"In this case...the distance should be closer...No...not necessarily, after all...she is a genius."

Although the will has not been cultivated now, but...

Can't relax.

There is a big mountain ahead, and there is an idiot chasing after it...

And... recently, it's been a little restless.

Konoha, which has been quiet for five years, gradually began to appear a little bit of waves.

It is very dangerous if it remains unchanged and stronger.


Rain country.

Located in the gap between the three major countries, it is a country that is constantly raining and crying due to the baptism of war all the year round.

But... Recently, it gradually began to calm down.

The strike between the five major powers gave them a real rest, plus...

The new leader of the country.

The man who killed the demigod and was called a god.

Payne, the Land of King's Lander.

Recently...there was even the possibility of creating a ninja village.

On this day, a man with steamed buns and white hair with the word "oil" on his forehead walked in.

"Is this right here... Nagato and the others did a good job."

Zilai also praised: "Gradually, I have a good complexion."


Guanyue Wuyi felt a lot better after eating, although he ate for several hours, and fell into a coma three times in the middle.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, and the tentacles on his lower body would absorb all the water.

Others can't see anything.

Only when she was seriously injured.

Of course, Guanyue Wuyi seldom speaks, she is afraid that she will not be able to bear the pleasure and cry out.

And... she really seemed to be screaming.


a month...

In the end...how long will it take...

She couldn't bear it anymore.


"There's something... not right."

Naruto muttered to himself.

A month has passed, and Sasuke hasn't come to school yet. It seems that Sasuke is definitely not simply sick.

What the hell... what happened?

And...he could feel that his father, Namikaze Minato, was suffering recently, and the target of his distress was the Uchiha clan.

It seems that something has changed recently.

The most important thing is... the moon watching dance clothes.

Although Naruto Uzumaki feels a little strange about the existence of this person, but...

"Come back quickly, old hag."


Haven't woken up yet!Haven't woken up yet!

Uchiha Itachi's forehead was covered with sweat, and there was a look of horror in his pupils.

It's been a month.

Sasuke has been in a coma for a full month.

Recently, I don't have the mood to go out on missions and report things to Hokage.

The medical ninjas in the clan have been invited one by one.

No matter how high the level is.

Regardless of whether he was not pleasing to the eye before, he has invited him.

But... no.

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