"what happened?"

"No... nothing.. just..."

She felt Naruto's Chakra... That is to say... Naruto ran back when others were exhausted...


Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, seven days had passed since Naruto's incident.

After Kanzuki Mai sent a message, Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi also came back and breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Nagato's eyes were fitted with normal eyes.

After Guanyue Maiyi used her own medical ninjutsu, she reluctantly accepted it, but it took a little time to get used to it.


Jilai also began to talk about what he has been doing these years...

After getting Nagato's information from Guanyue Mai, Jilai also went to find out about Nagato's thoughts.

Of course...he definitely disapproves, Yahiko reserves his opinion, he doesn't know what to do for a while...but it's right to find a way to become stronger.

So, apart from meeting Konoha once in a while, Jiraiya spent a lot of time by Nagato's side. One, he wanted to change his mind.

The other one is because Jirai also felt it.

The danger of that masked man with soil.


Well, I finally got my chance to play, but it would have been over if Guanyue Wuyi hadn't saved the scene, but...

"What are you doing here with me?"

Guanyue Wuyi looked helplessly at these people in her room.

Three generations, four generations, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Yahiko, Nagato, Konan...

So many people...what are they doing?

To rebel!

"Cough! Well... I have something to discuss with you."

"Huh? What's the matter? I'm very busy. How can I have so much time?"

Yes yes yes, you are busy, you are very busy.

"Well, after this incident, we probably all know that Konoha is not absolutely safe, and it can even be said to be very dangerous. The masked man will come over at some point and can be easily taken away. Naruto, this time, he was just not prepared enough. Next time, there will be the real Uchiha Madara, plus some other possible preparations... plus he also got a situation of Nagato It's not good, the possibility of Naruto coming back by himself is very low!"

"so what?"

Guanyue Wuyi said with some doubts, in fact, she almost understood what these people's plans were, but...

That doesn't mean I agree!

"So... well, I hope you can take Naruto to leave Konoha temporarily, avoid the current limelight, and come back when Naruto becomes stronger. After all... you can be without fear of Uchiha You are the only one who can detect the approach of the masked man by using the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"Hmm...Is that so...I'm thinking about it."



The space began to shatter, and an arm stretched out from the shattered space, followed by the whole body. After a while, a man completely came over from the other side of the space.

"Phew—it finally succeeded. It seems that this side should be the destination. The chakra is almost exhausted... Really."

The man sat on the ground for a while, feeling that his physical strength recovered a little and he slowly stood up.

"Well... first go to the nearby places to see... in which direction Konoha is, it took half a year, and it finally succeeded. You can't return without success... he/they engraved We are all waiting..."


"Well, it's not impossible to agree, Ziraiya, go, call Tsunade back and give something to Sakura, after all, I can't pay for nothing."

"Uh...I'll do my best."

"It's not about doing your best, it's about having to. If you really can't do it, you'll be knocked out and brought back, and then I'll give you a dozen love potions."



Dirty reincarnation——

Seeing Uchiha Madara appearing in front of him again, Obito who had already put on a reincarnation eye looked slightly cold, although he secretly did some tricks on his body but...

I really don't want to summon him...

But it can't be done without summoning, relying on him alone, even Nine Tails may not be able to win, let alone having that even more powerful moon-watching dance suit at the side.

Whether it's for his own plan or Uchiha Madara's plan...everything is indispensable.

As for one tail....

Sorry, it's too weak, isn't it possible to grab it as you want?Then why rush?Just put it there first, and pick it up when you need it.

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