And white eyes...

So did the fat man in front of him.In this way, I can test myself... how strong I am right now.


Yuwashi Hongdou rushed to the ground and got up, rubbing her hairy arms, and chest...

Probably broke two ribs...

I don't know the specifics...

"The exam is temporarily suspended! Everyone back off!!"


Gaara and Temari Kankuro were carried away...

Looking at Naruto beside him, Gaara frowned.

What exactly does that mean?

"here we go again..."

Namikaze Minato sighed helplessly in Hokage's office.

Really, why did my term of office be so full of disasters... Really, I don't want to be... so tired...

" again..."

Sakura smiled with a playful expression on her face.

I thought I was strong enough, but...

It was another battle that far exceeded my cognitive dimension, but...

This can be regarded as giving myself a direction to move forward!

Well, stay away and take a good look at the battle situation.

At this moment, Sakura, who was retreating with the other candidates, gave a small pause and almost lost her footing.

In the lower body, there was a vibration.

"This bad..."


"Ring ring ring——————!"


Guanyue Wuyi woke up and turned off the alarm clock, and turned on Sakura's jumping egg beside her.

"Now the second exam has already started...Fortunately, the alarm clock was set, otherwise the good show would have been missed."

The first thing you do when you wake up is to open the vibrating egg.

As for the danger...

Will Naruto and Sasuke be together soon? Can there be any danger?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guanyue Wuyi was silent.

Kanyue Mai was dressed in the shape of Commander Ikari, sitting in front of the table, watching the death forest Kakashi + Kai VS Otsutsuki peach style + Otsutsuki gold style scene in front of him, with a drop of cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Why does the big tube wooden peach pose appear now! ! !

I obviously did nothing!

The butterfly effect is enough!

I have obviously been here for several years!Why is this so!

By the way, Naruto and Sasuke are also not normal, one is reborn, and the other is a dream of the past.


Well, they must have done something, so... take the blame.

Wu Yi said, I don't take the blame for it.

So the next step is to go to the theater.

Anyway, the Death Forest also has its own Flying Thunder God, and you can go there anytime you want.


Well, it's time to study Kakashi's moves.

The kid said that he wanted to snatch him away.I can't just wait to be raped without daring to do anything, can I?

Ah...Although I should really like this feeling.

Cough cough--

Off topic.

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