Uchiha clan. Recently... I feel that there is something wrong with the Uchiha clan, but... the Anbu I sent to investigate didn't find anything wrong at all. Flying Thunder God sneaked in once, but..."

"Isn't it nice to have nothing?"

Namikaze Minato nodded and shook his head.

"Maybe you're right, but... I don't know why, I always feel something is wrong..."

On the other side, Naruto looked at the stars in the sky and smiled slightly, then lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

There are father, mother and... future siblings, Sasuke is also there.

It feels so good...

It's like a dream.

But... there are still some doubts.


swish swish—

Guanyue Wuyi kept drawing notebooks on the paper one by one.

This is probably the last one in the near future.Recently, she has been a little tired from playing, it's time to think about it and go to do other business.

For example... to play Anbu.

To pass the time, after all... there are still seven years before the plot begins...

A long time.

Of course, if she doesn't plan to close the store, she will use the wooden avatar.


Guanyue Wuyi exhaled slightly, um, go to sleep.

The next day, Guanyue Maiyi went to Hokage's office early in the morning.

"It's really strange that you will come to me."

Namikaze Minato said with a look of surprise, no wonder he has been restless recently. At first, he saw something wrong with the Uchiha clan, and thought it was something there, but now it seems...well, he didn’t run away, absolutely It is because of the person in front of me that I feel this way.

Coming to this Hokage office for no reason, Namikaze Minato even wondered if it was the end of the world.

"Don't be so exaggerated."

Guanyue Wuyi took a sip of tea and said, "Didn't I feel a little bored recently, so I want to ask for a place in your Anbu to pass the time."

"Uh... what are you going to do? Bully the kids?"

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