Everyone was immersed in the lustful power of Guanyue Wuyi and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Then take the graduation exam today."

Namikaze Minato watched the situation in the classroom with the crystal ball borrowed from Sandai in Hokage's office, Hiraishen was ready.

Everyone in the class reluctantly cheered up and waited for Guanyue Wuyi's speech.

"Male students, please go to the front and take out your big "beep!" "Female students, please go to the back and take off your pants to reveal your little "holes". Then it's done and you can graduate."

"Hey! Be serious! It's obviously a once-in-a-lifetime graduation exam, please don't make trouble, teacher!"

"Don't worry, as long as you fail, it won't be once in a lifetime, and you can continue to experience it. In addition, Naruto, as the price for contradicting me, you failed the exam this time. You can retake the exam next year."

"Hey! No way!"

My clone technique is quite proficient now!

Even though I know how to do avatars, I learned the technique of avatars on purpose just to graduate smoothly!Although it is said that Orochimaru did not actually defect and Mizuki had no control over this side at all, but I don't want to be troublesome!Why can't I graduate successfully!

bang bang-

Hearing the knock on the door, Guanyue Wuyi paused and said, "Okay, I'll give you some time to think about it, and continue the assessment later."

After a while, after Guanyue Wuyi went out, she really wanted to say something to someone, and after a while, she walked in slowly.

"Well, it's boring, I won't play with you anymore, so now start the graduation assessment again."

The Xiaoqiangs in the class breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wei Wei, what you said just now was not to tease us, but to tease us!"

"Tucao is dead."

Mai Kanyue looked at the content of the so-called graduation exam in her hand blankly as she spoke...well, Minato Namikaze sent it over in person.

It is said that in the past two days, he deliberately finished all the work desperately for fear that something would happen today.

"It's really troublesome..."

Shikamaru sighed helplessly.

"Trouble face, tomorrow please bring a thousand kunai with the word [trouble] engraved on them to me. Otherwise, you can just wait for it to go back into the furnace, and it will definitely not be troublesome."


Shikamaru didn't speak.


"I feel it...but it's a little bit close..."

There was a look of doubt in the man's pupils.

"Should I study Flying Thunder God...but...things are getting interesting."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm so tired..."

After the graduation exam, Naruto felt as if he was burned out.

Compared with this exam, Mr. Iruka's exam in the previous life was simply too simple.

Well, not that it's that hard.

But... it's so weird.

Except for the transformation at the beginning, Naruto felt like he was being tricked.

But there is no way...

"Damn...that guy..."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, everything in the past three years is the dark history of his life.

"Kill her! Absolutely kill her!"

"Well, Sasuke, don't be angry, aren't we all like this..."

Naruto said with a wry smile.

"it's a pity..."

Guanyue Wuyi looked at the few people in the class who were paralyzed on their seats, and said with some regret in her tone: "It's already like this, I didn't expect you to be able to pass it all, teacher, I am very sad, obviously, I hope someone You can go to the next session with me and continue to play."

Hey, you still have to continue——Minato Minato, who is watching the situation here in Hokage's office.

"Then teacher, why don't you just go back and play by yourself soon?"

Naruto!Why are you talking so much, you can't be honest at all——Namifeng Minato.

"Well. I can't help it. I mainly want to play with Hokage's son. Now that you have graduated, I won't play."

Naruto was stared at maliciously by everyone in the class...

"Then, in order to celebrate your official graduation, these are your presents. Then whoever hears the name, come and get the things. First of all, you, Huangmao."

"Hey! Enough!"

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