If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of people nearby, I would have lost half of my writing here if I threw a big ball down. I need so much ink there.


Big Maruko?

Four red sun formations.

It takes four shadow-level powerhouses to be able to arrange it.


Four generations and three generations count as two.

Kakashi and Shisui...should be counted as two, right?

Although one was seriously injured and the other lost an eye...but... well, how can I say it should be stronger than Danzo, right?

Danzo...Even if he is a Kage-level powerhouse, he certainly can't reveal it by himself.



Just when Guanyue Mai was about to say something, she saw Namikaze Minato rushing up by herself.

"Hey! Minato, wait a minute, I have something to say."

"Well, similarly, I have something to do, let's talk about it later."

Minato said and rushed to Uchiha Madara, throwing out several kunai in his hands.

"Huh? This guy, what is he planning?"

Uchiha Madara looked around, and then saw Uchiha Shisui with a four-cornered windmill spinning in the only remaining eye.

"I see, do you want to use other gods again, but... you look down on people too much."

wooden escape -

The next moment, all the countless trees on the ground rushed towards Namikaze Minato, and on his side, a light blue chakra rose up, Susanoo, and then took shape in an instant.

The bone-shaped Susanoo is relatively fragile, but now, Susanoo has——


Uchiha Madara was taken aback, Susano almost disappeared!

No, it should be said that he was transferred by Flying Thunder God.

"Don't underestimate people, kid."

Uchiha Madara's face was gloomy, don't turn your head away from Uchiha Shisui's side, and at the same time, remember the location of the surrounding Flying Thunder God in an instant and a chakra ball appeared in his hand.

Spiral pill!

"It's quite an interesting ninjutsu, but it doesn't need anything else, it's good to use as a fist for close combat!"


The next moment, the spiral pill in his hand was like a fist and hit Namikaze Minato who suddenly appeared not far away.

"Who are you from last time?"

Namikaze Shuimen said with a slightly chilly face.

Last time it was this guy.. saw through the operation of his Flying Thunder God, so...


Madara Uchiha's face was slightly startled, the spiral pill in his hand pierced through the person in front of him, but...the next moment it disappeared with a bang, it was a shadow clone!

The next moment, Minato Namikaze appeared again!

Appeared in a blind spot behind Uchiha Madara, and now Uchiha Madara has no time to react!

"go to hell!"

The corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth curled up into a smile, and the next moment, his other hand was facing Namikaze Minato with a backhand, and there was a spiral pill.

"So... very good ninjutsu."

The fist needs to be charged up to be able to swing it, but... Heliwan doesn't need it!



The next moment, Namikaze Minato once again turned into smoke and disappeared, still a shadow clone.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara went down, an arm stretched out and grabbed Uchiha Madara's foot forcefully.

"I'm not... only that trick."

Flying Thor!

The next moment, Namikaze Minato disappeared together with Uchiha Madara, and when he reappeared, it was in front of Uchiha Shisui.

The eyes of Uchiha Fugaku's body were right on Uchiha Shisui!

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