Ah...It's a pity, if such a person is controlled...I guess...By the way, he will be rbq...

Obviously a good woman...

"Loess! Didn't you hear what I was saying?"

"Ah? Ah! I'm going to refuse the alliance request!"

"Wait! Who said you're going to refuse."

"Huh? But [he] controlled the existence of Mizukage, unknown identity or..."

"But their purpose is also Konoha! This is enough!"

Ohnoki rubbed his waist and stood up and said: "Konoha is too strong... so strong and scary. Kanzuki Mai, Fourth Hokage, Third Hokage who is still alive, Leitun Sharingan Kakashi, Canglan Beast Kai, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade... Do the math, how many strong are there? Our five major countries...no...the four major countries add up to more than Konoha Well? This is still the past, but the current generation, Naruto Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha, each of these two people has shown a future that is not inferior to Mai Kanyue, that is to say... the future Konoha will become even stronger. It is very likely... that she will not be able to stand up for a hundred years."

Three generations of Tsuchikage gritted his teeth and said: "A hundred years...longer than the emergence of the Ninja Village system until now. A large number of tasks and resources have all been plundered by Konoha, and Konoha's command is getting stronger and stronger! This is absolutely not possible. !So we must unite all forces...no matter what the purpose is...for Iwagakure, Konoha must be weakened, no matter...no matter how much we lose..."

"But..." Aren't we fine now?More than ten years of peace, although he knows that the higher-ups are accumulating power, but...the children themselves have only seen...different troubles in the children of this generation.

Before...worrying about how to live, but now...what they worry about is...how to realize their dreams...


But...he didn't say it.

"Yes, I understand."

The war is bound to start, because...except for the children who have not grown up in this generation...the hatred...is there, and it has never dissipated.


The new book will be released tomorrow! Chapter 14 at 12:1 noon on the 24th, and Chapter 2 will be updated every day at [-]:[-] am, that's it! ! !

The title of the new book is "Knight Girls Will Not Counseling".

Must see! ! !please! ! !

[It was originally called "Knight Girl Game in Another World", but a brain hole competition suddenly appeared... What if... I'm on the list?With this in mind... I decided to reopen the book.The name was changed to "Knight Girls Will Not Counseling" and that's it. 】

"Knight Girls Will Not Counseling" Chapter 14 at 15:0 noon on the [-]th, and two chapters at [-]:[-] on the [-]th!Must see!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[The new book is ready to be released! !Ask for collection!Go click! ! 】

[The title of the book "Knight Girls Can't Counseling" starts with a chapter today, and then starts from the early morning of the 15th for a chapter of 1000 every morning, and a chapter of 12 at 1000 noon, that's it!Then... collect them all!

In addition... eight or nine big guys have opened new books... I panicked to death...

(Also... Please keep your favorites on Monday... Why are you publishing books at this time? Needless to say, of course it is to catch the mysterious power of the weekly favorites list!)]

"Hey! Obito."

"Ah... I feel it."

Obito Uchiha frowned.

"Then what? Escape?"

Uchiha Madara said with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"No! Head on!"

Uchiha Obito exhaled and said: "You...should be able to move in the stopped time, right? That is to say..."

"Ah... there is no reason to lose."

"It's the same for me, your opponent is Moon Moon Mai, and I... will deal with Kyuubi and catch him directly!"

"Oh... it's coming!"

Different from the last time, this time, Guanyue Mai and Namikaze Naruto did not hide their chakra in order to find the location of the two, so... as soon as they arrived at Kirigakure, they found the location of the target. Similarly, on the opposite side The two of them also discovered the two of them in an instant.

"Luck...you can say it's not bad...but I just came here to try, but I found out so quickly..."

"Ah, yeah, so..."

This time I'm going to beat you up and bring you back! --Naruto.

Kill them all. —Dancing clothes.

"Then let's go."




On a small island in the land of water, Moon Mai and Naruto came with a loud voice, barely concealing their presence.


Looking at the two people in front of her, the corner of Guanyue Wuyi's mouth curled into a slight smile.

Uchiha Madara... Moon-watching dance clothes.

"Hey! Old witch, I'll deal with that Madara, how about you just deal with the masked man?"

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